Call the Night
BY: Jemisard

The first thing he heard was a voice, rough in his ear and a gentle nudge
against his body, rousing him into partial wakefulness.

With bleary eyes, Will turned his gaze around the room. Gibbs was firmly
asleep in his hammock on the other wise of the room, and no one else was
immediately visible.

Uttering a discontent sigh, Will rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.
His eyes slunk shut again and sleep started to cloud his mind.

Something shoved him, like a particularly violent roll of the ocean, and
another whisper passed by his ear, rough words that he couldn't quite
understand in a soft, feminine voice.

He sat up and looked about. The voice had faded away again, but he could
still heard something, lingering on the edge of hearing.

Another nudge, and he realised that it was the ship rolling on the waves,
leaning him towards the door.

He stood up and pushed back his hair, glancing at the slumbering Gibbs. The
other man didn't stir, so the boy made his way out of the cabin.

The ship gently rocked and tilted, the rigging creaked as the ropes rubbed
against one another. Will closed his eyes, let himself list with the ship,
slowly following the rolls where ever they would take him.

Like a surreal dream, Will found himself walking onto the deck, feeling the
cool night air brush his skin. He shivered for a moment, opened his eyes to
look about.

It was the strangest sight. The wood was silver under the moonlight, pale
and ghostly. The ship rocked slightly, nudging him out of the thought of the
Black Pearl under Barbossa.

He followed once more, walking up the stairs, finding himself standing at
the rails, staring over the back of the ship, the wheel to his back.

He looked back over his shoulder as a whisper caught his ear. A soft sweet
voice that sounded like home and comfort. He stepped back, turned, his hands
reached and nearly touched the wheel, the voice calling to him to lay his
hands upon the wood.

The part of his mind not taken by the dream he was walking in said that he
could not do it. Not without Jack's permission. He shook his head, touched
the railing, avoiding the wheel but brushing his hands over the rest of the

He finally turned back. She was talking to him, nothing meaningful, just
quiet whispers and gentle words, trying to lull him back to sleep again.

It was so easy. He sank down to sit on the boards, feeling safe and oddly
comforted as he leant against the railing, his hands reaching out as though
to take a mother's hand in comfort, instead curling around the wood.

He heard the soft song of something he didn't understand but felt wonderful
all the same as he closed his eyes.

A hand on his shoulder woke him up. The song was gone, he caught the tail
end of words.

" be gettin' back ter bed."

He opened his eyes and looked up. A figure stood over him, a halo of silver
gleaming behind dark hair. A hand softly touched his own, the skin was dark

For a second, he thought he had died and a strange fey spirit stood before
him. Then, the head tilted slightly and the full moon came into view,
throwing light onto the darkened face.


Gold teeth gleamed in the silver light, and he was gently pulled to his
feet. "Aye, Jack."

An arm went around his waist, warm and solidly real, unlike the moonlight.
His own arm went around  smaller shoulders, he was so sleepy. "C'mon, bed

Talking o too difficult, he didn't know what to say. He felt a yawn, stifled
it on his fist and let his eyes sink shut again. Something told him to
trust. The two of them wouldn't let him fall.

He felt his arm being moved over slim shoulders, he stumbled slightly with
the movement and felt Jack pull him back by the arm around his waist, even
as the ship tilted the other way as well, righting his world again.

"C'mon, lad, yer gotta wake enough fer me to get yer down stairs."

Will smiled slightly. "I won't fall," though he didn't know who was saying
it to, it was almost just a statement whispered to the wind itself. "She

Jack didn't say anything, but he didn't tense either as he led them across
the softly swaying floor. Will wasn't sure where they were going for a
moment until she told him he was staying where he belonged and he felt the
doors close behind him.

The captain's cabin. Of course. He didn't know why it didn't surprise him,
but it didn't.

He elt himself being laid down, Jack was a lot stronger than he looked, and
blankets came up around him. He reached out again, seeking the same
reassurance he had felt from the Pearl from Jack.

He felt it when his hands loosely curled around the warm wrist, not so
dissimilar from the wood of the rails. Only now, fingers curled around his
own wrist, holding him back.

He was asleep almost in the same instant, held by both ship and captain.


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