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![]() And welcometo our archive. We are the writersof the Piratesof the Caribbean List. These stories are archived by Author. If you find any broken links, pleasefeel free to email the archivist and let her know. ALSO,PLEASE DO NOT ARCHIVEANY OF THESE STORIES WITHOUT THE AUTHORS EXPRESS CONSENT. THANKS! AimSaru
StrongHold - J/W; NC-17; Takes place during the movie, the day before Jack and Elizabeth get marooned on the island. Akiko Tortuga? - J/W; PG; Porr Will, Good things Jack's there Yes! Yes! Yes! - J/W...maybe some hints of J/N; PG Alicia Graybill ...And They Made me their Chief - J/B; G; So what was the line of bull that Jack was feeding Murtogg and Mullroy? Blissfully Happy, or Touched by a Pirate - Jack/Will, Jack/Norrington, Will/Elizabeth,Elizabeth/Norrington (suggested); PG ; Jack said they were "blissfully happy" in "Piracy Itself" but he doesn't always know what he's talking about, does he? So, how are 'Lizabeff and William these days? And what is Norrie up to now that he's back in Port Royal? Commodore Norrington Operating Instructions - PG; So you've purchased a Commodore Norrington. Discovery - Ficlet; Jack/Bootstrap, Jack/Will; PG; Will makes an important discovery about pirate life and the lives of Jack and Bootstrap in particular. In the Hands of a Pirate - Jack/Norrington; NC-17; Why would any man turn pirate? Commodore Norrington finds out. Piracy Itself: In the Hands of a Pirate 2 - Jack/Norrington, hints of Jack/Will; R with some NC-17 parts; When duty calls, Commodore Norrington responds but the journey takes him a lot farther than he originally anticipated ![]() Marks - Ficlet; Jack/Will; PG-13, R-ish; Jack finally persuades Will to get a tattoo. Sparrow's Flight - Jack/William aka Bootstrap Bill; PG-13; William Turner meets and rescues a cabin-boy by the name of Jack Sparrow Sparrow's Delight, or Why isn't the Rum Gone - J/W; NC-17; Steamy beastly man-love. Once again on a beach—am I in a rut? First time. Mutualseduction. Summary: What if Jack was trapped on the island with Will instead of Elizabeth? Surrender - J/W; NC-17; A few years after Will joins Jack's crew, Will confronts Jack about his wicked ways. ![]() Untitled - J/W; PG;Justa ficlet; Will should never let Jack take him out drinking. It leads to all sorts of 'complications.' And Will is most definitely NOT a eunuch. Welcome to the Caribbean,Love - R; Celebrating an anniversary in paradise--what more can you want? White Night - J/W to some extent; PG-13; Will’s POV, first person. Unbetaed so let me know if anything rings false with Will’s voice. The title comes from the French "passer une nuit blanche" meaning a night without sleep. Ally Soulmates - J/W; G; An AU where Jack didn't take a piece of gold. Untitled - J/W; G Anon Lurker Torn Apart - J/W AvaloneEleven Burden of Truth - J/W; PG-13 BarbG Any Port Rum Sodomy and the Lash Stake Out Black Death The Storm Inside Blue Buick ![]() High Tea- J/W; NC-17; Tea for two and two for...hot monkey sex! Bow chicka wow wow. ![]() hands...eventually. Follow up to All Other Loves Brancher The Ballad of Jack Sparrow - J/W/E; He'd give that treasure back if he could. Briony All Things Bright and Beautiful - Pre-slash; PG-13; An adventure for Captain Jack, some 5 years pre-POTC. Some anachronisms but hell, the movie was full of them, nothing too serious. Oh, and thank you to my godparents for my wonderful Anglican upbringing.This is for everyone seeing as it's closing in on Halloween. This Ragged Wound - J/N; NC-17; Sequel to BlueBird Fear and Loathingin Port Royal Bluebird- J/N; PWP; NC-17; This is entirelyinspired by the now-infamous b/w shot of JD in last week's EW.....pull 'em down a little more, Johnny-boy! Another encounter in another port, Norrington's crew being naughty and rum for breakfast! Carole ![]() Chesire Zatlatzonco - Jack/Will/Elizabeth; R; After their adventure with the pirate captain Jack Sparrow, Will and Elizabeth ready themselves to settle back down to their lives from before, except with the knowledge that they can finally show their feelings for each other to the world. They should be happy, but find that something is missing. _Jack_ and the excitement--the freedom--he brought with him are missing. But who can hope to capture a pirate's heart, let alone have one care for them? Cleo Calliope Introduction to Reality Colimbina Certainly Unexpected Creed Cascade and Echo's Revenge ![]() Danyella Skyler Silverfire ![]() ![]() ![]() Dark Dancer Hands Impossibilities Dhavara Sin and the Sea Drachengreif Things Long Since Past- Jack/Bootstrap; PG; In the face of the future the past demands recognition. Dragon Angel Untitled Dragon Girl The Open Ocean Earen A Storm at Sea Any Port in a Storm - J/W; NC-17; A night. A storm. Two drunken pirates and an Inn. Eleclya Of Captain and Kings - Jack/Aragorn; NC-17; Jack and his crew find themselves in middle earth. What happens when the pirate captain has to meet the king of Gondor? ElizabethGreenLeaf A Change in Course - JS/WT, WT/ES (friendship, post-failed relationship); Post PotC, Jack/Will. Life for Will, and even Elizabeth will never be the same as for the first time they each take their lives into their own hands and Will comes to terms with who he is and who he loves Elizabeth Lac1 The Tresure of Afreet Elske Abandonded Ship - N/G; PG; Written for a challenge made by Jehan'sMuse on the Norrington Defense League Yahoogroup. Believethe Very Best- N/G, PG-13; ![]() I Will Not Watch the Ocean - Bootstrap Bill/Jack, Bootstrap Bill/his wife, others implied; PG; One More Night Minor Fall- N/G; PG Sans Me Parler - N/G EmilySueMorris Breaking the Ocean - B/S (I); PG-13; Just some Jack/Barbosa Reminiscing Erica ![]() Fajrdrako Freedom - Jack/Will, reference to Jack/Anamaria;PG; Anamaria and Will discuss Jack On theHorizon The WeddingGifts Firesignwriter Shorn- J/Groves; NC-17; Norrington wants Jack "unrecognizable"; Groves carries out his orders. And lo, there is nookie. Flameboi A Pirate's Musings, or, Why God Made Rum - Jack/Bootstrap; Jack musing. First person Jack Sparrow P.O.V. Right, first person, shoot me now. Anyhow, who's he talking to? That's up to the reader to decide: it could be Elizabeth, a crew member, some stranger on some drunken evening, even The Black Pearl as he stands behind her wheel looking into the horizon. Wither Ere Chance Winds May Lead Me - Jack/OMC; NC-17; An AU set three years after the end of the movie, with vignette flashbacks to a year and a half after the end of the movie and moving forward in time from there. Garnet First Drink - J/B (sorta, wishfulthinkingwise); PG; These two guys meet in a bar, see Fortune's Favor - J/N; PG; Deathfic Fulfillment - J/B; NC-17; Barbossa gets his revenge, maroons Jack, and finds fulfillment is not all he had hoped it would be. SERIES: Follows "First Drink" and "What a Man Can Have" What a Man Can Have - J/B; PG; On one small thing may the future and a man's fortunes sometimes depend. SERIES: Takes place after "First Drink" GundamNymph Foreveris an Eternity Hannah Mew - PG-13 - R; Afriend of mine and I were wondering what it would be like if Will brought a stray kitten back to the Pearl. Helkh A Pirate'sNeeds - PG-13; Humor; Jack and Elizabeth bicker on the deck of the Black Pearl. Will's fate rests in the.. hands.. of Jack. Is he to be trusted, or tied to a stake and force-fed stickyweed until he dies? HMC The Cutlass - PG-13; Jack's past has a way of popping up at the most inopportune moments. Jackie Impulsive Jay Kayelle ![]() ![]() Jemisard Call the Night - J/W; PG; How the sea in you blood can let you hear the whispers of her beloved child. Jess One way or Another - PG Jeroen Richards Captain's Quarters - J/W; NC-17; Sunburn and sea legs. Ahead be slash. Kamaria Sands The Lies the Hope Brings Of Words and Wishes - R Kanzeyori ![]() Binding Leaving Cast - J/W/E; Not explicit; Character Deaths; Captain's log, May the 18th, 1790 - pirates Jack Sparrow and William Turner were hanged yesterday, at noon. ![]() Kayla ![]() Playingfor Keeps Kleio Pain in the Arse - J/W; R; Set during the film, that night they (must have) spent in Tortuga. Includes some nasty men wanting to cause a certain blacksmith pain, the very same blacksmith being a pain, and finally a well-known pirate captain teaching him something about pain. Laney Dirty Thoughts - J/W; R; Jack causes Will a bit of pain and a lot of anticipation Leila A Contestof Wills Linalia Of Rum and Other Matters - J/W; R Loui Changing Paths - J/W; So… does Will stay and get married to Elizabeth? Um… no. Crew Know Best- J/W; PG Morningat Sea- J/W; PG would be pushing it; Just a little snippetabout a morningat sea A canon character has been killed off. ![]() What you see... - J/W; PG; The genesis of a relationship. NB, I kill off a canon character too. Luisa Lane ![]() The Mad FanGirl And Taxes Taxes, Part 2 - Past Life Hangover; PG; W/J; E/N Taxes, Part 3 - Repression, Obsession, and Past Life Regression; W/J; NC-17 Fate and The Lady SomeoneHad to Say It - PG-13; humor Yo ho ho - J/W, J/Rum; NC-17 Maheruu Beach Red- J/W; PG-13; Will's first raid as a pirate leaves some lingeringdoubt in his mind. Jack and his rum comes to show him that his feelings aren't that unusal. Gonna Get Us Killed If I Should Die Before I Wake Truth isn't Always Appearance - J/W; PG; "Truth isn't always appearance. I know that now." WakefulDreams - W/J; Slash; sequel to Reasons, The North Wind, and Truth Isn't AlwaysAppearance - "Do you have a dream, Will?" Reasons - W/J; G; "They say there's a reason for everything. Maybe one day, I'll find mine." Mahie/EvenStar Ironic - J/W; PG; Jack is sad because he thinks Will will never love him back and Will is sad because of the same reason. What is going to happen? Tell Me Your Dreams - J/W; NC-17; Jack wants his Pearl away from Barbossa and the mutineers' hands. He finds a crew in Tortuga to go after the ship and a certain blacksmith asks to go along. But things don't turn so easy for them. Marquesate Bittersweet - J/N; R; Character deaths (in a way). I hope this will leave readers with a melancholy smile in the end. Sometimes finality is as sweet as Continental dark bitter chocolate. A Bout of Flu - Jack/Norringtonand implied Norrington/Groves; PG-13 I guess; This fic is another short standalone in the series, written in the'Dead Men Have No Names' universe. The little ficlet here was written for our dear Webcrowmancer when she had a nasty cold. I call it a piece of F-F (Funny-Fluff) ;-) It is about 11 years after the end of the novel-to-be, which would be something like 12 years or so after the end of the film. Meg the Otter ![]() Mehie Stranded - J/W; NC-17; Will joins Jack's crew and they both end up stranded on an island. Guess what's going to happen. *wink* Melusina A Sure Cure for Drowning - J/W/E, NC-17; Jack has a trick that will keep Will from drowning. This is an interlude based on a longer J/W/E story that is still in progress - think of it as a preview of coming attractions MissFortune Fine Turner Blood - G; Elizabeth pushed Will off the wall to follow Jack and now years later thetwo pirates return from years at sea to find what has become of Elizabeth. \ Hold Me Tight - G; J/W; Will thinks about his new life out at sea. SwordsCrossedon Sunday To Pagan Gods - NC-17; Will gets caught up in a virgin sacrifice and he's the virgin! Mostly Harmless Innocent Tea and Sinful Rum- J/W; R; "Of course I go to Jack. Jack who never denies me, Jack who kisses roughly and fucks even harder. Jack, my secret."Will contemplates the taste of innocence and the intoxication of sin. Every Wicked Thought - J/W; PG Murron Rules of Engagement - J/W; NC-17; My concept of what could have (read: should have XD) happened in Tortuga. From Will's POV. ![]() Nevoreiel Incorrigible Lone Thought,DecisiveAction - J/W; R; Thought turns into action but is the action wholly known? Nicoli The Sea Witch'sPlague Nita Riddle ![]() Boinked, Comshuked, Attempted To Procreate Life - The first morning after. Mentions of the Scorpion position, denial, jack, and lack of coffee If Only... - Naval Officer Sparrow / Pirate Captain Norrington; R; Long complicated story!! In this story, James Norrington, William Turner, and Jack Sparrow knew each other as children, all growing up at Port Royal under different names, and different lives. They had a falling out when they were 14 and from then on, it's a damn good mix of canon and reality, suggesting a timeline, so close to Pirates, it's uber. Except for the slash of course, that's in there for my fun. Oh, and did I mention Norringtons a pirate? Includes character death, violence, the word reverberated, Gilletteas Commodore, a pretty red room, and a plot similar to a pirate soap opera…one of the most evil and addictive things known to the writer. The Letter The Reaction There She Blows - PG ish.... as long as you don't count the subtext or your own perverted minds. Rum and White Mini Captains and Thespians - Sequel to Rum and White Slot C - Jack gives kids the talk; sequel to Mini Captains and Thespians Ophy-Chan Freedom Orilon Crazierthan a Ship of Fools - R; Norrington and his men are pulled onto the Black Pearl after another set of pirates sink their ship. Jack and the commodore have an interrupted encounter in the captain’s cabin before the Black Pearl docks at Port Royal. Psocid CrimsonWays Miss Nurse - W/J; PG-13; This is AU! That's whyJack has the nurse's uniform!! Dead End Angels - J/W; Reincarnation fic--everyone's alive and well in the present-ish and all that fun crap. Bah. Queenstrata ScelusImmortalis Qzeebrella Rhythmand Heat Rainalin The Sea and Her Voice Roo Storm under the Skin Saitaina Lover'sReturn May this Season Never Grow Old Overlooked an Orchid - Jack/Will, Will/Elizabeth, Elizabeth/Norrington; G-PG; This was not supposed to happen. I was looking for a song for "My Place". Instead I found this. Not a sequel to Orchids more of a companion piece to it. Timelineis given away in the first scene but it's after Jack gets his letter from Will. Orchids Sent an Orchid - Jack/Will, Will/Elizabeth; PG; Elizabeth's view ~Scythe Gold Filagree Sheila ![]() Shrift Hurricane Jack Sidhe ChineseWisdom - J/W; NC-17; Confucius say… jealous Will mean interestingtime for Jack Fighting the Demons- J/W; R; Sometimes even Jack needs a little help when it comes to fighting the demons he carries. Marked - J/W; PG-13; Will wants to mark Jack as his own Simply Sparrow No Going Back Thinking of you Sky Blue Angel Left Behind at Sea- The poem sort of inspired the story. Will becomes a pirate, but whatif it didn't work out?.. extremely depressing..Please enjoy! DOUBLE SUICIDE Wandering Eye- Poem/Story; Jack has a wandering.. and apparently Will has jealousy issues... DOUBLE SUICIDE Sparrowhawk ![]() the hangman's noose? An alternate and decidedly slashier ending to the movie. ![]() Nocturne - Jack/Will, Jack/Black Pearl; PG; A man with two loves is twice blessed. Playing with Fire- J/W; PG; Will contemplates the consequences of playing with fire. Tempest - J/W, J/B; R; A storm at sea stirs up more than wind and water. The Call- J/W; J/B (implied); PG; Will remembers his father and the call of the sea. ![]() a man's done and where he's been. Unrequited - J/W; PG; Anamaria knows who broke the captain's heart. Spirit Melody ![]() Star Shine Phoenix Elizabeth's Request - W/E, W/N; PG-13; Elizabeth leaves Will with a surprise and request, but is all as it seems? Tathendril and Crystal Dragon Not all treasureis Silver and Gold, Chapter 1 - J/W; PG-13; What happened in the time Jack and Will were alone together on the Interceptor? Will the young blacksmithbe able to so easily forget the adventure and life on the seasand settle down? Will he be able to so easily forgetthe pirate himself who was the cause of it all? Not all treasureis Silver and Gold, Chapter 2 - J/W;PG-13/R-ish for the time being (still pre-slash) The Tenth Muse Taken Veronica ![]() Webcromancer Just For You- J/W; NC-17; Jack gets on Norrington's nerves, and subsequently gets what he deserves. ![]() ![]() Wednesday Snapshots: Pirate & Blacksmith, 9 August 2003 - J/W; PG; Each snapshot is a segment varying in length from Jack and Will's life together. They're not in any sort of order, and the date cited is the date I wrote the snapshot; it has no relevance to the characters' timeline. Each piece stands alone, there are no cliffhangers. The Snapshot series will run the gambit from G to R, from angst to humor. Inspiration for the series came from Pumpkin's "Snapshots: This is your life, Obi-Wan" posted a few years ago to the Master-Apprentice slash discussion list & archive Wren A Pirate's Life - J/W, E/A; NC-17; I have no idea how to summarize this. Warnings of violence and non-graphic mentions of past rape and violence. Let's face it here people a pirates life was not an easy life. TheWriter The Pirate's Life for Me - J/W/E; R-ish; Jack returns to Port Royal, but all is not the same. Post-movie Yon Kokoro The Curse of the Shattered Sceptre We are doing this for fun and make no money off these stories. |