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Pretty Baby VI
by Angel and Rina Alice (call me Allegra) Mansfield stepped off the train at Union Station,
thanking whatever gods were smiling down on her that her next eldest sibling
had given up his rathole apartment in the Annex and had moved to the condo
at Queens Quay. For one, the view of Toronto harbor and the islands was
spectacular, two, it was a two bedroom condo, perfect for big brother and a
guest, and even betterit was close, and she knew how to get there without
having call Vic for a ride. Which meant she could surprise him.
And then beg him to let her live with him because there was no way she was
going back home. Dad was a military fascist jerk, and Mom was your typical
powder puff consumer wife who let him walk all over her. There was no way
Allegra was gonna end up one of the undead in mom and pop megamall minivan
land. She was going to save the world.
Which was why she and dad had the blow up. He wanted her to start taking
'smart' courses in a private school: political science, math, law, computer
sciences, anything that would either get her a corporate job or land her a
corporate husband. That was so not going to happen. She was not going to get
sucked into the private school, cookie cutter, turn me into a happy zoned
out consumer education factory!
Walking over to the streetcars, Allegra smiled and hefted her bag over her
shoulder. Look out Toronto, Allegra Mansfield was out to save the world!
Victor stood above his lover, who was bent almost double, clutching the
towel bar for dear life, and powered in and out of the tight, wet heat that
sucked at his throbbing length. He could feel the younger man rhythmically
contract and release his cock as he thrust in and out of that tight, sweet
channel. The wailing cry the younger man emitted bounced off the ceramic
tiles and echoed back like a symphony of lust and heat. It was heavenly.
He let one hand go and moved it up to tweak and pull at a distended button
of flesh, causing an even more piteous moan of need. "Touch yourself, baby,"
the ex-cop turned shadowy government agent urged, his voice dark and smoky
with need. "Go on, stroke yourself. Come for me, Mac; I wanna feel you
squeeze down on my cock like a vise and make me howl. Come on, baby. Do it!"
"Vi-ic!" Sure that he was going to lose his grip and be smashed face first
into the tiled wall by the strength of his lover's thrusts but also not
really caring if that happened as long as Victor just kept moving, Mac
peeled his fingers from their death grip on the chrome rod. God, this was
bliss, or would be as soon as he could touch himself, something that was
made difficult by the way Vic's deft manipulations of his body tended to
short-circuit Mac's thought processes.
Whimpering in the back of his throat, Mac reared back enough to lift his
head, then stared, transfixed, into the shaving mirror above the rack he
clung to. Bent over as he was, Victor loomed over Mac, the beads of water on
his skin catching the light and adding golden accents to his chest and arms.
The same light reflected in the raven's wing sweep of hair across the
ex-cop's forehead and cast his hypnotizing green eyes into shadows, ones
that were only deepened by the thick eyelashes that were half-closed over
God, Vic was magnificent. Perfect, wonderful... Mac's thoughts dissolved
into a silent howl as Victor closed his fingers around his nipple again,
attacking the sensitized flesh as voraciously as the older man was pounding
into his body. The conscious muscle control that Mac needed to keep up the
internal massage he had been subjecting Vic's cock to slipped, then failed
altogether as the Mac's flailing hand came into contact with his aching
"That's it, yeah. Fuck, you are so hot, baby," Vic growled as he continued
to thrust into Mac. "I love how you feel around me, like silk, wrapped tight
and hot. You squeeze me so good. And the little noises you make. Do you know
what that does to me? Drives me fucking wild. I love being able to make you
moan and shake. No one has ever, ever made me feel like this. You make me
crazy Ramsey. Mine, so very, very mine!"
Victor's husky voice was the perfect background, especially considering the
hot, urgent words that were slipping from his all too talented lips. Mac
managed less then a dozen thrusts into his palm before he came, screaming
out the other man's name as his body clamped down on Victor's cock, his
creamy white jism splattering on the wall in front of him.
Bending forward, Victor's mouth latched onto Mac's shoulder, his teeth
breaking the skin's surface as the younger man's contractions forced his own
aching cock to explode, inundating him with his come. Drawing in a shaky
breath, Vic forced his jaw open and licked softly at the tiny crimson
droplets he'd caused to be shed.
"Mac... baby," his voice quivered as he withdrew from his young love,
only to draw the lithe body before him into a tight hug. "I love you, god,
how I love you, Mac Ramsey," the older man whispered fervently, raining
kisses over the smooth expanse of shoulders and nape of his love's neck.
Vic's legs, however, weren't up to standing after all the energy he expended
loving his partner and he had to brace one arm against the wall lest they
both collapse into the tub. "Thank god it's Saturday. I think I could do
with a few more hours in bed; the open air market can wait 'til tonight,"
Vic chuckled as he turned off the now tepid water. Stepping out of the
shower, he brushed a kiss over the petal soft lips of the younger man's
mouth. "Care to join me?"
Allegra stepped off the streetcar in front of her brother's building and
quickly crossed the street. After convincing the guard on duty that she was,
in fact, Victor Mansfield's younger sister, she got on the elevator and
headed up to the eighth floor, Suite Number 89. This was getting better and
better. Her student card with her name on it had been all it took to
convince the security guard to let her have a spare key. Vic was gonna be
soooo surprised!
"Still wanna go dancing tonight," Mac mumbled, snagging the bedsheet and
flipping it up over his back against the chill of the air conditioning. As
he was sprawled out indolently in his favorite position, namely across and
over Victor's chest, the older man didn't need any such covering, but Mac
wasn't in the mood to wake up with a cold ass.
Victor grunted a sleepy answer that had Mac smiling even as he placed a kiss
under the other man's jaw, then relaxed, giving himself over to the
lethargic languor that always resulted from their more intense bouts of
lovemaking. "Not getting out of it, Vice-man. Been promising too," the
former thief yawned and snuggled closer, his arm tightening around Vic's
waist, "long." The last word was breathed out as a sigh when Mac's eyelids
slid all the way closed, and he fell asleep, a small half-smile still
quirking the corners of his lips.
"S'not musicit's machine noise," Victor chuckled his usual retort,
kissing Mac's forehead lightly and wrapping his arms more securely around
his blanket. Victor loved lazy Saturdays with nothing to do but Mac. It
almost made him feel like he had a life that wasn't 'owned' by the Agency.
Smiling softly, Victor soon followed his lover into oblivion.
Alice quietly let herself into the apartment, ready to yell surprise when
Victor spun around from cleaning or whatever. Except, there was no Victor
cleaning, or whatever. He was probably grocery shopping or something. Might
as well make herself at home. Throwing her jacket over the new leather?! -
when did Vic get into leather furniture??couch, picked up her duffel bag
and headed into the spare bedroom. Except it looked lived inconstantly
lived in.
There was a blue chambray shirt thrown over the bed along with a towel that
was still damp. The shirt was way too small for Vic, but was definitely a
man's. There were clothes in the closet; some she recognized as her older
brother's shirts and the like, but other stuff she didn't. Especially the
virgin wool winter jacketVic hated wearing wool, said it made him break
out in hives and itch. And it was definitely the wrong size again. What was
going on here?
There was a very expensive laptop on a new chrome and steel desk. Jiggling
the mouse, Alice saw a password protect pop up. Since when did Vic need his
stuff password protected? Picking up the CD lying next to the keyboard,
Alice glanced at the artistVic was listening to The Cure? This was
getting more and more bizarre.
Shrugging, she popped the tape into her walkman and went to throw herself on
the slaughtered couch to await big brother's arrival home. Mysteries were
never her strong pointthey were more Vic's, which was why he was such a
good cop. Or he used to be; now he just worked for the government consumer
brain-washing moguls that were corrupting society. She really needed to have
a talk with Victor about his career choices.
The first thing Vic became aware of was the warm, sweet weight on top of
him. The second thing that drew his attention was the position of the sun.
It looked like they'd slept a good two hours away. The third thing he
noticed, and it was very difficult to avoid noticing, was that both he and
Mac were once more sporting sizable erections. Which meantoh damn, what a
shamethey'd have to do something to relieve them!
Nuzzling the younger man's neck happily, Victor set about waking up his
lover in the most pleasant way possible. Hands began to move over Mac's hard
body, awakening and arousing sleepy flesh. Vic's mouth moved over his
lover's face, neck and shoulders, teasing and tormenting and smiling when he
heard the breathy moans and soft curses. "Tiew, geng hi lah, Vic... more... tiew wo, lan-tan!"
"Such a nasty mouth, pretty baby, do you really want me to fuck you?"
"Oh my god, MOOSE?!?"
Vic's head whipped away from Mac's mouth, nearly breaking the younger man's
nose in the process. Staring, speechless, at the young woman in the doorway,
he finally managed to choke out, "Alice!"
"What the-?!" Mac exclaimed, one hand going to his now aching nose, the
other scrabbling in the drawer of the bedside table for his gun, retrieving
it and aiming it at the intruder before he even registered what was going on
in the room.
How the fuck did someone get in here? Okay, the Director, Dobrinsky and even
Jackie managed to find their way in with unnerving regularity, but this... little girl? Who seemed to know Victor...
Carefully, the ex-thief flipped the safety back on his weapon, then glanced
over at his lover, who was doing a good imitation of a fish gasping for
breath on dry land. "Moose?" Mac asked, trying not to snicker.
"Alice... what the hell are you doing here?! And don't you ever call me
Moose, Ramsey. My name is Vic, got it?" Vic managed to sputter after a
"But Moose you're in bed, NAKED in bed, with another GUY!" Allegra wailed in
disbelief. A honey of a guy no less, she thought with a heartbroken sigh.
It was bad enough that Vic could stop traffic 'cause he was so unbelievably
gawk worthy, but did he have to steal all the cute guys too?!
"Alicego wait in the living room, NOW!" he roared when the young woman
began to sputter. "Don't say a word, Mac, not one damn word. She's my sister
- the one who'salmost the same age as you. Don't you dare tell her how
old you areI will be so dead. That little girl's tongue is as sharp as a
switchblade at times, and I don't fancy getting sliced up tonight. Fuck!"
In the living room Allegra Mansfield paced feverishly, trying to calm her
racing thoughts. Vic in bed with a guy. Her big brother in bedand
obviously doing it with a guy. A really cute guy, a really young cute guy!
What the hell was Vic into? This was so... unreal. Moaning, she threw
herself into a chair. She could not believe this was happening!
Mac looked from the now empty doorway to his obviously distressed lover and
couldn't resist one final quip. "It okay if I call you Bullwinkle then?"
About fifteen minutes later, having gotten Vic somewhat calmed down and his
own frustrated desire under control, Mac popped out of the bedroom, now
fully dressed in what he thought of as his university kid clothes. "Hey," he
grinned, strolling into the living room and heading for the kitchen. "Vic'll
be out in a few minutes; can I get you anything to drink?" As he spoke, he
grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and held it up questioningly.
"Your name's Alice, right? I'm Mac, guess telling you I'm your brother's
roommate isn't gonna work, eh?"
Carrying two bottles of water, he returned and gave one to their guest, then
dropped down into the chair across from her, studying her intently. "You
have a problem with it, take off now. He deals with enough shit daily
without having it come down from his family as well. You're cool, I'm cool,
but you hurt him and" his smile turned dangerous for a split second then
changed back to one of affable cheer. "Just don't do it, understand?"
Vic stood in the shadows of the hallway, watching his lover protect him.
They'd come such a long way, he thought with a smile. How he deserved
someone like Mac in his life he couldn't quite fathom, but he'd be damned if
he was ever letting his personal 'thief of hearts' go. Not waiting to hear
Alice's response, Vic joined them in the living room. Moving over to stand
next to the younger man, Vic took Mac's hand and brought it up to his lips
for a quick kiss. "Thank you," he said simply, his eyes showing all the love
in his heart.
Turning to his sister, eyes still soft, he grinned ruefully. "Guess I kinda
gave you a shock, didn't I? But what are you doing here, Alice? Do Mother
and Father know where you are? Not that I mind you being here, I mean;-
it's just that if I'd had a little advance notice, chances are you wouldn't
have walked in on Mac and me in bed. We'd have picked you up instead,
"Vic... you... he... you're like a couple?" Allegra finally managed
to stutter out. She was still a little dazed by the whole situation and more
than a little intimidated by the 'kid' her brother was shacked up with.
The slight tensing of Mac's hand, still in his own, gave Vic all the warning
he needed. Sitting on the arm of the chair he draped his arm around Mac's
shoulders, and using the other hand, he turned Mac's head towards him. "It's
okay, baby," he murmured softly. "She's got every right to be more than a
little shocked and confused. There's... well, history that I consider
dead and unimportant, but Alice knows about. Thank you for protecting me
Turning towards his sister, Vic tried again. "Alice..."
"My name. It's one of the reasons why I'm here. Dad and Iwe had a major
blow out. He wanted me to go into a private school and become either one of
the corporate elite like Chuckexcuse me, Charles Jr.or a happy
little zoned out consumer house wife married to a corporate elite. I mean
I'm 16, for cryin' out loud, and he's already planning the social wedding of
the year, so I... ran away from home."
Continuing quickly so Vic couldn't interrupt, Allegra rushed on. "I want to
change the world, Moose, and you can't do that from Mom and Pop mega-mall
mini van land. So here I am. And the name is step one. I'm no AliceAlice
is so like... well Dad. I'm Allegra. It means quick and lively in Italian
- kinda like me," the youngest Mansfield grinned at her older brother. She'd
always like Moose the best. He was so normal. And a rebel, just like she
was now. Vic was the one she'd always looked up to in the family, not
Chuckie boythe dweeb.
"AliceI mean Allegra. You're just a kid," he grunted softly at the elbow
in his side and Mac's quirked eyebrow. "You're only 16," he continued,
avoiding another discreet jab.
"Yeah, soyou weren't much older when you... left home," she pointed
out meaningfully.
"I couldn't get a long with Dad."
"Well, duhhh."
"Alice, where are you going to stay?" Victor sighed, resigned that he was
bound to lose this battle.
The youngest Mansfield quirked her lips, her eyes turning into a puppy's, a
soft pout extending her lower lip. Then she batted her eyelashes. "Mooose..."
"Nooh no. You can't stay here... my work is too dangerous..."
"But Mac lives with you, Moose," Allegra pointed out logically. "Besides, I
always wanted a brother closer to my age to hang out with," she admitted
Vic's eyes glazed over and his breath caught in his throat. "You mean
you're... okay with this?" he asked tentatively.
Looking from Vic, to Mac and back again, Allegra shrugged her shoulders and
smiled. "Heyit was waay obvious from the noises you two were making that
he makes you happy. And it's obvious to anyonewell except maybe to the
parents and the dweeb, that you two love each other. So... so long as
you're happyand he makes you happy, I'm happy. Oh, and Mac? What you
said earlier? It cuts both waysyou hurt my favorite big brother and I
make you real sorry. Are we cool?" she finished, arching a brunette
eyebrow inquiringly.
While watching Aliceerr Allegrahandle her big brother with the ease of
a pro, Mac had been hard pressed to keep from laughing aloud. When she
assured Vic that she was fine with their relationship and threatened his
safety if he hurt Victor, however, the ex-thief felt real affection for the
driven young woman. "Allegra," Mac laughed, grinning up at Vic, who wore an
expression of stunned happiness, then at his lover's sister, "we're ice."
"God, that place was packed!" Mac laughed, lowering his voice half-way
through the sentence when he realized he was still shouting. The club had
been greatloud, crowded and playing the best dance music around. The
mixed crowd had made it easy for the three of them to dance together or in
various combinations though Mac had had to laugh at the way Vic growled when
anyone else asked his baby sister to dance.
The sweltering atmosphere in the club had plastered Mac's shirt to his
chest, and, after flapping it a few times to attempt to cool himself off, he
gave up and simply unbuttoned it, letting the sweat-darkened material hang
open at his sides. "Anyone up for a walk by the water, or is the Mansfield
clan pooped?"
"Define pooped," Vic smirked at the younger man, his eyes darkening
appreciatively at his lover's exposed body. Despite his protestation about
the 'noise' the younger generation called music and the fact that he
couldn't even get a beer at the all ages club, which was actually a good
thing considering the droves of already over-excited teens in the place, Vic
had had a great time. He was quite willing to go a few more hours.
Hopefully, alone with his significant otherplastered over Mac the way
that shirt was.
Mac returned the smirk and moved in a bit closer to the older man, still
staying within the boundaries of propriety for Allegra's sake, but obviously
wanting to get into Vic's space just as much as Vic wanted to get into the
Allegra watched the interplay between the two men and rolled her eyes. Could
those two be anymore obvious if they tried? Sheeshthey were practically
salivating, but considering what she'd interrupted earlier in the day,
chances were they were feeling a little on edge. Deciding to be kind to the
two men, she held out her hand imperiously in the general direction of both.
"I had fun, you two obviously want to have more 'fun', and there are some
things little sister's just should not be witness to. So hand me a set of
keys, give me an hour to fall asleep, and come on back so you can boff like
bunniesjust do it quietly okay? A girl needs her beauty rest after all,
even if she is intent on saving the world! Night, Moose, night, 'baby!'"
Giggling at the stunned look on both Mac and Vic's faces, she snatched Mac's
keys and headed into the condo. Life was good.
Vic, after getting over gaping like fish for the second time that day,
snorted at the identical stunned expression on his lover's. "So, you
mentioned something about a walk along the water, baby?" he asked, a snicker
in his voice.
Realizing that he was standing there, mouth agape, his hand still hanging
there as it had been when Allegra took his keys, Mac blinked, rubbing his
face, to convince himself that had really happened. "God, I hope she never
meets the Director," he mumbled before chuckling and moving to snake an arm
around Vic's waist, pulling the older man close. "And if she keeps calling
me 'baby', everyone at work is gonna hear about our little antlered friend,
Before Vic could answer, Mac pulled him in for a kiss, their tongues
tangling as their hands groped for whatever bits of bare flesh could be
found. It had been a long day, and their interrupted make-out session had
never been far from Mac's mind, and now he wanted to do something about it.
"As for that walk, how about we find a nice quiet spot and neck until it's
time to go home, hmmm?" The question was purred into Vic's ear as Mac's
hands roamed over his ass.
"Hey, capisce, that's Italian," Vic teased breathlessly, ignoring the nick
name crack. He'd have a talk with Alice in the morning.
Grabbing the younger man's hand, he began to head determinedly around the
side of the building to the little park next to the boat slips. If he
remembered correctly, there was a really large boulder that they could hide
behind. The grass was soft, and at this time of night the park should be
Pulling Mac down within the cradle of his thighs, Vic's hands began to roam
lightly over his lover's body. "Would rather have you naked and under me,
moaning and begging for me to fuck you raw, baby, but necking will do for
now," Vic moaned, latching on to the ex-thief's throat and suckling hungrily
on the skin there.
"And here I thought you weren't multilingual," Mac chuckled as he was
dragged off the main path and behind the huge piece of granite. He relaxed
back against Vic's body, moaning quietly as the near pain of the older man's
mouth on his throat merged with the hot words he had spoken to drive a spike
of need straight through Mac's groin.
"Nobody's around; I say go for it," he gasped, wriggling back to rub his hip
against the straining bulge in Vic's jeans, feeling the corresponding jump
in his own cock at the older man's groan and the way Vic's fingers clutched
at his skin. "I'm up for a little public indecency if you are, Vice-man,
less chance we'll wake Allegra that way too."
"Hey, my tongue can be very lingual and multi when it wants to," Vic
rejoined, moaning softly. Stripping his signature leather jacket off, he
placed it over Mac's lap with a soft nip to the younger man's throat. "Mine.
Nobody even gets a remote chance at seeing it," he informed the younger man.
Nimble fingers made short work of the buttons and zips on Mac's pants, and
soon Victor had Mac's hard length resting against the palm of his hand.
Slowly he wrapped his fingers around his lover's girth and began to smooth
his hand first up, then down the sweet flesh cradled in his hand.
"God, I love how you feel in my hand," Vic murmured. "Smooth like velvet but
so hard. When I touch you like this, I can feel your blood pulse just below
the skin, can tell when your heart speeds up not just by your breathing but
by what my fingers tell me. Then you start to leak precum, and it gets all
slick and wet, just like now, and the velvet becomes a silky glide, but
there's the slightest amount of friction from your skin. If I trace my
finger, like this, down the underside, you make the most delicious sounds,
like that one," Vic chuckled as Mac whimpered piteously.
"And if I do the same with my nails," Vic's hand clamped over Mac's mouth to
stifle the younger man's howl, "I get that reaction." Bringing his free
hand up Vic began to weave his fingers through the soft curls on the
ex-thief's chest in order to get to his lover's nipples. "Now if I stroke
like this," he began a steady, firm pumping of Mac's needy flesh. "And do
this," Vic pinched one of Mac's nipples lightly causing the younger man to
shudder and buck underneath him. "I get that reaction," he chuckled.
"And if I trail my fingers down, I've got two lovely balls to roll in my
palm like so, and I can still stroke and tickle and tease your gorgeous cock
at the same time. But you know what I love most of all, baby?" Vic queried
softly. "I love the look on your face when you cum quietly. That look of
intense, mind blowing rapture that you get. I've cum myself just from
watching you find that look. Cum for me baby, now, please," the ex-cop
breathed before reaching up and turning Mac's face so he could watch his
lover climax. "Cum for me, pretty baby."
Lost in the spell woven by Vic's husked out words and his deft actions, all
Mac could do was moan and bite at his lower lip to keep the desperate cries
from echoing out into the night air around them. This was Victor at his
best. How could anyone think of the ex-cop as staid when he was capable of
such things as Mac knew he was? Their loss, the younger man thought almost
hysterically, whimpering and writhing within the circle of Vic's arms at
each comment and action.
How, in four short months, Victor had managed not only to learn each and
every one of his hot spots but also the best ways to push them amazed Mac.
Hell, there was something to be said for attention to detail after all!
Whimpering as Vic stroked his aching cock with one hand while the other one
rubbed his cheek and jaw, Mac tilted his head back farther, his eyes locked
on Victor's. The coalescing of sensation around that firm, rough hand
stroking over his dick made Mac want to close his eyes, but he kept them
open, knowing Vic wanted to see him, watch his reactions to his fast
approaching climax. "Need..." he whimpered, his hands clawing at Vic's
arm, pressing the other man's hand hard against his crotch just as Mac
thrust upward, the first spasms of his climax shaking his body, causing his
expression to twist into one of unimaginable pleasure.
Through the whole thunderous experience, however, the young man kept his
eyes open and trained on his lover's, showing him what he couldn't say just
"So beautiful," Vic husked, his eyes glittering in the soft light.
Disengaging his hand, Victor eased it out from underneath the jacket and
smeared a damp finger against Mac's mouth before plundering it softly.
"Thank you, love. That was a wonder to watch." Bringing the moist hand up
to his lips, Vic cleaned himself with long, catlike strokes of his tongue,
before sliding his hand back under the jacket to help right Mac's
"I think Alice will be asleep by now," he whispered, nibbling on the younger
man's ear. "And I want to see every inch of you naked and spread out on our
bed. I want to be in you so deep I'll never find my way out, not that I'd
want to," Vic grinned.
Finally setting Mac to rights, he removed his jacket and slung it over his
shoulder. "Ready to go home, baby?"
Mac moaned incoherently as he stumbled to his feet, his eyes still unfocused
and his brain clouded with the aftereffects of his intense orgasm and Vic's
hot, demanding words. "Hope you got your keys," he mumbled, grinning
blearily into his lover's darkened eyes, then making a face at the older
man's laughter and his comment that they could always wake Alice up to get
"No fuckin' way! I don't wanna play nice, and I really don't want her
walking in on us again today. Once is more then enough for that no matter
how cute she is!" Running a hand through his sweat-spiked hair, Mac grinned
and strolled out onto the path ahead of Victor, making sure to give the
older man quite a show of what he had to look forward to once they got back
home. "Coming, Moose?" he asked, then took off for their building, Victor in
hot pursuit.
Vic caught up to Mac in the elevator, and, reminiscent of their first time
together, slammed the younger man up against the elevator wall and proceeded
to try and swallow Mac whole. "One day," the older man panted when he broke
the kiss to breathe again, "one day I'm gonna come prepared and hit the
emergency button, then I'm going to fuck you senseless in an elevator. Don't
know which one or when, but by god, I'm gonna do it," Victor growled,
rubbing against his lover.
The opening of the elevator doors was the only thing that prevented Vic from
resuming his assault, but it didn't stop him from swatting Mac's ass rather
hard as they got out of the elevator. "Move it, baby, and if you keep
calling me that, am gonna have to start calling you pretty baby around
Alicebet she'd love that."
Vic laughed softly at the dirty look Mac shot over his shoulder and
deliberately crowded the younger man into the door as he opened it, rubbing
his erection against Mac's sweet ass. "That's what's gonna be buried inside
you in less that ten minutes, baby. Deep inside you, so deep I'll get lost.
Your ass is mine kiddoall mine!" Vic purred softly.
"Want you hot and naked and waiting for me. Gotta check on Alice; meet you
in the bedroom." Turning, Victor made sure the door was locked tight before
heading to the guestroom to check on his exhausted and sleeping sister.
Walking softly into the room, he drew the blankets up to her chin and
brushed her baby soft hair out of her eyes. Bending, he kissed her forehead
gently before whispering. "Missed you, kiddo, glad you found me again."
Turning, Vic saw Mac standing in the doorway watching, and wiped a stray
tear out of his eye. Motioning the younger man out before him, he shut the
door and took Mac's hand, drawing him into their room. "Love you, Mac
Ramsey," he whispered before his eyes took on a sensual glint. "Now get
"Or what?" Mac teased, adoring the tender side of his lover that came out so
infrequently unless they were alone, but also wanting to see the other,
wilder side of the older man. "Can't threaten to nail me to the door;
Allegra would hear."
Easing backward, Mac kicked off his shoes, stripped out of his damp shirt,
then tossed it in the general direction of the clothes basket, not letting
his attention waver from Victor, who was now stalking him. "Gonna have to be
quieter then we were that time in the airport parking garage unless little
sis is a very sound sleeper." Now the fasteners on his pants were undone,
and the soft linen slid down Mac's legs to pool on the floor, leaving the
ex-thief wearing only his boxers which showed the evidence of their earlier
excursion to the park.
"So what ya gonna do, Vice-man?" he laughed, sliding back onto the bed,
balancing there on his knees, grinning cockily at Victor, goading him on.
"Play it safe, or take a chance?"
Sitting on the edge of the bed, his back to his lover, Vic smiled and very
calmly began removing his clothes. "Well, let's weigh the pros and cons.
Have to be responsible," he managed to get out with a straight face as his
shirt came off.
"On the plus side there's being able to make love with the man I adore. The
hot, tight velvet of your body surrounding me as I'm moving in and out of
you, teasing your incredibly sexy body and my own until I make you scream
and I come fast and furious inside you."
Next Vic bent to slide off his deck shoes and socks before straightening to
work on his jeans. "On the negative side there's the fact that you are the
screamer in the family, and Alice is a light sleeper. Last thing we want is
for her to come barreling in here and getting a close up of either of our
assesnot good at all. And there's the fact that we promised to take her
to the open-air bazaar tomorrow after we have brunch. Maybe it would be best
if I just go take a shower and jack off, then we can 'snuggle'," Vic
continued as he stood to pull off his jeans and boxers, shooting an 'I'm
sorry baby but it's probably for the best' look over his shoulder.
Mac was off the bed like a shot, tackling his lover and sending them both to
the floor in a tangle of half-removed clothes and flying limbs. "No fucking
way!" he growled, settling himself astride Vic's lean hips and pinning the
ex-cop's hands at his sides. "Try it, just try it, and you'll wake up
tomorrow morning with your balls painted blue!"
Shifting enough to trap Vic's hands between the other man's body and Mac's
knees, the younger man slid his fingers along his partner's ribs before
slowly running them over Vic's sensitive nipples. "Now what was it you were
saying about me being the only one who screams, Moose? I seem to recall
several times when you've just about shattered the windows from this alone."
Vic moaned and bucked upwards, biting down on his lip to keep from
screaming. "Jesus," he gasped. "Guess that means the shower is out."
Wriggling ineffectively to try and get out from under the younger man. "Mac,
oh fuck! Uncle! I give, baby, you make me howl like a dog in heat, I admit
it! Now can we at least take this to the bed; I had rug burns on my ass for
a week the last time we did this," Vic moaned, then begged.
"Aww, but rubbing that aloe vera lotion on your ass was fun," Mac laughed,
remembering the Director's comments about Victor's gingerly way of moving
and sitting after that had happenedget more padding under the carpet and
a deeper pile indeed! "But I guess I can let you off easy this time, though
I'm rethinking this you being in me tonightwanna wrestle for position,
lover?" With a maniacal grin, Mac bounded off Vic's chest, kicking out of
his boxers and balancing on his toes, inviting the other man's lunge. "Doubt
Allegra will hear a few bumps and bounces."
Vic eyed his lover as if the younger man had gone insane, stood up, walked
over and placed a chair in front of the bedroom door, then turned and lunged
at the younger man, catching him by surprise and pinning him to the bed
quickly. "Provincial wrestling champ three years running in high school,
plus won the academy trophy, and then there was all the on the job
training," he smirked down at the younger man. "Wanna try again?"
Before Mac could answer, Vic swooped down and began to ravage his soft,
succulent mouth, thinking it was an effective way to keep the younger man
quiet. Christ, if he didn't get inside his baby's tight heat he'd go nuts,
his cock was aching so bad. Thrusting it against Mac's burgeoning erection,
he felt their shafts slick each other up with pre-cum, felt the glide of
moist flesh against flesh and bit down on the tasty lower lip he was
suckling on.
"God... Vic... more," Mac gasped out, slurring the words around his
outstretched lower lip, parting his legs more so that Victor could settle
deeper between them, increasing the friction of their needy flesh. The older
man's mouth trailed wetly over his skin to latch onto his neck, and Mac
twisted underneath him, now biting his own lip to keep from shouting out his
pleasure as his lover marked him.
One grasping hand found and grabbed the tube of lube they kept on the
bedside table and dragged it closer, pressing the container into Vic's hand.
"How about we just say you pinned me and get on to the celebrating part?"
the ex-thief moaned, placing his hands on his knees and pulling them closer
to his chest on either side of Vic's body, as desperate to get the other man
into him as he was to be there.
Vic stared down at the younger man hotly. "Fuckwatching you like this..."
he trailed off, totally enthralled. Mac's moan snapped him out of his
reverie, however, and Vic quickly lubed his cock then took the slick fingers
and began to stretch his lover carefully, not wanting to hurt Mac in the
slightest way.
Chuckling at the sudden spewing of blue Chinese, Vic figured the younger man
had had enough. Slotting himself between Mac's thighs, Vic rolled them so
that Mac was on top. "In the name of fair play and all that," he managed to
gasp out, "I pinned younow how about you pin yourself on me?"
"Works by me," Mac gasped, pushing up to his knees and reaching behind
himself to find Victor's erection. Then, with a quiet moan, he settled onto
the hard shaft, biting his lower lip to keep from voicing his appreciation
in a louder manner.
"God, so deep in me," he sighed, watching the older man through half-lidded
eyes as he began to raise and lower himself on the strong column impaling
him. "Feels so goddamned good." As he spoke, Mac's hand drifted up from
Vic's chest to his cock, and the young man began stroking himself in time to
his leisurely movements, bringing himself to a full erection once again and
adding the stimulation of tightening his muscles around his lover on each
"Do you have any idea of how unbelievable you look?" Vic gasped out,
watching Mac's sinuous movements on his aching cock. "So sexy, an erotic
painting. I want you captured on canvas like this, lips parted, face
flushed, stroking yourself. God, Mac," the older man moaned.
Vic could feel himself tightening, his balls drawing up closer to his body.
His hands drifted up along Mac's thighs, over the planes and angles of his
hips and stomach, stopping for long moments to play with the ruddy nubbins
partially hidden beneath silky hair.
One hand continued upwards, finally stopping to wrap around the back of
Mac's neck, drawing the younger man unerringly downwards for a gentle
plundering of the ex-thief's divinely tempting lips. "You taste like the
finest spiced honey," Vic whispered, rubbing the pad of his thumb back and
forth across Mac's lower lip for a moment, in order to appreciate his
lover's debauched look.
Needing to be deeper, closer, Victor somehow managed to ease himself upwards
and backwards so that he was leaning against the headboard of their bed,
before once more capturing his partner's lips. "Love you, love you so much,"
he managed to pant after oxygen-starved lungs forced him to relinquish Mac's
lips once more. "Forever, Mac."
"You know it," the younger man sighed, his hips taking up a shallow,
circular motion that rocked Victor's cock deep within him. Mac's hands
curved around Victor's head, then delved into his dark hair, carding through
the short strands as he rested their foreheads together.
"Meant what I said earlier; anybody who wants to hurt you has to go through
me first." Mac could feel the tension building in Vic's body, and he
increased the speed of his movements, rocking up higher onto his knees and
then dropping back down, sheathing the older man's erection fully in his
body. After what Vic had done to him in the park, Mac wasn't desperate to
come yet, but he could tell his partner was getting there.
"C'mon, lover," he husked, flicking his piercing over Victor's earlobe, "let
loose, let me feel you, hear you."
His hands clasped Mac's hips tightly, his head falling back against the
headboard, eyes closed and mouth open so that his breath, coming in needy
gasps, could enter his rapidly working lungs. Higher and higher he climbed
and the gasps turned to whines and then to primal growls. With a last,
shattering howl of bliss, Vic let loose, filling Mac with his seed as his
body convulsed in pleasure. "MAC!"
"Geeze, Victor!" Mac laughed, the force of his lover's climax giving the
sound a needy tone. "I didn't mean that loud!" He darted a quick look
toward the door, as if expecting Allegra to begin banging on it at any
second. When the condo remained silent except for their raspy breathing, Mac
removed his hand from over the other man's mouth and kissed him before
pushing up on his knees, letting his lover's softening penis slide from him.
"Well, I pinned myself on you," the teen murmured, pressing kisses over
Vic's lips as he grabbed for the lube once again. "Now I think I'll pin
myself in you. Think you can keep quiet for that?"
"Baby, god..." Vic moaned, spent and sated and wanting to feel Mac inside
him. "Give me something to suck on, Mac," Vic husked, his eyes soft with
pleasure and love. "I want your tongue, baby; I want to feel it fucking my
mouth just like you're taking my body."
At the younger man's hot moan Vic took the lube out of Mac's hands,
squirting some into his own hand and warming it before gently rubbing it
into the long, thick shaft, tickling Mac's balls and rolling them in his
hands for a moment before snagging Mac's hand.
Bringing it up to his mouth, Vic sucked two fingers inside, warming and
laving the sweet digits before releasing them to smear some more lube over
them. Spreading his legs wide, he raised his hips as best he could with Mac
still straddling him. "Fuck me, baby."
Mac's reply was a hot rush of Cantonese. Words describing just how amazing,
gorgeous and all around fuckable Vic was. They were spoken quietly, however,
and with an edge brought about by the feel of Vic's fingers stroking him.
Climbing backwards off Vic's hips, Mac knelt between the older man's thighs,
pressing both fingers inside Vic's body without warning. To keep Vic quiet,
Mac offered his other thumb to suck on as a substitute until he could ravage
his mouth with his lips.
Once the other man was stretched and ready, Mac slid in, husking out a groan
at the tight heat gripping him. Slightly wild-eyed, he leaned in, tearing
his hand away from the sculptured lips that had been so assiduously
fellating the digit, then dove in, thrusting his tongue into the wet cavern
as he began to drive into Vic's body.
Moaning around Mac's mouth, Vic canted his hips more, giving his lover
greater access to his body. His hands raced up and down Mac's spine, over
his shoulders and down his stomach to where the two of them were joined. The
feel of Mac sliding in and out of him made Vic whimper with renewed need. He
was getting hard again, god help him.
Closing his eyes, Vic let the taste of Mac, the feel of him within Vic's
body, the soft sounds of their love-making wash over him. Breaking off the
kiss, he moaned out dark phrases of love and want and need, speaking in low,
hot tones as he described what he felt and what it felt like to have Mac
sliding in and out of him.
"Mac, love you, so fucking much," he husked, finally opening his eyes to
watch his lover move over and in him.
Mac plastered himself full length on Vic, the small motions of his hips that
the position allowed him stimulating both men at the same time. "Tell me
again," he rasped, nuzzling Vic's face and neck, his hands carding through
the older man's short hair.
When Vic complied, Mac moaned, the hoarse, emotionally charged words
twisting deep inside of him, wringing his heart at the same time they sent
his climax shooting from him to inundate his lover. Feeling Vic's own orgasm
as a delightful echo of his own, Mac whimpered, finally pushing back enough
to look down at his lover.
"Wo ai ni," the younger man breathed, feeling the night's exertions
beginning to take their toll on him. "Wanna get cleaned up and curl up with
you and not move for a year or so."
"I'll always love you, Mac, never doubt that," the ex-cop exclaimed quietly,
pulling Mac in for a soft kiss.
When he finally came up for air, Vic laughed tiredly. "Wasn't it a shower
that started today's adventure to begin with?" he grinned. "Maybe a bath and
then yeah, a year oughta do it," Vic continued with a yawn.
"Gotta hit a hardware store tomorrowneed to put a lock on the bedroom
door so that Alice doesn't wander in uninvited while she's here," he
continued as he let his eyes drift shut, curling his arms around Mac and
snuggling lazily. "Hmmguess we'd better move soon," he replied before
long, still not ready or able to find the energy to move.
"F'get a shower," the younger man mumbled, already half asleep and not
fighting it. "Wet...cloth...don' wanna lose hair in the morning..."
With another, unintelligible, mumble, he fell asleep, his body draped
carelessly over Vic's in a way as to make movement for the other man near
Vic came awake to the sound of muted pop being played from his living room
stereo. "Alice," he groaned, raising a hand to rub bleary eyes. Above him,
the soft exhalation of breath tickled his neck. "Mac," he whispered, trying
to gently wake his lover. "Babywe gotta get up." Trying to move brought
him a twinge of discomfort.
"Damnwe're glued together again," he groaned, realizing just how painful
this morning's wake up was going to be.
"Huh?" the younger man mumbled, squirming a little to avoid being woken,
then yelping when even that small movement caused a tug at his chest. "Aw
fuck, we did it again?" Mac groaned, lifting his head while trying to keep
the rest of his body very still, not wanting to rip out the majority of his
chest hair.
"God, are we ever gonna learn?" he laughed, shaking his head, then grinning
down at Victor. The muffled beat of music drew Mac's attention, and he
tilted his head to the side, a wicked grin curling his lips upward. "Well,
if we can't move, we can always call Allegra in and ask her to bring us some
warm water."
Vic jerked away quickly, causing a yelp from the younger man as their chests
were forcibly separated in a fast and painful manner. "Don't even joke about
it, Mackenzie!" Vic growled, ignoring the younger man's virulent curses.
"It's bad enough she saw your ass in the air; there is no way in hell..."
Vic finally ran out of steam and began to laugh, hard, at their situation.
"When the hell did we become parents?" he chuckled, ignoring the evil looks
that Mac kept giving him. "And we are getting a lock installed today; I'll
call someone to come do it while we're out at the market or whatever the
fuck Alice wants to go to."
As if on cue, the young woman in question banged loudly on the door. "Okay,
Moose, you kept me up half the night with your cat in heat impersonation,
now get you and your 'roommate' out of bed! I wanna go shopping!"
A short while later, minus a bit of body hair and still damp from their
hurried shower, the two men left the haven of their room. Mac strove not to
blush when he looked at Allegra, but her smirking grin had him wanting to
hide his face against Vic's side.
"In case you didn't notice, your brother is one hot man," he offered,
resisting the urge to stroke Vic's ass and heading into the kitchen to grab
something to drink before this massive shopping expedition.
"Ewwww gross!" Alice made a face at the idea that her brother was hot.
"That's just wrong."
Vic chuckled softly and followed his lover. "Mac's known to have impeccable
taste, Alice, so who am I to argue?" he grinned as he came up behind the
younger man and snagged the jug of orange juice from the fridge. "And I
think you're absolutely delicious," the ex-cop whispered into Mac's ear,
nipping it lightly before turning to grab a glass from the cupboard.
"Whatever... oh gawd, are you guys at it again?" Alice made a face at the
two men. "You're like worse than rabbits, you know, you always seem to be
boffing, or about to boff, or just boffed... and I've only been here 24
hours. You're gonna warp my little mind."
"Okaywhat do you want?" Vic sighed, knowing the routine well.
"To borrow Mac for a few hours. I wanna know where to get the rave music and
the stores to shop in and not the kind of places you go to. You're so...
middle-aged at times, Moose!"
"Mid... middle-aged? I'm 28 for crying out loud, still in my prime! Mac?"
"You know I love you, Victor..." Mac began, before his tone turned a bit
sheepish, "but there are timesI mean, there are things we're never gonna
agree on, right?" He looked pointedly at Vic's plaid shirt as he spoke, then
glanced toward the 8-track player as if in confirmation.
"But that doesn't mean that I don't think you're not the hottest thing on
the planet or that I don't want to go after you like a bunny again just as
soon as I can." His grin at Vic's expression turned to out and out laughter
at Allegra's disgusted moan.
"So let me take little sis out shopping. You can get that lock installed,
right?" Wrapping his arms around Vic's waist, Mac nibbled his lover's
earring, then kissed him full on the lips. "And then we can test it out
later," he added, husking the last into the older man's ear.
The kiss he got in return was agreement as far as Mac was concerned, and,
once he and Vic had finally broken apart for air, Mac crooked a finger at
Allegra. "We'd better get out of here now, or you're gonna have to wait a
few hours more." He made a move to grab the motorcycle helmets, then thought
better of it.
"We need to take the Stealth, babe. Can't balance many bags on the bike!"
Vic handed over the keys with a sigh and fished out his credit card to hand
to his lover. "300 limit for the both of you," he told them sternly before
pulling Mac close and whispering hotly in his lover's ear. "And if you're
good and make sure the both of you stick to it, I'll let you use another
hundred on the Priape website for toys."
The look of aroused shock on Mac's face as Alice herded him out the door
made Vic smile as he began looking for locksmiths in the phone book.
Five hours later Alice came breezing into the condo with a tired and
bedraggled Mac following far behind and carrying all the bags except one
tiny one labeled MAC, to find Vic pacing the carpet like a man possessed.
"Moose? You okay?"
"We got a problem. Dad knows you're here. Chuck hired a private investigator
who traced you. Not only that, Mac's and my boss called..." Vic trailed off
with a sigh.
"Fuck..." Mac groaned, letting the bags drop to the carpet then following
them down so that he was leaning against the door. "Why do I not want to
know what she had to say? Or just where this private dick is and when he's
showing up?"
This was just what they neededbut on the bright side... "Did you
manage to get that lock installed though?"
Vic chuckled despite the situation. "Yeah, I got the lock installed, baby,"
he grinned lopsidedly, pulling Mac in for a quick, passionate kiss.
"Umm, hello? Moose, remember me? The one with the dick after her?"
"There's no dick after you, Alice. Our boss has had him ... delayed. She's
even managed to calm Father down and come up with an alternative. She wants
us all in her office first thing tomorrow morning to discuss it," Vic
"Despite my personal feelings on the matter, chances are her suggestion is
gonna be the best one you've got, 'cause if you don't take it, Chuck and Dad
and the dick are all gonna be breathing down our throats. Now c'mere and
give me and Mac a hug," the elder Mansfield ordered only to have his sister
throw herself into the three way embrace.
"I think we all need to get out of here for a while? The Jays are in
town; wanna walk over to Skydome, catch a game and gorge ourselves on
overpriced ballpark food?"
"Baseball?" Mac moaned, wanting to slump down to the floor and just stay
there. The sport ranked right up there with ice hockey in his opinion. The
only thing that made it marginally better was the fact that the women in the
crowd generally wore tank tops and shorts because of the heat and the
players wore those tight pants.
When the pair of siblings turned almost identical pleading expressions at
him, Mac whimpered. "Oh all right, all right. Baseball it is. Mind if I
change first though?"
"Delightful to meet you, Miss Mansfield," the Director purred as she stood
to shake Allegra's hand, then led her toward the chair nearest to hers
around the conference table. "It's refreshing to meet a young woman who
knows her mind."
A month later
"Got a letter from Alice!" Vic called out as he came in from his morning jog
along the waterfront. Walking into the kitchen, he grabbed a carton of oj
and drained it dry while standing in front of the still open appliance.
A muffled, 'So are you gonna read it or what?' drifted out of the spare room
where Mac was working on a term paper. Vic grinned and walked down to join
his lover, peeling his sweat-soaked muscle shirt off and sprawling across
the spare bed to enjoy the sights.
Mac's head was bobbing along to the latest Cure CD and he was typing
furiously. Damn, all he needed was a pair of glasses perched on his nose,
and he'd be the most adorable college student Vic had ever had the pleasure
of fucking into a mindless puddle of flesh.
The head turned and a dark eyebrow shot up to remind the ex-cop of what he
was supposed to be doing instead of ogling his lover. "Right. Letter."
Opening it he gave it a cursory scan and chuckled softly.
Dear Moose and Baby,
Zaire is totally wild. I'm in this tiny village along the Congo. We had to
travel down by boat from Kisangani to get here. I'm digging ditches and
building wells and having the most amazing time.
A giraffe wandered over to a tree behind my hut yesterday and started
munching, and I've been adopted by a baby howler monkeyhe kinda reminds
me of you, Macclings all over me the way you do Moose.
Hope you boys are behaving yourself and not waking up the neighbors every
night. Say hi to the Director for me. She's totally cool for a
power-mongering dictatorbut then again she keeps you both in line, so she
can't be all bad. And the woman can dress!
Anyhow. I gotta get coz the mail boat is gonna be here soon, and I've got to
get ready for this big feastapparently women dance around topless.
Behave boys!
Love ya both big brothers,
Vic looked up from the letter with a grin. "Hey Monkey-boywhy don't you
come over here so I can make you howl?" he teased with a grin.
Mac groaned, then turned back in his seat, shaking his head. After saving
his file and closing the program, he stood and sauntered toward the bed and
his smirking lover.
"Got a banana for me to nibble on?" he asked, before diving for Vic and
going in search of onea search that left both of them howling with
Mac was lying on his back, eyes half-closed as he tried to catch his breath,
when he chuckled. "Your sister dancing around topless. Now that would be
interesting to see."
Apparently Vic hadn't thought of that situation, because he froze, then let
out a strangled roar before burying his head in the pillow, vehemently
denying that it might happen.
"S'okay, Moosie," Mac snickered. "Doesn't mean she did it." Vic's answering
groan sent him into another gale of laughter, one that ended only when the
other man pummeled him in the face with a pillow.
"Why me?" Vic moaned burying his face in his hands after he dropped the
pillow. "A Director wannabe for a sister and a howler monkey for a lover. Oh
wellif you call me Moose, I'll call you Howler ... but that will raise an
eyebrow or two," the older man smirked as he crawled off the bed.
"Care to join me in the shower?"
Instead of answering, Mac vaulted off the bed, landing in a crouch, his
hands dangling around his knees. Hooting like a chimp, the ex-thief turned,
waggling his ass at his lover, before darting toward the bathroom, intent on
beating Victor in there. "C'mon, Tarzan," he laughed, "and I'll show you why
he really liked Cheetah more than Jane!"
Laughing, Vic shook his head and followed the younger man at a more sedate
pace. "Welcome to the jungle, Mansfield," he chuckled to himself as he
joined the ex-thief under the hot spray.
"So tell me, Howler-boy, just why did Tarzan like Cheetah more than Jane?"
"Because," Mac grinned, dropping to his knees and smirking up at his lover,
"he knew what to do with a banana!" This said, he closed his lips around the
head of Vic's cock, sucking hard while he flicked his piercing over the
smooth flesh.
Vic was torn between groaning at the pun and dissolving into a puddle of goo
as his bones melted from the mind-blowing heat that Mac generated in him.
"Shit! Warn me, will you, Mac?" he begged as he felt his brains get sucked
out through his cock.
Fighting back the almost irresistible urge to beat against his chest and let
out a 'Tarzan' yell, Vic's head dropped back and his fingers carded through
the younger man's hair. "Oh yeah, Monkey-boy, suck that banana," he moaned
softly, thoroughly enjoying his lover giving him yet another amazing
Mac almost choked as he tried to laugh, breathe, and go down on his lover
all at once. Breathing won out by sheer necessity and he braced his hands
alongside Vic's hips, his shoulders heaving, before he was able to tilt his
head upwards and eye the older man through the water dripping in his eyes.
"I think you found your calling, babe," he chuckled, rubbing his cheek
against Vic's cock, grinning as his stubble rasped against the sensitive
flesh, making the other man shiver. "If you ever give up on the secret agent
biz, you can make a living writing porn movies."
"Would rather star in themgod knows we've had the practice with her
watching. But I'd have to demand that only you could fuck or be fucked by
me," he grinned down at the younger man.
"Sowhat do you say to getting in a little 'dress rehearsal'" he grinned.
Turning and bracing himself against the tiled wall, Vic rippled his ass so
that it flexed invitingly. "C'mon, babe, show me who's top banana!"
"Jesus..." Mac moaned, lowering his face into his hands and trying not to
laugh. "And you say I'm bad?"
Vic's new position did leave Mac with a great view of his lover's luscious
ass, so he had to dive in for a taste. Spreading the taut cheeks wide, Mac
flicked his tongue over the puckered opening, tasting the musk of Vic's skin
as he stretched the tight muscles.
When Vic was moaning and clawing at the tile, Mac surged to his feet,
grabbing the bath oil and slicking it on his aching cock, then pushing home
into the older man's body. "There's your banana, Tarzan," he growled,
pistoning in and out of the tight sheath as his fingers tweaked the ex-cop's
"Shit! Oh god, yeah! Fuck me, Jesus, Mac, fuck me hard," Vic howled as the
younger man penetrated and began to ride him, thrusting into him hard enough
to grind his cock into the cool tile.
Thrusting his ass backwards, Vic tried to impale himself more deeply on
Mac's cock even though Mac was already as deep as he could go. "God yes!"
Vic whined as the tip of Mac's erection scraped against his prostate time
and again with each thrust. "Feel so good, babyharder, god, please!"
"Like it, don't you?" Mac rasped, one of his hands sliding lower to encircle
and stroke Victor's cock. "Like giving up control like this so all you can
do is feel." As he spoke, he pushed on the inside of Vic's knees with his
legs, spreading them farther and driving the older man down more firmly on
his cock with his next thrust.
"God, so fucking hot. Just like that, babe. Tighten down on me, let me feel
how you like it, let me hear you." Mac's words rasped out around them, and
he closed his teeth on Vic's ear, nipping the flesh as he tugged on the ring
impaling his nipple.
Vic nearly collapsed into a puddle of mindless flesh. "Oh fuck!" he wailed
as his bones melted from the heat Mac was generating. "Jesusoh Jesus,
babyplease! Harder, Mac, fuck me harder!" the older man begged as he
thrust his ass backwards, wanting to feel every inch of his baby pressed up
against himclaiming and marking him.
With a wordless growl, Mac pulled out of his lover's body the entire way,
then slammed back in with enough force to drive the breath from his lungs
and to flatten Vic against the squares of tile. Vic's whine goaded him into
repeating the maneuver once, then again, because of the extreme reaction it
got him.
Heat coiled at the base of his spine, and Mac bit down on the smooth plane
of the older man's shoulder to remain in control just a little longer. He
was going to come, but not without taking Victor along with him for the ride
- and this was going to be a damn good one.
Vic couldn't take it anymore. He was burning alive. With a wail of total
abandon the ex-cop painted the cool tiles with his semen, coming hard and
fast, clamping down on the invading cock even as his head reared back to
expose his throat more to Mac's lush mouth.
"MAC! Oh Jesus God!!!" The room began to gray out, and he felt himself
slump forward, even as Mac continued to pound into him. Nothing had ever
felt this good before, he thought hazily. Nothing but his baby.
Mac's whole body tensed when he felt Vic spasm around him, and he followed
his lover into oblivion, thrusting one last time before sending gouts of
jism pouring into the older man's body.
"God, Vice-man," he murmured, before feeling the increased weight of Vic's
body in his arms. "Victor? Babe?" Mac's tone took on a frantic edge, and he
wrapped his arms around Vic, supporting him while he tried to lean in and
look at the other man's face. "C'mon, babe, answer me!"
"Damn. That was." Vic shook his head to clear it somewhat. "You damn near
made me pass out there, babe," the older man admitted as he tried to brace
himself on jelly-like knees.
Giving up, Vic turned and let himself sink to the shower floor, then looked
up at the younger man. "Isn't this how that whole fiasco started in the
first place?" he chuckled. "Except it was you a melted pile of flesh and us
sound asleep in the bedroom. Remember to lock the door, okay?" Vic grinned
up his lover.
Mac's eyes widened at the thought of another of Victor's relations walking
in on them, and he raced to flip the bolt on the door, not even bothering to
grab a towel on his way out of the bathroom. Shuddering at the thought that
they might have had another visitor, he started back to the bathroom, intent
on pulling Vic from the shower, drying them both off, then cajoling his
lover into a trip to the mall. "Hey, Vic, is that your way of telling me you
have more relatives coming to visit?"
"What's the matter, baby, don't wanna meet any more of my family? But
they're so cuddly and loveable!" Vic chortled as he was dragged to his feet.
Yelping when Mac's hand contacted his still damp and well-fucked ass, Vic
turned and pinned the younger man to the wall, nipping at his throat. "No
more visitors, babejust you and me and a whole condo to ourselves. So
what do you want to do today?"
"Shopping?" Mac asked hopefully, before snickering at the other man's moan
of agony. "C'mon, babe," he cajoled, mimicking Vic's tone. "I'll give you a
$300 limit, and if you're good and stick to it, you can have another hundred
to spend in Priape. I know how that clerk just loves helping you try on
"Try again, baby. You love helping me try on leather, admit it."
Vic grinned tiredly and headed towards the closet. "Well, on the plus side I
can only benefit from this little shopping excursion. C'mon, baby, let's go
blow a wad on sex toys."
"Then I can use 'em to blow a wad on you?" Mac asked brightly, waggling his
eyebrows at Vic, then ducking out of the way as the older man aimed a swat
at his ass. "And I love helping you get out of the leather more than trying
it on."
Vic chuckled softly and slid into his most comfortable and worn pair of
jeans. Grabbing a tee shirt next, he skimmed into the tight fitting fabric.
"You wanna blow me, babe, you'd best get a move on," he grinned and headed
out to the living room for his sneakers and his jacket. "After allwe
wouldn't want to keep the salesmen waiting for their entertainment."
"Oh no," Mac laughed from deep in the closet where he was going through his
large collection of clothes, searching for the right look. "Didn't say I was
gonna blow you this time, said I was gonna blow a wad on youthere's a
As Mac walked out of the over-sized closet, he automatically checked to make
sure his earrings were still in place, then busied himself tucking his gray
shirt into his black linen pants. After accessorising with a black leather
belt and black loafers, he slid his wallet into his pocket and grinned at
his lover. "Ready to do some damage, babe?"
Vic groaned softly, but smiled at his lover. "Ready, willing and able, baby.
Lead the way."
Title: Little Sisters
Author/pseudonym: Angel and Rina Fandom: Once A Thief Pairing: Vic/Mac Rating: NC-17 Status: New, complete Archive: RatB, WWOMB and The Nesting Place E-mail address for feedback: OaTangel@aol.com and Rina83@msn.com Series/Sequel: Pretty Baby 6 Other websites: http://thesleepydragon.com/nesting/main.html Disclaimers: The names belong to Alliance but they did evil bad nasty stuff to the boys (blowing them to smithereens no less!) so we decided it was our turn!!!. Notes: Union Station is a major center for train travel and is right downtown and very cool looking. There are streetcars as well as subways in Toronto, the train of choice is VIA. Queen's Quay is very pricey harbor front property and the Annex is where many of the university/young professional crowd seems to live Summary: Vic's little sister comes for a visit A big thanks to Yenko and Eugenie who helped translate some of Mac's potty mouth phrases into Cantonese for me ~ Angel ~ Cantonese to English: Tiew, geng hi lahFuck, yeah! Tiew wo, lan-tan - Fuck me, dammit! Wo ai niI love you |
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