BY: Sheila


Jack Sparrow moved even further ahead of him, the swaying,
rolling gait of the pirate almost hypnotic as he twined
himself in and out of the heavy pedestrian traffic.  Will
Turner determinedly plowed ahead, although the more-than-usual
amount of liquor he'd consumed tonight made this somewhat
difficult.  He was losing ground while trying to avoid the
more noisome of the milling crowd, and he most definitely did
not want to lose contact with the pirate here.  He had come to
the belated realization that Tortuga was *not* a place to
wander around in alone.

"Wait!" Will called out, flinching at the sidelong amused and
interested glances that his raised, almost pleading voice
earned him.  Obviously, desperation in one's manner was also
something to avoid here, as it seemed to be a kind of lure for
the human vultures that regularly frequented this town.

Jack didn't even turn his head in acknowledgment, merely
ducking underneath the flailing arms of a staggering drunk and
then neatly swaying to avoid the clutches of a somewhat
overzealous prostitute.  Will bounced off another seedy-
looking character who suddenly appeared in his path and
sighed.  The blasted pirate made something as simple as
walking on a crowded street look like a ballroom dance. 

Jack disappeared briefly behind a group of sailors bellowing
loudly and so off-key that Will couldn't even make out the
song they were attempting to sing.  Will felt someone grab his
arm from behind and wrenched himself free.  Beginning to feel
somewhat panicked, he yelled, "Jack, dammit, wait for me!"

There was no reply, and abruptly, no sign of Jack either. 

Will stood up on his toes in the center of the milling throng,
searching in vain for the dreadlocked pirate.  The noise and
the stench of this town disoriented him, far different from
the neat, orderly streets and townspeople of Port Royal.
There were scents and sounds and sights he had no previous
experience with, bombarding him from all directions like the
changeable wind from one of the fierce tropical storms that so
often blew through this region.

The noise level on the narrow street seemed to notch up yet
another decibel, the sound beating against his already
pounding head like a hammer against anvil.  Will flinched away
from yet another grasping hand, swiveling around.  He looked
up and down the narrow street, eyeing dubiously the multiple
unlit alleyways, seeming to branch off in all directions in no
discernible pattern. 

Reluctantly, Will came to the daunting conclusion that he
wasn't even sure he knew the way back to the harbor in the
condition he was in.  The pirate had led him in and out of too
many back alleys and cul-de-sacs in his night-long search for
information, stopping way too often for "just one friendly

When Will had first refused the loathsome swill they served as
alcohol in these parts, the pirate had muttered, "not drinkin'
isn't polite, boy, and in this town you don't want to be
impolite, savvy?"  Since Will had insisted on joining Jack in
his jaunt...and since the barmaid glaring down at him had been
at least 6'2", half as broad and more heavily muscled than a
stevedore, he had grudgingly acquiesced.  The swill evidently
packed quite a punch, however, as his current inebriated state
would attest to.

A pistol banged sharply a few yards away, and there seemed to
be equal parts screaming and laughter as a direct result.  He
backed away, not wanting to get entangled in whatever was
brewing there.  He'd learned his lesson about facing off an
armed pirate with merely a sword, and that had been only *one*
pirate.  Even if that one pirate had been Captain Jack

Will glanced down the street and squinted, his peripheral
vision having caught an odd motion coming in his direction.
There was a great deal of bellowing, screams and raucous
laughter, with the crowd parting like waves before the prow of
a ship.  With the narrow street lit only by a few scraggly,
flickering torches in the moonless night, it was difficult to
make out any further details, especially in his condition.
Will simply stood there, mesmerized, as the commotion came
nearer and nearer. 

Whatever it was, it was moving fast, faster than most of the
drunken and downtrodden residents of this decrepit town seemed
able to manage.  Fascinated, lost and still disoriented, Will
stood in the center of the street, squinting with bloodshot
eyes in an attempt to focus on the oncoming disturbance.
Along with the curses and screams, he thought he could detect
another sound, a kind of whuffing noise not unlike the large
bellows he used in his forge.

Hearing at last this familiar sound amidst chaos, Will waited,
curious now more than ever to find its source. 

The source found him instead, materializing at last as the few
remaining members of the crowd in front of him threw
themselves or staggered out of its path at the last minute.
Huge and mottled blood red it was, with gleaming savage eyes
staring banefully from a blocky head...and horns.  The bloody
thing had horns!  Horns that seemed to stretch the whole
length of the narrow street.  /What the hell?/ 

Will stared, mesmerized, the oncoming horns seeming to dance
and waver in the flickering torchlight in an oddly graceful
motion not unlike the masts of a distant ship seen on the far

A hand grabbed his arm and spun him, gasping, into a nearby
alley where he was flung up against the grimy brick wall of a
decidedly disreputable-looking building. 

Turning his head and staring with wide eyes, Will watched the
huge beast thunder past a mere handsbreadth away from him,
stirring up clouds of dust in the ill-kept street and cleaving
the night with an earth-shattering bellow.  A madly laughing
pirate sat abreast its withers, shouting and cursing as he
waved his bottle of rum in salute. 

The rumbling and shouts gradually faded away into the
distance, and the crowd unconcernedly went back along its way
as if nothing untoward had happened. 

"Have you no sense, lad?!" a voice said into his ear.

Will tore his eyes away from the street as the voice of his
rescuer finally filtered into his scattered wits.  "Jack!" he
said in some disbelief.  The pirate made no move to disengage
his hand from Will's arm, and Will was too relieved to see the
grungy pirate to argue the point.  "You came back!" 

"Aye, and a good thing, too, seein' as you don't have the
sense to move out of the way of a stampeding cow."

"Cow?  That was a cow?"

"You don't get out much, do you, lad?"

Will spluttered at the pirate's dry tone.  "I know what a cow
is, Jack, but that thing had *horns,* dammit!"

Jack merely looked at him with something approaching pity in
his dark eyes.

Will straightened up to his full height and looked down his
nose at the pirate.  "I'm not *that* drunk, Jack.  I know
horns when I see them."

"Then you do realize that horns *can* put holes in people?"
Jack looked up at him slyly through fluttering lashes.  "And
that it can likewise be a very *stupid* idea to stand right in
the path of 'em, eh, luv?"

Will opened his mouth to say something and then closed it with
a snap when he realized Jack might have a point, pardon the
pun.  He carefully disengaged his arm from Jack's still vise-
like grasp, rubbing the bruised spot gingerly.  Will lowered
his eyes and mumbled a reluctant "thanks" under his breath.

Jack cocked his head and leaned in toward Will, blinking
guilelessly.  "What was that, lad?  I'm not sure I 'eard what
you said."

Will raised his eyes to meet Jack's, for some reason a little
disconcerted at the pirate's closeness.  You'd think he would
have gotten used to the pirate's penchant for invading his
personal space by now.  "I said, thank you for saving my

Jack smiled brightly and waved it off with a languorous hand
that somehow ended up back on Will's shoulder.  "Ah, don't
mention it, lad.  I doubt if you'd've ended up with more than
a mere puncture or two, seein' as Bessie's a bit of the
forgivin' kind." 

Will crossed his arms and glared at the pirate.  "'Bessie',
Jack?  You mean the Bessie with *horns*?" he asked

"Aye, lad, just be glad it wasn't her mate, El Diablo.  He's a
might spot on the meaner side, that he is."

Not sure if Jack was once again pulling his leg or not, Will
settled on a simple scathing glare.

Jack straightened, seemingly affronted, "I am serious."  He
crossed his free hand over his heart in emphasis. 

After a beat the pirate looked up, cocking his head,
considering.  "Well, *ex*-mate now, I guess.  You see, you'd
be a tad on the mean side too, if you suddenly had something
vitally important lopped off and were turned into a eunuch, if
you know what I mean!"  The pirate pulled back slightly,
squinting fuzzily as his eyes slowly lowered to Will's
breeches.  "Well, actually, I hope you *don't* know what I

Almost as if it had a mind of its own, Jack's hand slowly
drifted down Will's side, following the path of his languid
eyes as Will looked on in dazed, horrid fascination.  Jack
continued, "...but come to think on it, you *do* tend toward
the cranky side more often than not, lad."

"Jack!" Will finally hissed as he batted the hand away inches
away from its target, his face coloring.  He took another
half-step closer to the wall.  "Why this obsession with
eunuchs?  I am *not*..."

The pirate interrupted him by placing a stilling finger on
Will's lips, smiling broadly.  "Nay, lad, don't say it.  I'm a
pirate, and you've told me often enough that the word of a
pirate means nothing."  He cocked his head again, the beads in
his hair jangling against Will's shoulder.  "Actually, I'm
beginnin' to wonder if the same thing doesn't hold true for
blacksmiths."  He nodded once as if coming to a decision and
then leaned forward, his face inches from Will's.  "There's no
hope for it, I'm afraid, luv.  You'll just have to prove it to

Will's brow furrowed in anger, and he had the sudden intense
desire to bite the finger still pressed against his lips.

Before he could act on that impulse, however, the pirate's
face suddenly went still and he looked quickly left and right
down the street.  His eyes narrowing, Jack pushed Will further
into the shadows, tightening his hand over Will's mouth when
he started to make a questioning noise.  His face dark and
intent, Jack then leaned in towards Will's ear as if he were
afraid to speak his words aloud.

Concerned and still jittery, Will leaned in closer to hear him
better, his ears assailed with the clatter of the noisy town
and the pounding of his own heart.

Jack's hooded eyes again warily surveyed the passing crowds
before he placed his other hand on Will's opposite shoulder.
Leaning even further forward until his mouth was almost
touching Will's ear, he whispered, "I think we might ought to
be movin' along, seein' as people are gettin' the wrong idea,
us bein' in this dark alley and bein' so close and the like."

Will straightened up as if shot, peeling off Jack's hands and
giving him an affronted stare.  The pirate merely smiled back
lazily, raising a languid eyebrow.  In spite of himself, Will
warily glanced in the direction of said eyebrow and caught two
brazenly painted whores with their heads together, looking
their way and giggling.  One of them waved to him brightly.

Will gave Jack a mortified look and this time the pirate
laughed aloud, grabbing Will's elbow and pulling the dazed
blacksmith along.  "Aye, Will me lad, sometimes I think your
too much an innocent for your own good!"


"Now listen, Will, this place is sorta on the rough side..."

"No, really?" Will said sarcastically, looking up at the
battered and positively gruesome sign for "The Severed Arms"
tavern, dangling askew on what looked like two meat hooks.  He
couldn't see how this place could be more or less rough than
the genteel establishments they had already visited.  He was
exhausted, halfway to being thoroughly drunk and wondering why
he'd insisted on accompanying the seemingly tireless pirate in
the first place.  "I'm sure nothing is too rough for Captain
Jack Sparrow."

Jack stopped suddenly at the doorway and whipped him around
violently by the elbow, staring balefully into his eyes. 

Will tried to take a step back, startled by the intensity in
the pirate's eyes...tried to take a step back, and couldn't,
amazed anew at the strength in the man's wiry frame.

"You listen here, whelp, as I'll not be gettin' myself killed
because of your ignorance."

"I'm not..."

Jack gave his elbow a warning squeeze and continued, "Here,
you are what I say you are or you'd best not be goin' inside
at all.  This place is dangerous, even for the likes of me,
and I wouldn't be attemptin' it at all if it weren't for this
damn fool quest of yours, savvy?"  The pirate gave him another
soul-stealing stare and Will finally began to realize that the
bumbling, affable pirate he thought he knew was, in fact, very
much a pirate.  And by all accounts, an exceptionally
dangerous one at that.

Will swallowed and nodded, for once not feeling the need to
get the last word in.

Jack eyed him for what felt like ages, attempting to gauge the
sincerity in Will's seeming submission, and then he finally

As changeable as the wind, the pirate's face abruptly lit up
again in its usual bonhomie, and he said, "Stay close to me at
all times."  He began to turn and then stopped.  Clasping his
hands together as if in prayer, Jack added, "And please,
*please* try not to do anything stupid."

Still a little off balance, Will replied, "Stay
close...nothing stupid, right."

Jack cuffed him, none too lightly, on the shoulder.  "Good
lad!" he said.


The tavern, if one could call it that, was even more gloomily
lit than any of the previous inns they had visited.  Coming
from the relatively well-lit street outside into the near
total darkness, Will stumbled over an overturned stool and
would have fallen if Jack had not once again gripped his

There was an amused guffaw from someone who was standing way
too close and a harsh voice that called out, "Had a little too
much to drink, have ye, lad?  A little early for that,
wouldn't ye say?"

Will automatically started to reply heatedly, until he felt
Jack's knuckles rapping lightly on the side of his head.
Stifling his retort, he allowed Jack to lead him to the far
corner of the tavern, where Jack had to clear away several
empty tankards from a dangerously lopsided table.  The pirate
sat Will down forcibly in an empty chair.  Then, tipping an
unconscious drunk out of another chair and rolling the
insensible body out of the way, he pulled the now unoccupied
chair over to sit close by Will. 

Jack eyed the environs carefully, appearing to have no trouble
seeing in the darkened, smoke-filled room.  Seemingly
satisfied, he grabbed the grimy apron of a passing serving
wench and held up two fingers.  When she nodded brusquely,
Jack sat back and steepled his fingers.  "Now, we wait." 

Will eyed the tavern warily as his eyes gradually became
accustomed to the gloom.  He couldn't understand what Jack
expected to find in a place like this.  "Wait for what?" he
finally asked, not liking the steely stares they seemed to be
gathering from around the room.

"The rum, of course," Jack said brightly. 

The barmaid returned almost as if on cue with the two
tankards, spilling a quarter of Will's drink as she slammed it
forcibly down on the table.  Will gasped as the surprisingly
cold liquid sloshed onto his lap.

Jack chuckled.  "I think she fancies you, lad." 

Glaring after the barmaid, Will stood up abruptly and tried to
brush the worst of the liquid off his breeches, muttering
imprecations under his breath that would have shocked him a
mere two weeks ago had he heard himself utter them.

Jack's hand suddenly whipped out and grabbed Will's forearm,
pulling him urgently back down into the chair.  "Sit *down,*
Will," he said fiercely.

Falling gracelessly back into the chair with the force of
Jack's pull, Will turned his glare to the pirate, saying, "Now
what?" much too loudly, having totally lost patience with the
pirate's whims.  "You drag me from tavern to tavern, have me
drink far too much of this vile liquor, lose me in the streets
of an ill-begotten town, almost let me get run over by a
cow...dammit, bull!...and now you're telling me that some
flea-bitten, clumsy serving wench has taken a fancy to me?!"

Jack's hand never left Will's arm, even after he tried to
wrench it away violently.  The pirate's burning stare was
centered past him, however, and he said quietly, "More than
the serving wench, I'm afraid."

Finally feeling a small frisson of alarm that was doing its
level best to drown out his outrage, Will slowly shifted his
gaze across the tavern.  He squinted, but couldn't quite make
out what Jack was staring at.  It looked something like a
large dark pillar, but that couldn't be right.  This
establishment was held up by nothing more than four dank walls
and a prayer, and it couldn't be...

The pillar moved.

Towards them.

Will's eyes widened as the largest man he'd ever seen stopped
directly next to him, looking down at him from his mammoth
height and finally smiling a very lopsided smile.  The teeth
flashed with gold, like Jack's, but there the similarities
ended.  He was dressed like a pirate, with a blood red
cummerbund and matching vest, but the giant had nothing of the
usual air of desiccated wasting away that so many of the other
denizens of this port town seemed to exude. 

"What have we here?"  The voice was deep, dark and sonorous,
something out of the tales of sulphurous caves and lethal
dragons that Will used to covet as a child.  Will shivered,
for once in his life wisely keeping his mouth shut.  The
tavern grew deathly still as well, with only the oblivious
snores of the dispossessed drunk breaking the expectant

The giant crossed his arms over his too-broad chest and said,
"Come now, lad, ye were chatterin' away like a wee nightingale
just a minute ago."

Will merely stared upwards in bemused shock, wondering how the
man managed to get around between the low decks of a ship
without becoming permanently hunched over. 

The big man leaned over, almost as if in direct consequence to
Will's thoughts, and reached out a beefy, scarred hand to
Will's shoulder.  "You see, boy, me and the lads here were
just commentin' on how boring this town has come to be." 

Will glanced around the table and noted that they had indeed
gathered an audience, about a half-dozen or so flamboyantly
dressed pirates, smiling brightly in what Will could only
surmise was gleeful anticipation.

"Aye," the big man continued, his voice lowering still
further.  "The same ole poxy whores, and not a one of 'em with
any spirit to speak of." 

Will's head snapped around at that comment and he struggled to
stand up, sputtering indignantly.

The man merely laughed, a great booming sound like the rumble
of far-off thunder, holding Will easily into the chair with
one hand.  His other hand reached down to cup Will's chin,
"Ah, I see yer not wantin' to disappoint ole Mercer, are ye
now, lad?"  The man's hand felt unaccountably as cold as ice
in the dank, humid air, chilling Will to the point that his
jaw began to ache. 

The dark pirate leaned down closer, and the big thumb caressed
lightly over his lower lip.  Will struggled again to rise,
something approaching panic beginning to claw in his chest.

"Ah, if I might interject a word or two here?" 

Will couldn't see Jack in his current position, but he was
mildly surprised, and intensely grateful, that the wily pirate
hadn't made one of his usual opportunistic quick exits.

The big man laughed aloud again.  "Ah, *Captain* Sparrow, of
course you may."  The hand released Will's chin long enough to
wag a forbidding finger, "As long as one of 'em ain't

Jack's voice was its usual flippant self.  "Wouldn't dream of

The big pirate merely snorted in knowing amusement, his
attention having already returned to Will's face, pressing
under his jaw with his massive fingers, forcing his mouth open
and carefully examining his teeth like a man preparing to buy
a horse.  He said, distractedly, "Two words it is then, mate.
I expect to be a mite busy here shortly."  The dark face
lowered inexorably closer.

Will glared up at the man in helpless fury, his fists
clenching at his sides and his stomach rolling.  He braced
himself to make one final attempt at freeing himself, although
he knew it to be a futile one.  Even if he could somehow
manage to take down the giant, the man had a half-dozen of his
crew with him.  And Will just couldn't be certain that Jack

"He's mine." 

Will froze.  The voice didn't quite sound like Jack's, but it
had to be.  It was coming from the direction of where Jack had
been sitting at least, but the sheer menace in those two
simple words chilled him to the bone, even though he knew it
wasn't directed at him.  /But surely he couldn't mean.../

The tone of that grim voice seemed to give the big pirate some
pause, too.  The bushy eyebrows rose inexorably into dark
hair, and he straightened slowly, still keeping a restraining
hand on Will's shoulder.  "What did ye say, Sparrow?" 

The voice held equal parts disbelief and challenge, and Will
took a deep breath and held it, turning his head slowly to
look at Jack.

The pirate still sat loose and at ease in his chair, seemingly
in repose, not an ounce of tension announcing itself in his
body.  But his eyes... 

His eyes looked like something from the very pits of Hell,
dark and terrible, unflinching in their intensity and locked
steadily on the big pirate's face.

"I said, 'he's mine,'" Jack repeated calmly.

One of Mercer's men muttered something under his breath and
started toward Jack's chair, a long, curved, wicked-looking
knife appearing as if by magic in one hand.

Jack never even broke gazes with the big pirate, didn't as
much as move one muscle in his body.  He said merely, "Either
control your dogs, Mercer, or send 'em outside.  Wouldn't want
someone to get hurt now."

Mercer merely chuckled and raised an admonishing eyebrow at
his crewman.  "Easy there, lads, let's not be too hasty."  He
smiled down at Jack.  "Must say I'm a mite curious, Sparrow,
never seen ye get quite so concerned about a pretty piece of
ass before." 

Will spluttered and made another attempt to rise, stopping
only when the large hand closed hard enough on his shoulder to
crush muscle against bone.  The big pirate never even spared
Will a passing glance, his head cocked and raising an
inquiring eyebrow in Jack's direction.

Jack spread his arms wide in a familiar expansive gesture.
"What can I say?  I've taken a fancy to the boy."  He gave
Will a single quelling glance and continued, "Actually bought
him outright from a rather reputable dealer.  Paid good money
for him, too."

Mercer's eyebrows disappeared again into his hairline.  "You
*bought* him?"  The big man's voice held all the disbelief
that a true pirate feels about the thought of actually
purchasing something, rather than merely taking what he wants.
He looked down at Will's agitated face in amazement.  "You
bought him," he said again.

Jack leaned forward slightly in his chair.  "Yes," he agreed,
his voice bright and breezy, but his eyes still ferociously
intent on the other man.  "And I'm afraid that he wouldn't be
of much use to you, anyway.  You see, he's a..."

Will's numbed and alcohol-hazed mind cleared long enough to
blurt out, almost a reflex now, "I am *not* a eunuch!" in
clear bell tones.

Everyone in the tavern froze at his words, staring at Will's
rapidly heating face and then, almost as if choreographed,
down to his groin, much to Will's utter and complete

"," Jack finished into the absolute silence of the
packed room.

The big man looked down at Will, puzzled.  "How do ye know
he's any good then?" 

Jack simply shrugged his shoulders.

Mercer pulled Will up and spun him around, examining him
minutely, still perplexed.  "You paid *money* for him and you
haven't even tried him out yet?" 

"Anticipation makes the eventual experience that much better."

Will, exasperated at Jack's prattling and tired of being ogled
like a prize steer, pulled his shoulders back and glared
forbiddingly at the big pirate.

Mercer stared back at Will and then returned his attention to
the still seated Jack.  "He don't *act* like a courtesan,"
Mercer said dubiously.  He brought his hand up slowly towards
Will's cheek and Will's eyes narrowed dangerously, daring the
man to complete the gesture.

"That's what I mean," Jack said hurriedly before Mercer's hand
could complete its journey.  "He's been trained to be
compliant only to his owner, not much use to anyone else, you

Mercer's hand touched Will's cheek and Will swung at him, a
little wildly given his current state of inebriation.  The big
pirate easily caught the swinging fist, spinning him around
and holding him against his solid body with Will's arm trapped
behind his back.  When Will continued to struggle, Mercer
merely notched the trapped arm up a little higher and Will
froze, grunting in pain.

The big pirate smiled benignly at his captive, bending down to
very conspicuously inhale the scent of Will's hair.  Will
snapped his head around and glared balefully.  The big pirate
smiled and cupped his chin again, running a possessive finger
along his jaw line.

"Mercer," Jack said warningly, his voice low and dangerous.

Shifting his gaze almost reluctantly back to Jack, Mercer said
softly, "Prove it."


"Prove to me that the boy is yours," he said.

When Jack didn't reply, the big pirate stooped down to put an
arm under Will's legs, lifting him easily into his arms.  He
laughed as Will clutched his shoulder, disoriented by the
sudden motion and change in his position.  Walking the few
steps to where Jack sat, he released Will, letting him drop,
and Jack caught him with a startled, "Oomph!"

Will shook his head to clear his vision, deciding against that
particular motion in the near future since it caused his head
to spin that much more.  Blinking, Will found himself looking
up into the kohl-rimmed eyes of his own personal savior, or
nemesis as the case may be. 

Dark, ardent, smoldering eyes that were *much* too close for

Will tore his glance away and found that he was lying in
Jack's lap, nearly horizontal and clutching Jack's upper arm
for support.  Before his addled brain could signal his limbs
to move, Jack leaned down and whispered into his ear. 

"For once in your life, boy, and for both our sakes, *please*
don't fight me in this."

And then Jack kissed him.  It felt like nothing he had
expected -- when had he been *expecting* anything like this? --
and everything he could have wished for.  It was darkness and
light, it was fire and ice, it was air and water and
sustenance and everything else he never knew he needed before
now.  Will trembled under the onslaught, his eyes closing and
his mind shutting down briefly as if it couldn't assimilate
everything.  He only peripherally felt the heaviness in his
limbs, the pleasure that arrowed straight to his groin, the
moan that rose unasked in his throat.

When the soft lips finally left his, giving a final parting
affectionate peck onto his cheek, Will opened his eyes to find
Jack's face still close to his, a satisfied smile on his face
and contentment shining from his eyes.

"Woof," said a deep voice from somewhere directly above them.
"Now...I might actually consider payin' to watch *this,* that
I might."

Will whipped his head around violently, having somehow
momentarily forgotten where he was and the precarious position
he was in.  Feeling his face flush red yet again, he made a
panicked motion to remove himself from Jack's lap.  When the
arms holding him merely tightened, he tried again, but his
position didn't allow him much leverage and his face heated
even further when he heard the knowing chuckles from the men
surrounding him.

When Jack's hand settled gently on his face in an attempt to
still him, something in Will finally snapped.  With one arm
trapped against Jack's body and the other severely limited in
its range of motion, Will instinctively did the one thing to
announce his displeasure that his current position would allow
him to easily do.

He hauled off and slapped Jack soundly on the side of his

There was a moment's stunned silence as the echo of the
stinging slap resounded around the stone walls, and then the
room erupted into boisterous laughter. 

While Will and Jack stared fixedly at Will's hand, both
momentarily stunned by his impulsive action, Mercer stepped
forward and punched Jack lightly on the shoulder. 

"Aye, laddie, I think that about proves he belongs to you.
Seems to be a trademark with yer conquests, I believe."  The
big man laughed again and wandered off, motioning with a jerk
of his chin for his men to follow him. 

When the immediate space around them cleared of chortling
pirates, Will ducked his head and sighed.  "May I get up now?"
he asked politely, deathly embarrassed and not able to look
Jack directly in the eyes.  Truth be told, Jack's lap was far
more comfortable than the torture devices they called chairs
in this place, but he wasn't about to let *that* fact be known
to Jack.  He was confused enough about his own unexpected
desires and didn't want to try to mix Jack's in, at least not

"You never know, luv, someone may still be watchin'."

Will glanced around nervously and said, "*That's* why I want
to get up."

"Hmmm.  Don't fancy an audience?"

"Jack!"  Will made a move to rise, and strong arms tightened
around him warningly.

When Will eventually stilled, warm lips descended close to his
ear and whispered, "Not before I get an apology from you,

"*Me* apologize?" Will mumbled.  Those lips were nuzzling his
ear now, a silky tongue extending to sensually outline the
lobe, and Will was beginning to find it difficult to

"Yessss."  The soft exhalation of the single word was against
the sensitive skin at the nape of Will's neck and he shivered.
Jack continued his thorough exploration of Will's neck,
stopping only to whisper again in Will's ear.  "I don't think
I deserved that, you know."  Jack took the offending hand in
his, stroking lightly in small circles over the palm.

"Of course you did!"  Will tried to jerk the hand away, but he
seemed to be having some difficulty with the muscles in that
arm.  All they seemed to want to do was quiver.  "You had no
right to..."

Jack brought Will's hand up to his mouth and kissed the palm
lightly.  "Save your life?" he asked softly.  His agile tongue
darted out and began the same small circle that his fingers
had begun earlier.  "Or at least your honor?"

Stifling a moan at the sensations that hot, wet tongue was
causing, Will said breathlessly, "You don't seem to be worried
about my honor right now."

Jack brought Will's hand down from his face and smiled that
fey smile.  "That's different," he said brightly.  His mouth
descended on a finger and sucked the tip lightly.

Will  wasn't able to suppress the moan this time and wasn't
sure that he cared.  He closed his eyes against the sight of
Jack suckling contentedly on his finger and squirmed again,
unable to be still.  He heard Jack chuckle and felt the arm
supporting his back shift slightly to allow a be-ringed hand
to rest lightly on his hip. 

Belatedly realizing what his helpless writhing must be doing
to Jack, Will froze, embarrassed again.  "But *why* is it
different?" he asked in a desperate attempt to distract the

"Because you're mine, whelp."


Jack propped Will up against a convenient wall, out of sight,
where hopefully the boy could manage to stay out of trouble
for at least a few minutes.  The lad was almost asleep, the
combination of the late hour, too much rum and the odd
stresses along the way combining to make him sag alarmingly
when Jack released him. 

He tapped Will carefully on the cheek, gently, keenly aware
that the boy would just as likely punch him as awaken from it.

Will moaned and tried to focus bleary eyes.  "Jack?" he asked,
looking around him.

"Will, I want you to stay here for a few minutes, savvy?  I'll
be right back." 

The boy began to look a little alarmed.  "Where you going?"

"Just back inside for a minute, forgot my hat."

The bloodshot eyes narrowed suspiciously.  "You never forget
your hat," he stated accusingly.

"Well, let's just say I had a bit of a distraction tonight."
Jack was gratified to see the heat spread across the boy's
face, and he realized that he'd be a little disappointed when
Will got more of a tan to his pale complexion.  That blush was
downright intoxicating.  "Stay *here,* do you understand?"

Will opened his mouth as if to argue and Jack added hurriedly,
"Unless you *want* me to be forced to rescue you again,

He got a pair of wide doe eyes and a quick headshake in reply,
and Jack turned quickly away before the boy could come up with
something else to delay him.

Jack stepped briskly back into The Severed Arms, the lateness
of the hour guaranteeing that there were few conscious
customers remaining.  Walking over to the only occupied table,
he held out his hand expectantly.

The occupant of the chair smiled, gold flashing in the dim
lantern light.  "I see, as always, that you're a man of yer
word, Jack." 

Jack caught the hat that was tossed to him and smiled, "you
already knew I wouldn't go far without my effects."

The man at the table leaned forward for emphasis.  "If I were
you, it would be something else that I wouldn't be partin'
with," he said.

"Him, too."

"You surprise me, Jack."

"I do try."

The man at the table smiled and sank back into his chair, the
wood squeaking a faint protest. 

Jack fished out the gold coins he kept sequestered in a secret
pocket and with a practiced flick of his wrist, tossed them to
the man at the table.  "Thanks, Pete," he said simply.

The coins disappeared briefly inside a massive, scarred hand,
and then, with an equally practiced motion, were flicked back
to Jack.  "This one is on the house."

Jack raised a questioning, suspicious eyebrow as he caught the
flashing coins. 

The man laughed at Jack's expression.  "Let's just say, it was
my pleasure.  Truly, my pleasure," he said lasciviously. 
"And if you should ever happen to get tired of him..."

Jack felt his eyes narrowing.  "Hands off, Pete," he said

The man rose to tower over Jack.  "No one's ever said Pete
Mercer wasn't a man of *his* word either, Jack."  He crossed
his arms over a massive chest, glaring down at Jack. 

After a few seconds, however, the craggy face broke into a
wide smile.  "Aye, Jack, I'll leave him be, but a mite
tempting, he was."  His voice lowered.  "Mite wicked of you,
not telling me the boy was such a looker when we made this
little arrangement."

Jack shrugged and smiled.  "Pirate."

Pete laughed his trademark booming laugh and slapped Jack
affectionately on the shoulder.  Jack reeled from the blow,
wincing a little as he rubbed his shoulder. 

"I do have one more question for ye, though."

Jack made a rapid "go ahead" gesture with his hands, anxious
to get back to Will before he got himself into trouble, again.

"Is he really...?"

"Really what, Pete?"

"A virgin."

Jack smiled broadly and made a point of examining his
fingernails carefully, turning his hand left and right so that
his rings flashed in the lantern-light.  "Not for long."

Pete guffawed, putting his hands on his hips. "You're

"No.  But don't even *think* about asking me to prove it to


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