The Hat on the...
BY: Luisa Lane


- "What the ?"
- "You can't deny mate, this is a magnificent work."
- "Don't you think you should have asked me first before deciding I
must have a tattoo?"
- "Whelp, God knows that Gibbs and I tried to wake you up, but you
were out of it...."
- "I can't remember anything and this seems like it took hours..."
- "You have to work on your intolerance to rum.... Anything could
have happened to you, but Captain Jack Sparrow was there to protect
your virtue, savvy? The texture in this part is interesting, very
- "JACK!"
- "If you are going to be a pirate you need a good tattoo....."
- "Why?!"
- "Generally they are used to remember interesting things about our
lives, savvy?"
- "And this, what the hell can this commemorate?!"
- "Your departure of Port Royal, of course."
- "A hat, Jack?"
- "You seemed very attached to it....In addition the tattooer really
caught the beauty of that wonderful quill that adorned it....very
good tattoo for your first don't you agree?"
- "On my BUTTOCKS?!"


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