John Woo's Once a Thief (also called John Woo's Violent
movieseries pilot
Mac Ramsey and Li Ann Tsei have been adopted by Mr. Tang, the
godfather of a Hong Kong crime family. Mac and Li Ann are lovers.
They work together with Michael, Mr. Tang's biological son, as
an expert team of thieves. Everything changes when Michael falls
in love with Li Ann and convinces his father to let him marry
Meanwhile, Mac is disturbed to find out that the Tang family
is involved in arms dealing. Assigned to guard the family's money,
Mac decides to steal some instead and run away. Mac tries to convince
Li Ann to come with him, and after she sees Michael murder a man
she agrees to go with Mac.
Michael tries to stop them. Li Ann escapes into police custody,
but Mac is trapped inside an exploding warehouse. Mac survives.
Eighteen months later, the Director approaches him in jail and
blackmails him into working for the Agency. When he arrives at
the Agency in Vancouver, he glimpses Li Ann.
When he makes contact with her, he finds thatthinking
Mac was deadLi Ann has become engaged to another agent,
Victor Mansfield. The Director forms Mac, Li Ann and Vic into
a crime fighting unit.
Meanwhile, Michael Tang arrives in Vancouver to try to pressure
the banker Robertson Graves into dealing with the Tangs. The Director
assigns her trio to find out who is threatening Graves.
They start tailing Graves; Mac makes a rash move that results
in a hostage situation and Vic performs a daring motorcycle chase,
and they discover that the Tangs are involved.
The Director sends Vic to Michael, pretending to be a dirty
police officer willing to sell information, and she sends Mac
to steal the Rembrandt painting with which Michael plans to finance
a buyout of Graves' bank.
Mac and Vic are surprised to run into each other in Michael's
compound, but work together to steal the painting. Then Mac goes
to Michael and offers him the painting, in return for letting
Mac back into the family. Michael agrees only on the condition
that Mac give him Li Ann as well.
The Director decides that it would be too dangerous to hand
Li Ann over, so Li Ann takes the painting and goes on her own.
Michael captures her and is about to escape with her and the painting
when Mac and Vic come to the rescue.
A battle ensues, and at the end, to avoid killing Li Ann, Michael
drives off a pier.
Synopsis by Shadowscast
Guest Cast: Robert Ito (Tang Godfather), Michael Wong
(Michael Tang), Nathaniel DeVeaux (Dobrinsky), Alan Scarfe (Robertson
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Big Bang Theory
(series premiere)
three months since Mac joined the Agency, and his probationary period
is almost over.
Mac, Vic and Li Ann get an assignment: the team is supposed
to intercept a man, Massenhoven, outside a bank and find out what
he's carrying. Massenhoven escapes their notice by cross-dressing,
deposits a disk in the bank, and then is killed on his way out
by a hit man working for Thermo Rakis.
The Director tells Mac that he's a failure, and frees him. He
goes straight to a restaurant the Director mentioned, where he
saves the beautiful owner, Kathy Chao, from a couple goons. Kathy
is involved with Rakis; he orders her to get the disk from the
bank. She goes to Mac with a sad story, and he helps her steal
itonly to encounter Vic and Li Ann in the bank.
Kathy runs away with the disk, and Vic and Li Ann reveal that
it contains a list of people who helped dissidents escape China;
the Tangs are on the list.
Mac convinces Kathy to tell him where the disk is, and the whole
team works together to get it back.
Finally the Director reveals that she was manipulating Mac all
along, and he's still on the team.
Synopsis by Shadowscast
Recurring Cast: Howard Dell (Dobrinsky)
Guest Cast: Rachel Shane, sometimes credited as Valerie Chow (Kathy Chow), Ernie Grunwald (Thermo
Rave On
Episode 1.2
Several locals, aged 18 to 20, have drowned mysteriously. The
Director has the team look for connections. Meanwhile, Nikki,
the teenage daughter of another Director (deceased), is caught
robbing a convenience store.
The Director assigns Nikki to the team as a "cultural consultant,"
but she keeps escaping their custody and getting into trouble.
The investigation progresses, and it's discovered that all the
victims were regulars at the rave club the Hard House, owned by
Sam Francisco.
Connections are found to Dogstar shipping. Nikki escapes from
Dobrinsky and goes to Dogstar, where she meets the "Colonel" and
learns that he's an ex-KGB agent who's developed a new business
killing kids from the Hard House and selling their identities
to members of the Russian Mafia.
Li Ann shows up at Dogstar to investigate and Nikki betrays her
to the Colonel. The Colonel, Sam and Nikki go back to the Hard
House with Li Ann as a captive; Vic follows and engages them there.
It turns out that Nikki was double-crossing the Colonel; at the
last minute she saves Vic and Li Ann.
Synopsis by Shadowscast
Recurring Cast: Howard Dell (Dobrinsky), James Allodi
(Nathan Muckle)
Guest Cast: Liisa Repo-Martell (Niki), Don McKellar (Sam
Francisco), Mark Wilson (The Colonel), Shawn Mathieson (Jimmy
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