BY: Hannah

Captain Jack Sparrow was lounging lazily in a deep armchair by the fire in his cabin.  The stormy waters that rocked the anchored Pearl only served to add to his sleepy thoughts.  It was clear that this was not the only thing to blame however, as the empty bottle of rum in his right hand dropped to the wooden floor with a clunk and rolled under the large, red-draped four poster bed.  He began to snore gently, smirking and mumbling in his sleep.  Despite the lashing rain outside, he didn’t notice when Will returned, slowly creaking open the cabin door, and closing it softly behind him.  He certainly didn’t notice, therefore, the small black bundle in his lover’s arms as he crept silently over to him by the fire.

‘Psst!’ Will hissed, holding the little black ball in front of Jack’s nose.

Jack twitched, slapping at something that wasn’t there.

‘Rum….Don’ tickle me there William!’ He grumbled before settling back into sleep again.

Will smiled, even when asleep Jack’s hand-gestures were elaborate, almost as though meticulously planned to look carefree. Then a grin crossed his rain-soaked face.

‘JACK!!!!!!’ He shrieked expecting his Captain to leap about ten feet in the air. But again he just mumbled something incoherent and went back to his snoring.

The bundle in Will’s cold hands struggled a little, and two big golden disks opened wide, making a little face come to life.

‘Mew?’ It said. Looking at Jack, slightly puzzled.

‘GAH!’ Yelped Jack, opening his eyes to find two huge kitten eyes staring back at him.

‘Mew.’ It said determinedly and leapt out of Will’s hands and into Jack’s lap where it began to purr and pudsey it’s paws into his lap.

‘GAH!’ yelped Jack again and fell backwards out of the armchair, knocking it over and laying sprawled on the cabin floor with his legs in the air.

Will giggled as the kitten climbed back onto Jack’s chest to look him in the eye.

‘I think he likes you.’

Jack sat up, glaring, slightly cross eyed at the small black kitten before brushing it off him and onto the floor. Then his pout turned to Will.

‘What in the blazes whelp?’

‘I found him outside.’ Will said innocently, looking at the ceiling. ‘It was stormy and he was all alone and wet and cold and shivering and crying and…’

‘Jumpin' jellyfish!’ Jack interrupted getting to his feet. ‘An’ wha’ ever possessed ye’ to be bringin’ it back ‘ere luv?’

Will pouted, something he knew Jack could never resist. ‘Not an it Jack. He. And besides, he’s cute.’

‘Cute?!’ Jack hissed. ‘By me’ rum lad, we be pirates, we don’ do cute!’

‘Mew?’ The small black ball of fluff was sitting on one of Jack’s feet looking up at him. He sneered at it and it began to purr again.

Will giggled again as Jack rolled his eyes in disgust.

‘Look luv’ He slurred, lazily swinging an arm around Will’s shoulders and shrugging the black bundle off his foot.  It gave a muffled ‘mewfflp’ as it rolled across the floor but Jack ignored it and looked into Will’s face with his dark, kohl lined eyes. ‘Pirates don’ ‘ave cute fluffy pets like kittens, we be ‘aving pets like parrots an’ vicious snarlin’ dogs with…with rabies an’ things!’ Jack did a snarling dog impression which was slightly spoilt by his eyes being slightly out of focus, the occasional ‘mew?’ sound that was coming from the floor and his unsteady stagger back to his chair which he straightened up with his usual intricate, over-blown hand and arm gestures.

Will followed happily, determined to get his way.  As soon as Jack flopped back into the chair Will nestled onto his lap, his arms around his neck as he gently nibbled Jack’s ear.

‘Now I know you’re a big tough pirate Jack Sparrow…’ Jack glared at him. ‘Sorry, Captain Jack Sparrow, but to be honest I really can’t see you throwing this poor little mite out into the cold again.’

Jack grumbled quietly as Will traced the curve of his jaw with the tip of his tongue.

‘Besides…’ Will grinned, looking sexily into Jack’s dark eyes. ‘I’ll make it worth your while.’

Jack growled, grabbing his hat off the floor beside him and ramming it down on his head, covering his eyes so he couldn’t be tempted by Will’s covertly teasing smile. This wasn’t right, he was supposed to bribe Will into doing what he wanted with what he often told himself in front of the mirror in the morning his ‘sexy pirate attitude’.  He had to admit though; a dominant Will Turner was not something he’d say ‘no’ to.

Will nuzzled closer to his Captain, gently kissing his neck, occasionally teasing with the tip of his tongue.

Jack growled again, crossing his arms stubbornly. ‘It’s no good luv.’ He grunted from under his hat. ‘I will not be ‘avin’ a little wuss on me’ Pearl. I wouldn’ wan’ the little mite te’ be gettn’ hurt now would I?’

Will snickered. ‘Ah ha! You do care!’

Jack opened his mouth to speak, but then shut it again contenting himself with another disgruntled grumble.

Will sat back in Jack’s arms.  He was just beginning to contemplate a plot to persuade Jack that the kitty should stay when his Captain’s hat fell forward slightly.

‘Mew?’ Asked the small fat ball of fluff as it peered at Jack over the brim of his hat.

‘GAH!’ cried Jack again, before glaring back at it. ‘Get outta me’ hat yer little, bloody pest.’

‘Mew.’ It said again and nestled stubbornly into the hat’s wide brim, closing it’s eyes and beginning to purr once more.

Will grinned.

‘Aw so cute!!!’ He chuckled.

Jack sighed. He could tell when he was beaten.

‘Fine, Yer can keep it Will.  But it be your responsibility, savvy? I don’ wan’ nothin’ to do with it.’

‘Right.’ Will nodded in mock seriousness, then removed himself from his lover’s lap. ‘In that case I’m going to get the rest of the crew to see it.’

‘No William, wait!’ The Captain exclaimed, but Will was already out the door.

Jack sighed, settling back into his chair again and slowly removing his hat, placing it neatly on his lap to examine the kitten.

‘I guess yer kinda’ cute.’ He muttered before a small smile crossed his face. ‘But don’ ye’ be tellin’ yer Uncle Will I said that and I promise te’ look after ye’. So do we have an accord little mate?’

The kitten stirred.

‘Mew.’ It said.

Jack giggled at the sheer cuteness of it all and then cursed in case Will had been sneakily listening through the cabin door.

‘Pirates aren’ supposed to giggle.’ He explained to the confused looking kitten. 

It began to bat playfully at his fingers, then suddenly it leapt off his lap and sprung onto his bed.

‘Oi!’ Jack yelled, only half serious. ‘That’ be my bed, ye’ little flea bag, now ‘oppit!’

He approached the bed with his usual swagger, gesturing for the kitten to get off.

It curled up in the middle, watching him and purring defiantly.

‘Now, none of ye’ cute purrin’ business.’ Jack muttered unsure if he’d be able to resist the cuteness again. ‘Shove off… to speak.’

The kitten gave a small yawn revealing a little pink tongue, before closing its eyes and tucking its head under one paw.

‘Aw.’ Said Jack clasping his hands delightedly. Then ‘GAH!’ when he realised he’d said ‘aw’ and clasped his hands delightedly. ‘That Turner is gonna’ be the end o’ me.’ He muttered, mainly to himself.

When Will returned with the crew sometime later, Jack was snuggled in bed with the black kitten curled up on his chest, one of the pirate’s hands resting on its back.  Will smirked, gesturing to Jack and the kitten in bed as the crew burst into raucous laughter.

God help William Turner when Jack Sparrow woke up the next morning.


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