BY:  Missfortune


Will looked out at the sea. There was no place left for them to go.
The island they'd escaped to was a small stretch of empty sand and it
was only a matter of time before the navy caught them. Where was
their miraculous escape? Where was the infamous luck that always
seemed to get Jack and himself out of the tightest spots? For years
they'd kept just steps ahead of the noose, all for it to end on some
god forsaken island in the middle of the ocean and it was his bloody
honor that put them there.

Norrington had inquired about a favor. A particularly nasty band of
pirates was attacking ships bound for Port Royal and barely any
supplies were getting in or out of the city. They desperately needed
to be rid of them or else the town would slowly fade out. Of course
Will had agreed and he and Jack set off on a large navy ship to find
the pirates. The only problem was that the young captain of the ship
had gotten it into his head to hang the two pirates after the mission
was over in hopes of earning a promotion. Over the years Jack and
Will had built up a reputation of being some of the most clever and
slippery pirates in the Caribbean. Surely making them swing would
earn him some level of comfort.

Will and Jack had been locked in their cabin, awaiting the captain's
command, but it was simple enough for them to sneak out. As the ship
sailed past a small island they had thrown down ropes and slid into
the water where they swam to shore. Unfortunately their absence had
been noted soon after and the cry went out. A boat was sent out to
the island loaded with armed men probably with the command to shoot
on sight.

So Jack and Will stood looking out at the ocean they both shared a
passion for. Jack held onto Will's waist tightly as they surveyed
their former domain. Will turned in Jack's arms, pulling their faces
close together, he was able to block out the site of the rowboat
getting slowly closer over the blank expanse of sand on the small
island. Their lips came together slowly, unlike so many times that
they'd let their passions rage. The kiss was soft, like the ones they
shared after a long night of passion, sated and happy just before
sleep. Tongues moved slowly in familiar territory, re-memorizing
every taste, every contour.

Jack's fingers buried in Will's loose wet hair, cradling his head.
Will's hands clutched at Jack's shoulders, his fingers digging into
skin, betraying how tense he really was. Jack pulled back from their
kiss. A finger traced Will's cheekbone then slid down his jaw. Jack
tilted his head, the bangles in his hair tinkling softly as he leaned

"Don't worry love. They're not gonna get us." He slowly drew out a
dagger that Will had made for him long ago. It was the only thing
that hadn't been found and taken from them. It was their last shot,
like the gun that had once been given to Jack. Will nodded, a single
tear running down his cheek and mingling with the seawater that
dripped from his hair.

"I love you Jack." Will whispered against Jack's lips.

Jack nodded and slipped the sharp blade up between Will's ribs,
piercing his heart. Will gasped and went limp. Jack cradled his body,
bringing it down into the sand gently. "God damn me. I love you too
whelp." He said watching as Will let his eyes flutter shut. Jack
removed the blade from Will's body and stretched out beside Will. He
took one last glimpse of the shimmering blue water of the Caribbean
then looked at Will's face. He barely felt the pain from the sharp
blade as he jammed it into his chest. Everything that he cared for
was lost to him now and the strange numbness of loss took over. His
hand fumbled for Will's, his bloody fingers tangling with his lover's
unresponsive hand as he closed his eyes and sighed. The sound of the
ocean was the last thing he heard as waves lapped up the beach,
reaching the feet of the two men as if beckoning them back to its

The End


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