Minor Fall
BY: Elske


   The silence and the darkness stretched between us, eternal, never
ending. It seemed at once that I could reach out one hand and touch
him and at the same time that he was an eternity away. We had been
escorted to the bedchamber, divested of wedding finery and ensconced
ourselves in the four-post bed, closed the curtains all around us…all
without speaking a word. The silence grew; it ached. I longed to
reach out to him, craved…comfort, of some sort, but did not dare to
ask for it. It was a situation neither of us had sought, a marriage
made out of convenience, made…to please my father. Made to diffuse
scandals. We both knew that, yet it didn't seem to make it any
easier, here, alone, wrapped in darkness, suffocated in silence.

      And there it was…a soft sound, muffled, from the other side
of the bed. It was almost like weeping. I could stand it no longer,
and so I shifted, reached out, tentatively, and murmured "James?"

      "Eliz…Elizabeth," he managed, his voice dark, pained,

      "James," I echoed, reaching out, open armed, hoping…hoping
that he'd accept what I offered. I could do nothing more, but…Somehow
he knew. Perhaps he was desperate. Never mind why. He moved into my
arms, tentatively, never mind that it was our wedding night and that
was not the least of what he was supposed to be doing. I wrapped my
arms around him, held him close. "James…James," I whispered,
reassuringly, pathetically.

      "I…I miss him," he murmured. "Oh, God, Armand!" he added, in
a strangled sob, and then was silent, shaking with his tears.

      I should have known. I always should have known, and yet…it
still came as a surprise to me, somehow. The charges leveled against
the young lieutenant were serious. Sodomy was a crime punishable by
death. Perhaps the accusations were true, perhaps they were false…
none of us knew, and the lieutenant had been sent away, far away,
perhaps to India, perhaps to Indochina, no one knew for sure. There
were others implicated, but no one ever suspected…not even I
suspected it of the Commodore, not even when he came to me, pale and
drained, to ask if I'd reconsider his suit the night after his
lieutenant was taken away.

      I snuggled closer, made suddenly brave by the darkness, by
the almost tangible admissions that seemed to change
everything. "Shh…" I whispered. "Cry all you like. I won't  mind." I
didn't mind. Our tears mingled, soaked into the sheets, were
forgotten, our souls both drifting, forever torn, half off in the


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