Part Two
A Hong Kong Connection
A first glance it didn't disturb Li Ann to see a bouquet of flowers
on her usually barren coffee table. In the last three weeks Mac had
broken into her apartment twelve times and left surprises for her.
Her favourite gift, so far, was the green satin night-gown he had
left in the refrigerator.
She had considered giving her new lover a key but she was certain
that would have ruined half of his fun.
After dropping her purse, jacket, and keys Li Ann stepped closer to
look over the new offering. That's when her painted lips pushed into
a little frown. So far the only flowers Mac had left were white
roses. He'd done that about five times in one form or another.
The six long stemmed roses in an unfamiliar vase were perfectly
black, with prominent thorns. Ebony roses. They must be painted, Li
Ann realised, but it was a superb job of colouring. Beside the tall
crystal container sat a small bottle of vodka, and a square of crisp
A leap of reasoning shouted 'Alex' in her mind without even looking
at the note. Somehow those flowers seemed so perfect in connection
with the shadowy foreigner. He was such a distinct contrast to Mac's
loving attentions. Li Ann picked up the calling card carefully, as if
it might slice her fingers.
Meet me for a drink? Please.
9pm across from the restaurant.
Li Ann suspected that the please was an afterthought, considering
it's awkward placement.
Oddly enough Mac wasn't mentioned in the invitation despite Li Ann's
impression that Alex had a decided preference for men. She wondered
if Mac had received a similar visit to his apartment.
That lead to a different train of speculation. From what Mac had
said, Alex wouldn't likely know where Mac lived. The interlude with
Alex had only lasted two nights, the first at Alex's apartment and
the latter at Li Ann's. It almost made her laugh, two nights. Who
would have thought an encounter so brief could have left such an
intense impression on Mac?
Li Ann walked to the garbage and tossed the note away. She had Mac.
The last couple of weeks had been wonderful. She had no reason to
meet with the disturbing foreigner again, no matter what he did to
her hormones.
Li Ann considered throwing the roses away but was daunted by the
thought of those wicked thorns. Still, it wouldn't do for Mac to show
up before she disposed of the gift. Li Ann didn't want to deal with
another of Mac's strange mood swings over the mysterious Aleksandr
Dachakov. The minor tantrum he'd thrown the day after Alex had
slipped away had shocked her.
Mac had gone so far as to break into the apartment Alex had taken him
to when no further contact was forthcoming. Not one scrap of personal
belongings or clothes indicated who lived there. The phone on the
desk was disconnected and caretaker of the building said the rental
had been a cash deal. The man had grossly over-paid for one month
with, oddly enough, German currency.
Li Ann sighed, picking up the flowers by the vase. Holding the
bouquet by the soft blooms she poured the water down the sink then
tossed the flowers, vase and all, away. The vodka followed.
Finally satisfied, Li Ann headed for the bathroom, with every
intention of glamming herself up then calling Mac.

Somewhere around a quarter to nine Li Ann finally stopped lying to
herself. That was when she climbed into a cab and gave the driver
directions to the place Alex had asked to meet her.
The cabby had to speak twice before Li Ann could bring herself to pay
up and step out onto the sidewalk.
Maybe she could still cross the street and simply treat herself to a
light snack. As if she'd go out alone, dressed like this. The thought
made Li Ann laugh softly to herself.
She glanced around, half-wondering if Alex was a no-show.
It was sinister, the way the foreigner seemed to flow out of the
shadows and appear at her side.
Damn, but he cleaned up nicely. Li Ann had to stare. The dark,
tailored jacket and pants flattered his sleek lines. It made him seem
more like a runway model, a pleasant change from his leather and
jeans 'thug' look. Alex's hair was cropped too, almost militarily
close to his scalp.
"Couldn't you find a grown-up shirt?" Li Ann alluded to the plain
black t-shirt he was wearing with his dress clothes.
Alex shrugged. "I hate ties." He was conducting his own inspection,
taking in Li Ann's snug red dress and tall 'fuck me' pumps. "You look
lovely this evening, Senorita Tsei." Her hand was captured and
"Do I want to know where you disappeared to?" Li Ann shifted them
closer to the building and out of the stream of pedestrians.
"No, you don't." Alex stood close enough she could feel his breath
across her cheeks. "I need you to come to a club with me." His voice
was a whisper. "Please, Li Ann. Please."
Li Ann knew she should shake herself awake and run, but something
about this man provoked an almost primal desire in her. "What about
Mac?" Li Ann wasn't sure how she meant the question, or for who.
Alex brushed his fingertips over one of her mostly bare shoulders.
"Your skin feels absolutely delicious."
"He looked for you." She persisted.
"I know."
"You hurt his feelings." Li Ann shifted, attempting to clear some
breathing room for herself. "I'm seeing him now. I don't want to hurt
him. I don't want you to hurt him either."
The smile the foreigner displayed was evil. "But he likes it when I
hurt him...just a little." Alex teased, but then grew more serious
when he realised that Li Ann was not amused. "I'll catch up to him
tomorrow. I'll make it right, you'll see. But tonight, I need you."
Alex captured her hand, leading her down the neon-illuminated street.
Li Ann's steps were hesitant, but she followed. Luckily it wasn't a
very long walk. Her heels wouldn't have made that possible.
Two blocks down, he drew his companion into the darkness of an
alleyway. A single bulb lit the set of descending stairs that Alex
was aiming for.
"This is not a safe place." Li Ann knew the club's reputation.
Alex chuckled. "If you wanted safe, you wouldn't be with me, my
dear." He rapped on the dilapidated door.
A peephole slid open. "What do you want?" The voice inside demanded.
Alex fished a small card out of his inside jacket pocket and offered
it through the narrow slit, along with an American fifty-dollar bill.
The peek slot closed and the door swung inward. A sweet miasma of
expensive perfume and drugs wafted out into the stairwell.
"This is dangerous." Li Ann cautioned.
"I know." Alex caught hold of the oriental woman's wrist and towed
her forward into the club.
Red spotlights dimly lighted the smoky atmosphere. A flash of white
strobe broke through the haze every few steps.
Alex cut his way through the crowd and cleared a place at the bar,
using nothing more than a few hot green glares.
Li Ann felt a certain guilty pleasure at the way the other patrons
reacted to Alex and herself.
The bartender waited on them immediately.
"Vodka, straight up." Li Ann demanded before her escort could speak.
Alex knitted his dark brows, but voiced no objection. He simply
dropped the money down. His mouth twitched into a hint of a smile
when Li Ann picked up the shot glass and knocked back the drink.
Li Ann thumped the empty glass down on the bar like a challenge. Alex
smirked and duplicated her actions.
A wince passed briefly across his face. "Damn, that's good stuff." He
gritted out.
Li Ann's expression shifted to annoyance as an elegantly nailed hand
settled onto Alex's shoulder.
"Alexei, bébé." It was the blonde Li Ann recalled from Tang manor. "I
didn't expect to see you here, my pet." She leaned in and murmured
something right into his ear, nibbling before pulling away.
"Arcadia..." Alexei flicked his hand to point out his date. "You
remember Li Ann don't you?"
The blonde barely acknowledged the presence of the other woman.
"Lexi, you're such a naughty boy. You've been avoiding me. I had to
find other entertainment." She pointed. "Dolph." A tall, broad-
shouldered man was looming quite close.
Cady's hands smoothed inside Alex's jacket. "Of course, if you want
to join in, Dolph doesn't you chér?" She asked without
Narrow blue eyes swept a leer up and down Alexei. "I could go for
that." He rumbled.
Li Ann was just beginning to consider walking out when she noticed
what Cady's groping was a cover for. Li Ann caught the faintest glint
of silver as the blonde extracted a tiny case from Alex's inside
pocket and slipped it into her cleavage.
"Tempting Cady, but I'm with someone already."
"Maybe later." Arcadia leaned in to purposefully run her tongue up
Alexei's cheek. Still ignoring Li Ann, Cady withdrew to Dolph's side.
Li Ann filled the vacancy, snugging herself tight to Alex's chest and
groin. "Nice trick, Foreigner, that pass-off. Tell me, am I merely a
prop to help you blend in?" She whispered into his ear.
"Li Ann, you wound me." Alex trailed a finger down the line of her
"Dance." She tugged at one of his lapels.
"Mmm, yeah." Alexei hooked her into the curve of his arm and guided
Li Ann onto the small dance floor.
Alex drew Li Ann hip to hip against him, sliding his arm up to cradle
her lower spine. His other hand teased along her inner arm, grasping
her fingers only after he'd coaxed a sigh out of his companion.
Li Ann twisted her fingers into the short hairs at the nape of Alex's
neck, tugging to get his attention. Dark eyes locked with jade and Li
Ann undulated slightly. "Business all done?"
"For tonight." Alexei conceded.
Li Ann brushed her cheek against his. "Tonight...why me instead of
Mac?" She questioned.
"Would you believe I flipped a coin?"
"No." Li Ann nuzzled his ear. "I don't think you're capable of making
a decision that carelessly." She flicked her tongue. "Why me?"
An amused sigh escaped him. She was persistent. "Mac hits me with a
gut level, physical reaction." He explained. "You..." Alex brought
their groins into sharp contact. "Are an intellectual challenge as
well as a sexual delight." His hardness emphasised the statement.
They didn't so much dance, as grind against each other.
"We should take this somewhere private." Li Ann murmured.
Alex spun in place and dragged her by the grip he had on her hand.
They pushed through a dark curtain and out a small side door into the
cooler night-time air.
"We can't go to my place." Li Ann protested, holding back. "Mac..."
She let the name hang in the darkness.
Alex back-stepped her into the wall, pressing her to the ancient
mortar. A chill shuddered through Li Ann at the contrast between the
temperatures of Alex and the wall.
The kiss he took started out strangely timid but when Li Ann parted
her lips, inviting him in, the onslaught really began. It felt like
he was trying to touch her soul through her mouth.
Alex's hands slid up under the hem of her brief dress to cup her ass,
almost lifting her off the ground. Li Ann hooked her arms around
Alexei's neck, digging her fingers into his skull and raised her legs
to wrap them around his hips. Alex hardly flinched at the weight
shift. His fingers tightened but not enough to bruise.
Li Ann grew a bit light-headed, gasping for air between kisses. It
went on for ten minutes or two hours, she couldn't tell...until Alex
suddenly stilled.
"What? What?" Li Ann demanded, gathering her scattered intellect as
Alex slowly lowered her down.
A strange woman stood right at Alex's shoulder, smiling sweetly.
Alexei put a slight gap between himself and Li Ann by shifting to the
right. That's when Li Ann noticed the small gun pressed to her
companion's spine.
"She's a entirely new flavour, Alexei." The woman inspected Li Ann
for a moment before stepping away. "Neither a nordic beauty queen nor
Mr. tall, dark and handsome. That's unforeseen. Does Nicki know
you're going against your programming? She may
Li Ann was just readying herself to spring into action when the
endearment in the woman's next sentence stalled her out completely.
"You know little brother, thinking with the wrong head could get you
killed one of these days. I could have been someone more...deadly"
"No one is more deadly than you Tati." He shrugged one shoulder. "I'm
not in shit with anyone local at the moment, besides, I don't think
Li Ann would have let someone snuff me. She's not finished with me
yet." Alex smiled. "What do you want Tati? I'm in the middle of
something here."
"E"b tvoju mat'... It's nice to see you too." The woman scowled, then
stashed the gun behind her back and under the velvet jacket she was
wearing. "I was in Vladivostok." She explained. "Nicki suggested I
cut over here and check up on you...remind you that she'll be
incommunicado for the next while. Besides, our paths don't cross
often enough these days, and I miss you, little brother. Do I need
any more reasons than that?"
Li Ann compared the two figures, not seeing a family resemblance so
much as a general racial type. The woman, Tatiana, was dark-haired
and light skinned like Alex but her jaw was squarish and her features
more sharply cut.
"Of course, you can call Olga if it's an emergency, but don't bother
her with anything trivial. She's minding the Catherines while Nicki
is busy."
"S'okay." Alex's shoulders had hunched slightly and he shoved his
hands in his pockets, ruining the line of the fabric. It made him
look younger and a bit unsure of himself. "I'm just working at some
simple fundraising right now, nothing covert."
"What about that stuff with Petrovich?"
"All cleared up now." Alex answered quickly. "He's an idiot. He
screwed up some bloody simple directions, that's all. I've got him
under control."
"Don't you underestimate Petrovich, Alexei, and don't piss him off.
You may need him later." Her voice grew sickly sweet as she asked.
"How about the D.C. business? That crap you fell into over there was
fucking sloppy." Tatiana practically purred out the next sentence.
"You know, Nicki has told everyone about that exquisite G-man you
wandered across."
"That's all on hold." He snapped, razor sharp. "Where is Nicki
going?" Alex was sadly desperate to change the subject.
Tati shot a suspicious glance Li Ann's way, then broke into a
brittle, upper-crust English accent. "Mummy has decided to set up a
bolt-hole or two in the colonies, just in case, you know."
"How positively sensible." Alexei mimicked the stuffy tone.
"Excuse..." Li Ann complained. "I'm feeling a bit out the loop here."
Identical expressions of surprise turned her way, finally giving the
pair some semblance of kinship.
"Li Ann Tsei... Tatiana, one of my sisters." He frowned suddenly.
"Sorry Tati, are you using that name right now?"
"It'll do, Alexei. This is family, not business, after all." She
allowed. "Well, I don't want to mess up your entire evening. Catch
up with me tomorrow." Tatiana sidled up into Alex's personal space,
whispering directly into his ear.
She had switched languages by the cadence of it, using her lower
throat more. Tatiana also fingered his bicep in a rather intimate
"Which room." His whisper was gritty.
Tati pulled away reluctantly, her fingertips lingering until the last
possible second. "Two oh six." She flipped back to English.
Li Ann wrinkled her nose at the way Tatiana kissed the air before
walking out of the alley. "Sister?"
"As much... if not moreso, than Mac is your brother." Alex watched
until the figure was gone then shone his complete attention on Li
Ann. "Sorry. How about we take this someplace a bit more secure."
"Sounds like a plan." Li Ann couldn't help herself. She giggled. The
entire situation seemed so bizarre. She couldn't completely
understand how she'd gotten herself tangled up with this captivating
His smirk was back. "I've got a room." Alex extended his hand.

Li Ann traced her finger across Alex's bare shoulder to his chest.
When she circled his nipple the prone man shuddered.
"You're awake." Li Ann observed. She was propped up on one elbow,
stretched out beside him.
"You up for more then?" Alexei's voice was a throaty rumble.
Li Ann tugged the covers out of the way and snuggled closer. "Not
really." Her caresses were mere feather touches. "Talk to me, Alex."
He sighed. Maybe this was why he preferred to bed guys. They either
slept or left when he finished with them. "You want me to conjugate
verbs in French, or maybe describe the customs officer that strip
searched me last month? He was quite the piece of work."
She pinched, hard. "Behave."
Alex fastened his hand over her's. "We're not a normal couple, Li
Ann. You've got Mac and Michael for this kind of relationship shit.
I'll be gone before the novelty of fucking like bunnies wears out.
You know that."
"I'm not asking for your life story or confessions of all your past
misdeeds..." Li Ann hedged. "It's just a bit disturbing not even
knowing what your real name is."
"Tell me about it." He laughed, a harsh sound that tore at his
A frown marred Li Ann's fine features. "Don't you know?"
"I suspect...I suppose...but no, I'm not sure."
Li Ann stroked, offering comfort.
"The girls call me Alexei, my sisters...sort of sisters. So does
Nicki. But my father used to call me Mikhail." Alex leaned into her
warmth. "Nicki says he wasn't really my father though, so who the
fuck knows? Call me Alex, like you've been doing. It feels as normal
as anything."
"You are seriously screwed up, Alex." Li Ann kissed his cheek. "And
the weird thing is, that just makes you more attractive."
He nodded. "Actually, I understand that." Alex toyed absently with a
twist of her dark hair. "I've got this thing for a messed up man too.
One minute I want to slap some reality into him, the next...most of
the time, I feel like he needs protecting...from me, from the rest of
the know."
"I'll bet he's cute?" Li Ann coaxed, purposefully trying to sound
like a much younger girl.
"Devastating." Alex smiled. His hand began to skim over her bare
skin. "You really get off on the idea of two guys, don't you?"
"A girl needs a hobby." Her tone was saucy.
Alex rolled up onto his arms, above her. "When I chase Mac down
tomorrow, you want to help me?" He stole a kiss.
"What about your sister?" Li Ann asked.
"She'll wait. About Mac..." He smoothly eased her legs apart with one
of his knees. "Tell me where he lives. We'll break in before he wakes
"He's angry with you."
"I'll settle him. No problem." The statement was purposefully
arrogant. "You could help." The sheet was flicked away entirely.
Li Ann shook her head. "I can't help you. I don't want Mac to see you
and I as together...without him. He wouldn't understand." She sounded
He brushed his lips across her ear. "You could stay hidden." Alex
pressed down just a little. "You could watch." He purred.
Li Ann's arch up against him was all the answer he needed.
"What do you want to see, Li Ann?" His body rubbed against her's, raw
silk. "What do you want me to do to him?"
Her voice faltered. "I don't know." She tilted her hips up, seeking
some kind of pressure.
Alex shifted to support himself with one arm. The other hand trailed
a leisurely course downward, dipped finally between her legs. "Yes,
you do."
Li Ann shuddered. "Don't hurt him."
"It won't hurt him, much. He likes it." Alex touched her delicately,
testing. "You want to watch me fuck your pretty Mac, don't you?"
Her voice was thick with sibilance. "Yesss... god, yes."
Two of Alex's fingers slipped inside of her. "Flat on his back like a
woman, or bent over?" His thumb tormented.
Li Ann's hands fisted the sheet under her. "I don't know...god...bend
him over. I want to see his face when you're doing him."
"Or Mac could fuck me."
"No, no, no..." How could Alex conduct a conversation while she
burned alive from the inside out.
"Do you want him to scream, or cry when he comes?"
"BASTARD. Shut up."
"Scream...or cry?" Alex's tormenting fingers quickened.
"Don't hurt him."
"You want tears." He accused. "You want him begging, grovelling, then
crying with relief when I finally take him."
"Alex! Ahh! Right there."
The taunting continued. "How about both? First his pleasure, then his
pain. It's what you want, isn't it? "
"Oh god, yes." Li Ann mashed herself against Alex's hand not even
sure what she was answering to anymore. "Yes, fucking yes. Do it.
Break him apart." Her body spasmed several times then went limp
underneath him. "Bastard." Li Ann's voice was a croak.
Alex slumped down beside her. Arousal was tickling about the edges of
his senses but he ignored the urge. He would need his energy for
"I need a half an hour." Alexei closed his eyes. "That'll give us
plenty of time to get there."

Dawn was just pinking the sky when Li Ann lead the way into sky-
scraping building where Mac had a small apartment. It was one of the
few times of day that the lobby wasn't a bustle of people coming and
"Do you have a key?" Alex asked during the long elevator ride.
She offered up a tight smile. "I don't need a key, do you?"
"Ah..." Alex dug through a few pockets before producing a lock-pick.
"I suppose this will do."
Li Ann nodded. Mac's place wasn't high security. He didn't keep
anything too valuable there.
"Is he a heavy sleeper?" Alex finally spoke again as he knelt in
front of the specified door and fiddled with the lock.
"Didn't he sleep while he was with you?"
"An after sex coma isn't normal sleep." Was the whispered reply. The
door clicked and he eased it carefully open.
The apartment wasn't much to look at. Simple, clean lined furniture,
minimal wall hangings, and non-descript rugs on the floor.
"Bedroom?" Alex whispered the question.
Li Ann pointed, then padded softly to an open door, with Alex
following at her heels. They both froze in the doorway.
The bedroom had a little more personality to it. The walls were a
navy blue and the bed was a splash of rich green in the centre. Mac
was crossways of the large bed, half cocooned in the sheets.
Alex put his mouth right up to the shell of Li Ann's ear. "Stay here,
keep further back at the start... by the end the ceiling could fall
and he won't notice." He kissed the sensitive spot. "Get comfortable,
this will take a while."
Li Ann used the pressure of her back against the doorframe to ease
her slide downward. Sitting on the floor she was far less
Alex stepped backward into the living room and carefully stripped off
every stitch of clothing he had on. Each piece was draped gently over
the couch to prevent keys or change from jingling. He hesitated
longest over the cell phone then with a little frown of uncertainty,
switched it off.
Alex brushed past Li Ann and crept over to the bed. After considering
his target for a few moments he leaned cautiously on the mattress and
chanced a careful tug on the entwining sheet.
Mac shifted obediently in his sleep, loosening one of the twists in
the fabric.
Alex proceeded to gradually unwrap the sleeping man using the same
technique several times. He was especially careful to let Mac settle
between each pull. Finally finished, Alex was pleased to discover
that the younger man had worn nothing to bed. That made things so
much easier.
The pause had to be brief. If Mac felt a chill and groped for the
covers it would undo all of Alexei's progress.
Alex spared a quick smirk in Li Ann's direction then dismissed her
from his thoughts.
On hands and knees he crawled up onto the bed entirely. He centred
himself over Mac's groin and dropped his head to lick tentatively.
Alex didn't place any of his weight on the other man, wanting to
allow the illusion of a dream. He brushed his tongue slowly over the
tip and down just a little. A faint suckle on the end was as forceful
as he dared be.
Mac's legs spread of their own accord. The delicate lapping extended
to the base of what was quickly turning into an erection.
Bolder now, Alex tickled the fingertips of one hand up Mac's hipbone.
The sleeping man groaned and tossed his head restlessly.
Alex lifted his face, sat up a bit then straddled Mac's hips. Arms
extended he let himself fall forward so he was crouching over the
prone body. Alex nibbled lightly at each of Mac's nipples in turn
then dragged his open mouth up to the other's throat.
Mac's forehead wrinkled, and his shoulders shifted, pushing up.
Alex moved his mouth to Mac's jawline, watching the face carefully
for the moment when sleep completely vanished. He continued to stoke
and tease down below with one hand.
Dark eyes slitted open then flew wide as recognition washed over Mac.
Alex's body exploded into action. He locked his mouth onto Mac's to
stop the protest and seized hold of the younger man's arms, pinning
them. His full body weight dropped onto Mac, holding him down. Alex
ground his own erection against the other's.
When Mac's kiss flirted on the edge of becoming a bite, Alex broke it
off. "Did you miss me?"
"Bastard!" Mac tried to throw Alex off.
Alex nipped at Mac's bottom lip. His grinding softened, turning into
more of an undulation.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Mac demanded, provoking a faint
laugh from the other man.
"Isn't it obvious?" Alex whispered, nuzzling at the side of Mac's
"I don't want you."
"Liar." Alex squirmed down to fasten his mouth on Mac's neck once
more, scattering an occasional bite onto his shoulders.
"Get off me."
A laugh escaped. "You don't mean that." Alex latched onto a nipple
with a little effort and bit down.
Mac's body twisted. He groaned.
With aching slowness, Alex let his hands release their pressure on
Mac's arms and slip down his body, nails scraping all the way. Mac
arched under him. Inaudible curses spilled from Mac's lips.
"Miss me?" Alex asked again.
"Yes." He admitted. "Yes, damn it."
"S'good to hear." Alexei smiled then dove down to swallow Mac.
A thick scream was torn from the younger man and he slammed his fists
down into the mattress.
About two hours later Li Ann let herself out of the apartment. She
couldn't get home fast enough.

"Who is it?" Tatiana stood to one side of the door and called out the
question. She hadn't bothered with a robe to cover her brief pyjamas
but she did have her gun in hand with the safety off.
"Eh-ta Alexei."
"Khueplet! It's quarter fucking to three." She slipped off the lock
and yanked open the door, frowning.
At least he had the courtesy to look a bit ashamed of himself. Sorry
Tati Alex continued in Russian. He could use the practice after
spending so long in the States. His last contacts had sneered at his
debased accent. I got hung up on a little project and... He
shrugged. You know how it goes.
Tatiana closed and bolted the door. Her inspection of his condition
produced a little sneer of annoyance. She could smell the reek of sex
on him. It's your biggest weakness, sex. Christ Alexei, it's like an
addiction for you. I don't know what Nicki was thinking when she
designed you. Tati tucked her pistol back into her suitcase.
And who's fault is that. Alex dropped onto the mussed bedsheets.
Nicki fucking built me from the ground up. Pavlov's dog, dangle a
blonde ice queen and I'll salivate. She does this to me, then whines
when I act out on her programming. God.
That was not an argument that Tatiana wanted to get into with him.
She settled herself behind her foster brother, her bare legs
stretched out to either side of him. Tell me what's really bothering
you. She laid her head against his spine, wrapping him in her arms.
It's like you said yesterday. I messed up in D.C. Alex was vaguely
relieved to admit it out loud. I was sent in to become a player and
ended up a thug. The only reason Nicki didn't rip a strip off my back
was because I came out of it with the tape.
You're being too hard on yourself, Alexei. You got names, some
passwords... an idea of the situation over there. Tati kissed the
nape of his neck. They wasted your talents because they couldn't see
your full potential. That's just proof you held your cover, if a bit
too perfectly. She squeezed. It's not like you messed up on
purpose. You know, Nicki was a trifle worried when she saw a picture
of Agent Mulder. Tatiana might not have caught the visual indicators
but, pressed tight to Alexei's body, she couldn't miss the tensing at
the sound of that name. Alexei, you didn't.
No, but I wanted to. He admitted. Tati, he's intoxicating...not
just physically. Alex sighed. He's intelligent, articulate,
driven... and so fucking naďve that it's amazing he's survived this
long. A laugh bubbled up. Of course it doesn't hurt that he's just
the type Nicki and Vasili conditioned into my brain. Just hearing his
name makes my balls ache.
Tatiana's frown etched deeper with every word. Nicki had specifically
told her to scope out Alexei's feelings on the American. "You're in
love." She used English purposefully, to distance them from the
Alexei's head tipped back to rest against her. His next sentence came
out in stalling fragments. "Don't be ridiculous. Maybe. I don't know.
Probably." Another sigh. "I can handle it. I'm never going to see him
again. Nicki's been teasing me about him since... but I've figured out
that much out. I'm never going to see him again." The repetition was
flat. "She's pissed at me, isn't she, Tati?"
The tape is back in it's hiding place... in the States. Tatiana
supplied. I've got the key to the locker it's stashed in. She
paused. Do you want it? It was a test. They both knew that.
"Da." Alex failed. "In case the smoker's goons come calling." It was
a weak excuse.
"It's in my briefcase." Tati pulled out of the embrace. "I've got
some decoded bits Nicki wants sold off, and a contact you can deal
Alex straightened at the rejection. I'll take care of it. Where are
you off to next? He inquired, not really expecting an honest answer.
"Brazil." Tatiana climbed off the bed and padded over to her luggage.
I think as soon as Nicki gets things settled you should go home for
a visit. You've been out in the cold too long. Several bulky
envelopes were extracted.
Alexei was nodding, a weary motion. Obviously Nicki and the family
had decided that he needed to be reined in. It wouldn't do any good
to argue.
Kallenchuk is expecting to hear from you within the next day or
I'll get right on it. He promised. Alex heaved himself up off the
bed. I'll let you get back to sleep. He held out his hands for the
Tatiana studied her foster brother carefully. It was hard with only
the light from the windows illuminating him. Alexei was definitely
looking a bit rough around the edges.
Stay the rest of the night. She dropped everything on the desk.
I'm sorry. I'm not up to much right now, Tati. I sort of burned
myself out on a couple of local playmates. He admitted. I could go
down on you. Alexei offered. It would make you feel better.
No, baby. Just sleep with me. She knew her little brother held that
intimacy in a higher regard than sex. It'll be nice to rest beside
someone I trust for a change. Tati tried to share a jest.
Alex nodded. He tossed his jacket over a chair and toed off his
The two of them lay back down, spooned together. Tatiana pulled the
sheet up, squirmed against Alex's back, and then snugged her arm
around his waist.
Alex immediately went limp in the clinch. I get lonely. Casual
relationships were delightful but being with someone who actually
knew you was comforting.
We all do, beloved. Get some sleep. Tatiana breathed in the
familiar scent of his body.
Alexei closed his eyes.
Part II: Hong Kong Connection
Li Ann entered the dimly lit bar slowly, allowing her eyes time to
adjust. The noon sun had been harsh.
The place was an offshoot of a mid-range hotel with a few booths,
some tables and a rather long bar. It's best feature was that it was
out of the way.
Li Ann automatically headed to the most remote, dimmest corner of
tiny tavern. Her clandestine lover was tucked into the corner of the
bench facing out to the entrance. Alex was wrapped in his black denim
and leather Standard American Thug persona for today.
"You have such lovely taste places to tryst." Li Ann slipped into the
narrow bench across from him, trusting Alex to watch the entrance for
both of them.
Alex shrugged. "The menu is rather limited, but not bad." He excused,
absently stirring the beverage in front of him. "The coffee is
adequate... and considering it's location, neither your family nor my
contacts are likely to wander in here by accident." That being the
only point of real importance. His eyes hadn't settled on her yet. He
was still checking out her path for a tail.
Li Ann took the opportunity to study her companion for a few quiet
moments. Alex normally fidgeted and complained under prolonged
scrutiny but she loved looking at him. He really was quite beautiful,
especially his eyes. Lashes like those did not belong on a man.
Alex crooked his fingers at the waitress who was lounging, bored at
the bar. "A tea this time." He ordered in a raised voice so the woman
didn't need to approach.
He had a new bruise on his left temple and she could just see under
the cuff of his jacket. His wrist was strapped up. Some kind of
bracing, not white, like a bandage would be.
"Scuffle?" Li Ann gestured with one long finger.
"Misunderstanding. Nothing serious. That ubl'yudok, Petrovich is
testing my control again. The bastard hates me. I'd slit his stinking
throat if he weren't necessary... of course, he'd love to do the same
to me. It's a fun relationship."
She had to hide an expression of surprise. Alex didn't usually use
names around her. He must be extremely irritated with the man to make
that slip. "You up for this?" Li Ann offered him a straight line to
perk him up.
"I'm always up for you, Li Ann." The trademark smirk finally emerged
much to her delight. It made him look like a wicked little boy.
"We should get moving. I can't stay late." She watched his face
carefully. "I've a date with Mac tonight."
"You do that on purpose." Alex observed. His tone was taunting. "Not
that I mind, but I have to wonder why Mac doesn't notice. I can taste
Mac on your skin, smell him in your hair. Sometimes Michael too.
There was a third once. I don't know who it was, but she was a
pleasant surprise."
Li Ann's dark brows lifted in admiration at his observations. "You
can recognise the difference between Mac and Michael?"
"Of course. Oh, and for reference's sake. I like the taste of Mac
better. It's a familiarity thing, you know."
She laughed softly, a hint of pink tinting her cheeks. "I always
shower after you." Li Ann explained. "No offence."
"But not before? I'm intrigued, not offended."
"I know you like it." Li Ann stared into his eyes. "You hesitate,
then you look up at me... You get this evil smile..."
The waitress set Li Ann's tea down on the table, disrupting the
moment. They fell silent until the woman departed.
"Did you take a room, or do I get to see your place this time?"
"I don't have a place at the moment." Alex said. "Besides, sleazy
hotels seem to be more our style, don't you think?"
A small number suspicions fitted together. A hint of perfume, a few
evasions, other tiny clues, which she hadn't really paid mind to at
the time. "Who are you living with, Alex? Is it a man or a woman? I'm
guessing a woman." The faint surge of jealousy she felt at her
conclusion surprised Li Ann.
He laughed, a quiet bubbling noise. "Fuck, Li Ann, you're good."
She was unmoved, toying with her steaming cup. "Is it a secret?"
"A woman." Alex admitted with a shake of his head.
"That French blond? Arcadia, wasn't it?"
"I'm just between places. It's nothing." He tossed some money down on
the table. "I got a room for us."
Li Ann frowned. "I know...I'm the last one to be making claims,
but...I don't like her, Alex. I don't trust her."
"There isn't anyone I completely TRUST." Alex confided, then broke
into a laugh, richer than she had ever heard come out of him. "Shit,
now I'm starting to sound like him. Sorry, private joke. Do you want
to go home? No hard feelings...well some, but no hurt feelings." He
Never! Her mind shouted, but she didn't say it aloud. Li Ann pushed
her tea away, still not having tasted it. "I figure I've got a few
more weeks of you, tops...I'm not wasting it, Foreigner. Where's the
Alex lead the way out of the bar, towing her behind him.

The godfather of the Tang family leaned back in his chair and frowned
at the pile of pictures on his lap. Normally he wouldn't stoop to use
these methods within the family but Li Ann's behaviour lately was
troubling. Too much of her time was unaccounted for and he had
noticed her attention drifting at odd times. She was a sensible girl.
It had to be an outside influence.
The young man in the surveillance photos looked vaguely familiar but
Tang was having trouble placing the face. It didn't help that the
pictures had been taken through a slit in the blinds of a window,
while the pair were in bed together. He handled the photos with a
certain amount of distaste.
There's more. The investigator Tang had assigned to the job spoke,
reminding the older man of his presence. I followed your girl's
lover afterwards. He met up with a stunner of a blonde before he
noticed me. They shook me loose near the docks. That man, the lover,
he was very cautious, almost paranoid. I had a great deal of
difficulty not being spotted. The man admitted reluctantly. I
didn't dare get close enough to hear anything they said to one
another. That's why the pictures had to be taken then, I couldn't get
near them any other time. He was apologising. He knew bedroom
pictures were not what the godfather had wanted. Do you want me back
on your girl's trail again?
Tang tapped the arm of his chair with the sheath of enlargements. The
reminder of a blonde had tripped his memory. Ah yes, Arcadia
Boudreau's quiet bodyguard or her employer, depending on who was in
the room. He was the Russian who was selling them those
extraordinarily well-crafted handguns. Tang grasped after the name.
"Aleksandr Dachakov." It came out aloud.
The gun deal was still on going. Cady would have no reason to resent
or avoid a summons. Extend an invitation for Arcadia Boudreau to
join me this evening here at the manor. Suggest to her that it is a
social request... He frowned. But I want our interrogator standing
by. Martin's presence will indicate to our guest how seriously I want
Yes, sir. Sensing a dismissal in the orders, he withdrew from the
Tang sifted through the photos once more now he was alone, his
curiosity gradually overpowering his reluctance towards the content.
Li Ann did seem to be enjoying herself. She would most likely object
to the end of the affair.
Best to destroy these pictures, Tang thought. Neither his son nor Mac
would be pleased to discover the object of their unacknowledged
competition was rather involved with a third party. That was yet
another reason for halting the liaison. It wouldn't do to disrupt the
delicate dynamics of his three talented children and an outsider
would do just that. The Russian must be investigated in detail, even
more than doing business warranted, and possibly be removed if it
turned out Tang didn't approve of the findings.

Arcadia knew better than to frown when she was escorted into an
office rather than Tang's private suite. Instead she smiled
seductively at both Tang and the sombre-suited man lurking near the
"Thank you for coming, Miss Boudreau." Tang set the mood, formal.
Arcadia couldn't help but wish she had brought Alexei along. Knowing
he was lingering outside the building would have made her feel much
more secure. Cady hadn't expected this was going to be a business
"Have a seat." Martin spoke, an oily tone to his voice. "We have a
few questions for you Miss Boudreau."
Arcadia turned up the wattage on her charm. "Mais, oui... of course.
Anything I could help you with Monsieurs."
Tang had faint hope that the French woman would be completely
obliging, but it couldn't hurt to begin civilly. "Dachakov. I would
like some information on the man." Tang asked. "Where exactly do his
loyalties lie?"
She kept her curses internal, maintaining a sparkle on the outside.
"Lexi? Such concern over a harmless boy, really?" Cady beamed. "Lexi
is my Russian contact, for those darling little guns." She shrugged,
unsure of what they wanted.
"Who does HE work for?" Martin intruded once more.
"No one in particular." Cady hedged. "Lexi just knows a lot of
people. He's a quite the world traveller. He's simply my tie to the
builder of those petite toys you are buying from us, yet another
middle man, I suppose."
"Is he GRC, Russian Mafia or former KGB?"
She offered up her blankest blink. "I wouldn't know, really. It
hasn't come up in our relationship."
"Where does he live, my dear?" Tang asked reasonably, changing the
attack to something more benign. "Perhaps we should be questioning
him directly."
"Some hotel or another, I suppose. I meet him on neutral ground."
"How do you contact him?" Martin, this time.
"He calls me." It was an effort not to snap.
"You wouldn't be so foolish as to lie to us, my dear?" Martin drifted
over from his place by the wall, withdrawing a thin knife.
Arcadia laughed, covering a glance at the door. "He's a sweet boy,
but he means nothing to me." She lied, batting her lashes. "But I
can't give you information I don't have." Her most innocent voice
cooed out.
The blade was still warm from it's hiding spot. Martin tickled it
down one of her bare arms. "Where does he live?" The man was bent
over, almost in her face. She wasn't quick enough answering. "Where
does he live?" A drop of blood at the tip of the weapon warned her
not to make him ask the question again.
"No where at the moment, really." She offered a tidbit of truth.
"Sometimes he stays at my place overnight."
Martin moved the steel so it lay across her cheek. "Where else?"
A pleading look Tang's way showed him toying with a gun that lay on
his desk. "Please be honest, my dear. We know some of his
associations already and if you were to lie to us..." A shrug.
Arcadia considered the situation, deciding what she owed to whom.
"Hesitation makes me suspect you are in the process of making up a
lie." Martin accused mildly.
She chose sides. Hong Kong was her home and her only livelihood. "One
of your hirelings, a cute thief with big ears...Mac." Cady needed
Tang's good will. "Lexi is doing him on a pretty regular basis." She
flinched at the cold fire in Tang's eyes. "Or you could try a young
lady we met here at the manor, Li Ann...Tsei, that was it. Li Ann
Tsei." Arcadia attempted a bit more delicacy. "Lexi her."
Tang kept the surprise off his face through long practice. Mac's
involvement with the Russian was an unexpected shock. "Where else,
Cady?" Tang coaxed gently, smiling at her co-operation.
"He's got a crew down at the docks, a boat he uses to transport
things. I suppose he might spend some time down there with them. The
Captain of the ship is a craggy faced Russian called Petrovich.
They're still docked at the pier where you picked up the last lot of
cargo." Her accent had vanished under the pressure.
"Is Dachakov in charge? Or Petrovich?"
"Lexi does the deals. But I don't know their whole story, honestly.
That's not my department." She emphasised. "I hear them argue a lot
on Lexi's Russian. I can't understand what they're
Tang nodded. "He has a cell-phone."
"I'm not allowed to call him on it. I don't even know the number."
Arcadia was quick to add. "Whenever he answers it, he always uses
Russian at the beginning, though he switches languages a lot."
His worried expression suggested the boy might turn out to be even
more hazardous than Tang had surmised. "Who else is he doing business
Cady tensed. They were edging into dangerous territory for her. She
had to remain a free agent or her business value in Hong Kong would
plummet. Cady tossed out a distraction. "He does a lot of
international information trading. He's dealing some American data
through someone else right now, some salvage company. Then, there's
this Nicki person he talks to a lot on the phone, though not so much
lately. I don't broker all his work. I don't really know much about
"What do you know about his relationships with Li Ann and Mac?" Tang
dropped back onto his own personal interests.
Cady almost sighed with relief. "Lexi noticed your Li Ann just before
our first business meeting. I warned him to leave her alone. I found
Mac in his bed the next morning when I stopped at the place he was
crashed at...he's moved out since then." Was quickly added. "I don't
know how the guys connected." She didn't hold back in this area. "He
sees Mac every few days. It's just about sex, I think. Actually,
they're up to some rough trade, judging by the marks I saw on Mac."
Arcadia didn't even realise she starting to babble. "Lexi usually
prefers guys. I didn't think it was a bit deal, I mean, Mac's just
hired help, right?"
"And Li Ann?" Tang was conducting the interview now. Martin had
pulled back and seemed to be studying a painting near the desk.
Cady pursed her lips. "I didn't realise he'd taken up with her at
first. He said he wouldn't when we first discussed it." She placated.
"Now he seems to connect with her every other day or so... if only
for a few minutes. I know he called her at least once from Japan,
when we were away." That incident had troubled Arcadia, indicating
more involvement than she was comfortable with. Poor, pretty, Lexi.
Cady suspected he was in for a hard lesson from an annoyed father.
Tang looked distressed, to say the least.
"I could speak to him." Cady offered. "Stop it. I will make your
position of the matter clear to him. We don't need to let this
disrupt business."
That got an abrupt nod. "There is to be no more contact...with either
of mine...and I will be investigating Mr. Dachakov further. It would
be wise to distance yourself from him, Cady, especially if he
disregards your advice on this matter."
"Thank you, Sir." She bowed her head before rising and heading for
the door. "I will begin exploring other possibilities for providing
you with the merchandise."
"Clever girl."
"Monsieurs..." Arcadia bobbed once more then fled as fast as her
dignity and heels would allow.

Alexei knew there was trouble brewing when he found Arcadia on
the ship, deep in an attempt at conversation with Petrovich. Cady
hated coming down to the wharf and avoided it whenever possible.
"Lexi, bébé." Arcadia gushed, further heightening his suspicions.
"I've been searching for you... all over. Darling, we simply must
have a little chat. Oui?"
"Non! Not here." Alex met Petrovich glower for glower.
"We are all friends here." The sailor goaded, offering a seat on a
nearby box. "Sit, talk, drink." The burly man offered up an
unlabeled, open bottle. "Your pretty shalava... such stories she
shares with me, Krycek. I like her." The words were slurred with both
his heavy accent and alcohol.
Alex fumed at both of them, Petrovich for using that name and Cady
for simply being around to hear it. Alexei flipped to French. He
just called you my slut, darling. I don't think you want to make nice
with him.
Cady simply laughed. "Naughty men, you Russians are." Her blue eyes
glittered with mischief. I just got hauled in by Tang himself,
Alexei darling. It was her turn to hide their words in her native
language. It's hands off the Tang kids. The godfather is furious
about your cosy little arrangement with Li Ann. From now on the are
strictly off limits. "Taboo, verboten." Arcadia put everything into
the warning. "Toxic."
Petrovich was grumbling about the language barrier, positive he
needed to know what they were discussing.
"Both of them?" Alex questioned.
"Oui. Don't even go near either of them to say au revoir. No Mac, no
Li Ann." Arcadia didn't like that rebellious look in his eyes. She
overcompensated with words. "How many ways do you need to
hear...HANDS OFF?"
Petrovich roared out a belly laugh, reminding Alex to control his
expression. The Captain had finally figured out the topic and was
delighted by Alex's apparent dismay at being cut off from the objects
of his affection.
Alexei purposefully pictured a layer of ice crystals building on his
skin. "Hey, no problem. I was getting bored of them anyway."
"Poor little petuh." Petrovich taunted gleefully, lapsing into
Russian to continue. I know... you're going to cry like the baby you
are as soon as you're out of my sight. You pissy little faggot.
Alex was on the older man like an attack dog. A half-dozen vicious
blows to the throat and stomach had the drunken sailor moaning on the
deck before Cady could even stand up.
Alexei then seized her arm and hauled her off the boat. "Don't you
ever talk to that son of a bitch without me around EVER AGAIN! Do you
understand that?" Alex growled, shaking her as he spoke.
Arcadia slammed his wrist, knocking his grip loose. "You try this
strong-arm bullshit with me again and you better start sleeping with
one eye open."
Alexei met her angry glare for a brief moment then spun on his heel,
stalking away. Arcadia was quick on his trail.
"I've been working this country for five years now Lexi, and this is
the first time one of the families has ever threatened me. I won't
take a fall because you can't keep it in your pants. I like you. Your
tongue, it does tricks that make my head spin and you're a lot of fun
to be around but you're not worth this. Don't push me." Cady caught
hold of his sleeve, trying to slow him down. "I will walk away from
you and all your business." The statement brooked no nonsense. It
didn't coax or coddle.
"I understand." He nodded.
"When you get a hotel room let me know and I'll taxi your stuff
over... and I want your phone number."
Another nod. Alex gently pulled his arm free. "I'll call you in two
hours." It was time to build an emergency stash. Alexei mentally
kicked himself for being so complacent over the last several months.
One of his spare passports, double enough cash to get him to either
St. Petersburg or Washington, the locker key, and duplicates of a few
vital computer discs. It was a small package and shouldn't be hard to
hide somewhere public. With Nicki temporarily out of action he should
have prepared a cut and run wallet weeks ago, just in case. That
precaution was what had saved his ass when things went to hell in
D.C. "We can meet for lunch tomorrow." Alex realised his silence had
gone on too long.
"Call me." Arcadia repeated, then tapped off towards the sound of
heavy traffic.
Alex took careful stock of his surroundings then ambled off in a
slightly different direction. With his hands shoved in his pockets
and a snarl on his lips Alex just dared someone to cross his path
Alex seriously meant to drop his personal life into the deep freeze.
He would tie up loose ends, then contact Olga about kicking back for
a holiday at home. The Catherines would be delighted to see him. It
was what he wanted to do. At least that's what he told himself.
Unfortunately, the temper Petrovich and Cady had frothed him into ate
away at his common sense. Late that night, Alexei wandered into a
public gym and took out some of his frustrations, until five
opponents later; no one would step onto the mats with him.
Alex considered the weights but being in one place that long didn't
appeal to him right now. Instead he ended up aimlessly walking the
street with a knapsack of sweaty clothes slung over his shoulder.
His body fell back into an old pattern, seamlessly adapting it to the
city and current circumstances.
Alex didn't care to count the nights he had stood in a doorway across
from Mulder's building, watching the blue flicker of the television
through a dirty, distant window. Depending on the weather and his
mood, he usually gave up and wound his way home by about three or
four in the morning.
But this was another city on the far side of the world and Mulder was
further out of reach than the twinkling stars. Alex chuckled to
himself when the long walk ended and he looked up in order to place
himself. It almost surprised him which building his wandering feet
had brought him to. He had half-expected to end up at the other one's
doorstep, but this was more of a physical need than an emotional one.
Trusting the instincts that had brought him this far, Alex took
himself into the building. The elevator ride almost changed his mind.
He rode up two extra floors and ran back down the stairwell. Alex
then waited to see if anyone interesting had followed. If they had,
they weren't stupid enough to pursue him to the threshold.
After some time wrestling with his conscious Alex broke down and
walked to the apartment door. Habit had his fingers mostly wrapped
around his lock-pick before changing his mind. Instead Alex lifted
his knuckles to rap on the wood.
Mac answered the door in nothing but briefs and a robe. "Oh fuck."
The young thief seemed about to slam the portal closed. "I am not in
the mood to wrestle with you tonight, Alex."
Alex shrugged. "I just thought...this time I should say goodbye." He
flicked a finger at the door. "I didn't just break in. I knocked."
Maybe his attack of manners could score him some points. "Can I come
Mac's wrist twitched as if he was going to slam the door but then the
slender young man stood aside.
That was enough of an invitation for Alex. He tossed his knapsack
into a corner, careless of the cell phone inside it, then dropped
heavily on the couch.
"Why say good-bye this time?" Mac was skirting the edge of a pout. It
looked good on him.
"Because this time I'm not coming back, not in a few days, not in a
month, not ever." Alexei carefully observed the reaction to his news.
Disbelief and much to Alex's gratification some disappointment. "You
told me once..." Alexei murmured. "It makes you crazy to lie in bed,
not knowing if I going to appear out of the dark and crawl in with
you. A few days of that is hard I suppose. But this time I won't be
coming back to make it up to you. I didn't want you going through
that." The Russian shrugged. "It would be cruel to leave it hanging
like that. I know."
Mac prowled around the room without any purpose. "I didn't think
cruelty bothered you much. In fact, it seems to be one of your
specialities." He accused. The pout burst into full bloom.
Alex almost laughed, his instincts had been right yet again. The
shadow of Mulder was vivid in Mac's expression now and Mac would
engage in things Mulder would never even consider permitting... not
with Alex, anyway. "I don't want to hurt you tonight." Alex announced
softly. "I don't need to hurt you to make it feel good. Please."
"Jeez, Alex." Mac turned his back. "Is this another one of your mind-
fuck games? Cause I don't have the strength to play, not tonight."
Alexei was off the sofa in an instant, pressing himself to Mac's
back. He wrapped his arms forward, sliding his hands into the part of
the robe. "You're stronger than you think...but, no, it's not a game.
I swear. This is the last time for us. I'll do anything you want this
time, anything." Alex's whisper was throaty. "Considering my
job...and my constantly rotating employers, if we ever lay eyes on
one another again it'll most likely be down the barrel of a gun...or
through cell bars."
That prompted a faint snicker from Mac. "Yeah, right."
"Fuck, I wish I was joking." Alexei kissed the nape of the other's
neck. "Come on Mac. One last time? Let's finish it up sweet."
Mac melted against Alex's chest. "No pain tonight?"
"Just pleasure tonight, I promise." Alex nuzzled.
There was another long pause.
"Yeah, okay." Mac started towards the bedroom door but Alex caught at
his arm, stopping the movement.
"No, the couch, please. Indulge me in that."
"The couch?"
Alex backed Mac up. "I wish it was leather, but hey..." Alex
continued lavishing gentle kisses on the other man; his mouth, his
jaw, cheeks and nose. Fingers skittered through Mac's chest hair,
rubbing nipples. A slight shove toppled Mac backward onto the sofa.
Alex knelt between parted legs. He brushed his mouth across the thin
layer of cotton. "I need you." Those words actually hurt coming out
but Alex wanted to give it all up tonight. Last times were the only
times he could dare to do that.
The fabric grew damp under his attentions and Mac's anticipation.
Alex reached up to tug at the waistband. "Lift. I need skin." Mac's
hips raised and Alex peeled the underwear down and off him. Alexei
closed his eyes and lost himself in sharp scents and tastes, keeping
his attentions slow and through.
When Mac's hands in his hair grew too insistent Alex eased himself
back to sit on his heels, not wanting to things to end so quickly.
Mac shuddered and stared down. "You look like a whore, doing me like
Alex licked his lips. "I know." He hesitated, not daring to come out
and ask for what he wanted. "You can treat me like one if you want
to." The jade eyes were almost black in the darkness of the room.
Mac actually flinched, then his eyes widened with understanding.
"Strip down." He demanded, after a thoughtful pause.
It was close enough to an order to make Alex grit his teeth on an
exclamation of pleasure. "Fuck...yes."
Shoes were toed off, and then socks removed before Alexei shrugged
out of his leather jacket. The jacket made a muffled, metallic thud
as it hit the floor, betraying the hiding place of his gun.
While he was pulling his shirt over his head Alex carefully shut his
eyes down to half-closed. In the gloom and through his
lashes...sweet, sensuous Mac, sitting on the sofa took on a hinting
overlay of Mulder. It was the best of two possible worlds.
Mac leaned back, enjoying the show. When the jeans peeled away
without any underwear next to the skin Mac laughed quietly and said.
"You're quite the slut tonight, Alex."
The words sent an obvious quake through the standing man. Jeans were
kicked aside and the display was complete. Alex stepped up to the
sofa and sank down, pressing his bare body to Mac's. "Need you, need
you so bad."
Mac stroked Alexei's dark hair, soothing. "I think I know what you
need, Alex. Ask nicely and I may just give it to you."
"Fuck, Mac. Yeah." Alex moaned. The pleasure he felt vibrated through
his whole body. "Please, oh please."

When tapping politely on the doorframe didn't work, Li Ann crossed
the room to shake one of the still forms. Her hand faltered just
short of making a choice and at the last instant she touched Mac's
shoulder rather than Alex's back.
Mac seemed the right decision. He didn't flinch or jump up. His dark
eyes opened slowly but the clarity she needed was there. Mac frowned
for a moment as he realised Li Ann had waked in on him tangled,
naked, with Alex.
"No problem." Li Ann whispered.
Mac had been honest about his affair with Alex. In fact he had ranted
about Alex's behaviour to her on more than a few occasions.
"You're not...damaged." The young woman murmured with a certain
amount of surprise. Even if Mac had wanted to keep his relationship
with Alex a secret it wouldn't have succeeded. Alex invariably left
Mac a canvas of scratches, bites and bruises.
"It was different last night." Mac kept his voice low too. "He was
different, submissive...needy. It was weird." He breathed in the
scent of Alex's hair, a faint frown on his face. "That..." Her lover
hesitated. "...and he called me by the wrong name four times."
Li Ann's lip curled in annoyance. "What name?"
A wary glance at his sleeping companion was given before Mac replied.
"Mulder three times and 'my Fox' once... whatever the hell that
"I'm sorry." Li Ann apologised for prodding at what must have been a
tender spot. She ran her gaze over Alex. "He's beautiful." The words
escaped before she could properly edit the emotion.
"Jealous?" Count on Mac to take the lightest interpretation of her
"You're beautiful together, the pair of you." She really wanted to
bolster her nerve, to get another chance at a threesome, but not at
the risk of loosing Mac.
Mac kissed the top of Alex's head. "He came to say good-bye."
"Good-bye?" Li Ann realised it was too loud and sharp as the word
passed her lips, but she was too late.
Alex pushed up and away from Mac's chest, head twisting. He seemed to
be snatching after something, maybe his absent gun, but his fingers
caught only tangled sheet.
"It's just me." Li Ann raised her hands, palms to the bed.
Alex's frown creased deeper. "Fuck!" He scrambled to his feet. "I
gotta go." Alex headed to the living room, after his gear.
Li Ann chased immediately but Mac delayed to grab some clothes. "Mac
says you came to say good-bye. What's the story?" Li Ann asked.
Alex dressed quickly, ignoring the itch of fluid that had dried on
his skin and the desire to use the bathroom.
"How long will you be away?" She persisted.
Alex pulled shoes on bare feet, acutely aware of his need to rush. He
snatched up his leather jacket. Pulling the gun out of the inner
pocket, he stashed the weapon into the back of his jeans after
checking to make sure it was loaded.
When Alex shifted the jacket to put it on, Li Ann caught hold of one
of the trailing sleeves. "Answer me."
"He said he's leaving completely." Mac supplied from the bedroom
door. "He's not coming back this time."
Alex yanked hard, freeing the leather from her grip. Anything else he
might have brought with him to Mac's was forsaken. The Russian fled.
Li Ann spared a brief glance at Mac then set to the chase. Alex was
one flight down before she even got to the stairwell. "ALEX! Wait."
Li Ann tried to catch up by running down after him but as they neared
the bottom she realised his lead was too great. Not thinking twice,
Li Ann climbed up onto the railing and pushed off. She landed in a
defensive crouch in front of the exit.
Alex froze in surprise.
Li Ann straightened. "Don't even think about leaving it like this.
What kind of crap is this? Mac gets a farewell fuck but you think you
can just walk out on me without one word of explanation?"
Alexei ran a hand through his short hair. "It's not like we weren't
expecting this." He stalled. "Your family...I got orders to stay away
from you. They know about us and they're not happy."
Her arms crossed. "But I don't rate one word?"
"It's harder to leave you, Li Ann." Alex admitted. "I don't like to
do heavy emotional scenes." He edged around her, slipping away when
she tried to latch onto him.
Li Ann swore and followed him through the door and into the lobby.
"Don't you walk away from me, Alex."
"There's nothing to say, Li Ann." He glanced nervously around. They
weren't alone and an argument was sure to draw unwanted attention.
"We knew this was coming. I have to go."
"Maybe I don't want you to."
Alex froze in place. Her tone of voice pricked his deeply buried
core. Against all training, he closed his eyes and sighed towards the
"We could work something out, Alex." She coaxed gently. "I'm not
ready to end it just yet."
"It's just sex, Li Ann."
"It might be more if we dared." Li Ann edged close enough to lay a
hand on his chest. Purposefully refraining from taking hold for fear
of how he would react, she petted him softly. "We haven't even
His laugh was strained. "But why would you want to...especially with
me? I'm not the type."
"Yes, you are. You're just scared to try. I like you Alex. I want you
to come home with me so we can work this out."
The Russian kept edging towards the street exit, but Li Ann followed,
forcing him to move more slowly than he should have. "You've got Mac
and Michael...and your family." Alex reached the door, turned away
and pushed it open.
"You're already in business with my family. I'll talk to Father.
Maybe it's just a misunderstanding." She pursued him outside.
"The Tang himself said 'hands off', Li Ann." Alexei emerged into the
morning light, blinking. "Let it go." His smile was weary.
Li Ann muttered out a string of Cantonese curses. She lunged forward
and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Maybe you can come back
someday." She shook her head at that piece of nonsense. "I'll miss
you, Alex." Li Ann whispered into the curve of his throat. "Keep
your head down."
Alex meant to say he would and break away, but his gaze lifted in
time to see a man drawing a gun from inside an expensive suit jacket.
"TOO LATE." Alexei threw Li Ann back towards the safety of the
building and dove in the other direction. At the edges of his vision
Alex could see at least two other men pulling out weapons.
"ALEX!" Li Ann scanned the street. She counted six Tang soldiers.
"RUN." Li Ann leapt at the nearest, who already had a bead on the
Alex tore out down an alley with five vaguely familiar men hot on his
Andrew, the soldier Li Ann had taken down, shook the young woman off
him and climbed back to his feet. "Stay out of this. The godfather
says that one has to die." He snapped.
"Li Ann, why did you take off like that?" Mac emerged from the door
of his apartment building. "What the hell's going on out here?" Mac
noted Andrew's presence, his gun, Li Ann's aggressive pose, and the
cowering bystanders.
Li Ann whirled on Mac. "Do you have a gun?" She demanded.
Mac shook his head in shock.
"Bloody hell!" She turned on Andrew with an icy glare. A kick out of
nowhere took him down, curling the Tang gang-member up in pain.
"Sorry." Li Ann snatched his gun from him and ran after Alex and his
"Li Ann, what happened?" Mac swore and trailed after his lover.
The sound of gunfire guided the oriental woman. The first prone body
she had to jump over had his face blown off. The second lay against a
garbage can with his hand splayed over a massive red stain on his
Mac grimaced and snatched up the discarded weapon from that one. More
gunshots cracked up ahead. Li Ann was running full tilt now.
"Li Ann, be careful."
Mac's shout was ignored. The difference in light between the narrow
alley and the street it opened onto was blinding.
Li Ann had a half-second to register the wash of blood on the
pavement, three more sprawled bodies...and Alex, arm extended in full
defence mode, before a sudden bolt of pain knocked her backward to
the ground.
"Oh god. I'm sorry." Alex choked off the second shot that would have
taken out Mac, who was two steps behind Li Ann.
Mac's mouth fell open as his eyes tracked from where Li Ann lay
bleeding on the sidewalk to Alex's rigid figure. "You fucking bastard!" Mac's borrowed gun lifted and he tried to empty the clip
into Alex.
The Russian lunged sideways behind a parked car and without even
trying to explain, set off running again.
"Mac." Li Ann groaned, demanding the young man's full attention.
The last pursuer emerged, limping, from the alleyway into the scene
of carnage.
Mac took control. "Andrew! Find a phone and get an ambulance." He
ordered, confident of being obeyed. Mac dropped down by his lover,
his voice softening. "It's going to be all right, Li Ann. Hang on."
His hand pressed hard to the wound on her ribcage.
She nodded, a tightly controlled movement. "Where's Alex? Did you hit
him?" Li Ann asked in a whisper.
"I'll get him for you, love. He won't leave this country alive." Mac
Tears leaked from under her black lashes. "No Mac. Stay out of it.
Stay with me."
"Li Ann."
"Don't go near him Mac, promise me." Her fingers dug into the cloth
of his shirt.
"Li Ann."
"Promise." She demanded.
"I promise." He surrendered with a gusty sigh.
Her breath hitched, escaping her and Li Ann let herself collapse into
his supporting chest.

Part Three
Hong Kong Conflict
Li Ann opened her eyes to a crowd of men. The small hospital room
wasn't made to hold this many people.
Michael's voice was raised, demanding some kind of report. The
godfather's more sedate tone cut into the rant, halting it.
Li Ann reached up to touch the bandages; curious at the extent of the
damage she had taken. The movement rattled the tubing attached to her
"You're awake." Mac detached from the gathering and bent over the
side of the bed, stroking her cheek.
Mac's words had silenced everyone.
"Li Ann, we were worried." Michael was quick to claim the other side
of the bed. "How do you feel?"
"I'm fine, really. I feel great." She reassured her foster brothers.
Mac tapped the IV hanging by the bed. "Good drugs." He joked. "The
doctors had to stitch you closed...inside and out, babe. You had us
on edge."
Li Ann offered up a weak smile. "What's THIS all about?" She flicked
her wrist.
"We're co-ordinating a rat hunt." Michael chuckled.
Li Ann winced. Luckily the guys seemed to blame it on her injuries
and backed off a bit. She noticed Andrew, the Tang soldier she had
slammed, leaning gingerly against the wall. "Is Andrew all right?"
"Yeah, just sore." Mac allowed. "You probably saved his life by
taking him out of the action. The other five are all dead."
"We will not underestimate the Russian again." Tang's voice filled
the room. "I have contacted our friends in the police department." He
announced. "There will be a generous reward for whomever brings me
his body, or an even larger one if anyone wishes to attempt to bring
him in alive."
"Father..." Li Ann started to object.
"This...menace has killed five of ours." He overrode her attempt
before she could embarrass him. "There will be no mercy. Martin, go
to Miss Boudreau and extract absolutely everything she knows about
Dachakov." Tang turned to another man. "Find the boat that the
Russian ships his guns on and destroy it. I don't want him sailing
out of here."
Michael straightened up to his full height. "I'm going to see someone
in the customs office. If anyone turns up an alias the Russian might
use, call me."
Mac frowned, replaying every encounter with Alex at fast forward.
"He's got one contact named Nicky...and he called someone
named...Alnachuck or Conachuck..." Mac was mumbling, half to himself
and half to Michael.
Michael glared, but he didn't say anything out loud. He had done his
shouting in private when father had told him about Mac and the
Mac stiffened suddenly. "His backpack. He left it. I saw it." The
tall, young man dropped a quick kiss onto Li Ann's forehead. "I'll be
back soon. Don't give the nurses too much trouble, okay?"
"Mac, stay away from him. You promised."
Her words drew frowns all about the room.
The Godfather shook his head. "Everyone outside. I'll be along in a
few minutes." He shooed them all out, and then walked over to gaze
down at his adopted daughter. "You are a clever girl, Li Ann, but
your judgement in this situation has been...impaired. It would be in
the best interest of the family if you kept your opinions on this
matter to yourself."
"Alex didn't..."
"The Russian..." Tang interrupted. "Has my killed men...our men. We
dare not allow him to get away with it."
"There was no reason to attack in the first place. He was just
defending himself. You started this, he didn't. That's all." Li Ann
closed her eyes, sinking down into the softness of the pillow.
"When you feel better I think you, Mac and Michael could use a little
trip. I have a job for the three of you in Amsterdam." He patted her
shoulder. "Rest now, dear. I'll come back when I'm able."
Li Ann turned her head away until she heard the door close.

Mac slammed his door and headed straight for the corner where he had
last seen Alex's knapsack.
The buckles flipped open easily and Mac turned the sack upside down,
spilling the contents on the floor. The heavy, familiar smell of
Alex's sweat made him wince for more than one reason.
A damp towel, a dirty white t-shirt, underwear, a pair of track pants
and a rolled up bandanna...nothing valuable there. However, the side
pockets of the pack yielded up a bit of treasure.
Mac flicked open the cell phone and started pushing buttons. Not one
single number was programmed into the memory. That was a
disappointment, but not a surprise. He did succeed in extracting the
last number called and the number of the phone in his hand. Neither
of the prefix codes looked familiar however.
Mac scrounged up a pen and wrote both the numbers down before
continuing his search of the bag.
He found a few small bills and some change wadded up with a receipt,
from a corner store by the looks of it. There was a half-used tube of
slick that Mac quickly tossed to one side and a couple of condoms.
The Holy Grail of Mac's search was slid into a rip in the fabric of
the rucksack, between a side pocket and the main bag. A computer disc
was folded up inside of two bits of paper. The full sheet was a flyer
from a dry-cleaner near the airport. The second scrap was roughly
torn on three sides, the right, top and bottom. It had the look of a
computer printout, ink-jet most likely. The picture may have been
from a file because evidence of printed material, fragments of words,
just showed along the ripped edges.
The man in the photo had maybe ten or so years on Mac. The brown hair
was hacked in a discount American middle-class style. He looked a bit
dour and quite uncomfortable in the pose. Mac's guess would be he was
posing for his driver's licence or some kind of ID. The picture was
an interesting peek into Alex's psyche, but completely pointless at
the moment. He dropped it to the floor.
If the papers weren't of any value, the thing they had contained more
than made up for Mac's effort. Mac took the disc over to his
computer. He booted up the P.C. and slid the disc into the drive.
It was all text files and every one of them seemed to be in code. Mac
grinned, he loved a challenge.
Two hours and a wild streak of luck later, Mac had managed to crack
one of the encryption codes, unscrambling a quarter of the documents.
He scrubbed the back of his hand across the bridge of his nose and
studied the first document. It was a list of banks in cities all over
the world and some corresponding numbers, accounts, most likely. A
law firm was entered underneath each bank name.
Mac picked up the phone, calling up the Tang manor. He informed one
of Tang's aides about the local account and legal contact. Cutting
Alex off from his money would hamper the Russian's ability to either
flee or hide. "I'll call back in a few minutes, when I get more. Get
on the bank's case right now." Mac disconnected and pulled up the
next deciphered file.
This one was a record of deposits and withdrawals from three
accounts, but the accounts weren't identified in any manner Mac could
understand. If they were accurate, Alex had tucked away a massive
fortune over the last year. The sources of the deposits were alluded
to rather vaguely with initials and strange words but the withdrawals
seemed much more precise. Again, it was interesting, but not
particularly useful at the moment.
Next up was a twenty-page list of names, addresses, and some phone
numbers, but there were no notes to indicate their importance. The
addresses were concentrated in the former USSR, Europe and North
America, although a few were scattered globally.
Mac hi-lighted the three Far East entries and hit the print command.
Out of curiosity, he ordered the computer to do a search for the name
He found a Fox Mulder. 'FOX' Mac laughed aloud in the quiet
apartment, startling himself. Mulder lived in Alexandria, Virginia.
Near Washington, if Mac was correctly remembering his long ago
lessons in American geography. Nothing distinguished Mulder's entry
from the hundreds of others except his odd first name. It was most
likely a nickname Alex had given the man.
Mac opened the fourth document to check before he called in again.
This one was a list of dates, times and locations. All of the
appointments listed were from the last two months, nothing older.
He scrolled down towards the last page, expecting it would cover
anything from the last week or next week. His stomach clenched into a
tight knot as he realised how many times the name Li Ann was in the
document. She had exact times and places at each of her entries. When
the word Mac appeared, only a calendar date was linked with it.
"Son of a bitch." Mac wanted to throw the monitor to the floor in
anger. In retrospect it made perfect sense that Alex and Li Ann were
seeing each other. It explained all sorts of odd occurrences with
both of them and a few of Alex's verbal missteps. It also explained
Li Ann's overgenerous, even eager, willingness to listen to Mac
babble on about his own relationship with Alex. But most of all, Mac
now realised why Li Ann had demanded he stay out of the manhunt for
the Russian.
How could he have been so stupid, not to have realised what was going
Mac shoved his reactions down into the pit of his gut to be examined
later, when he had time to wallow. For now, he called the manor once
more and passed on the few more relevant bits of info.
Mac then picked up Alex's cell phone and looked it over, finding the
re-dial command. He toyed with phone, trying to decide what to do
with this last tidbit.
He frowned, drew in a deep breath, and hit the send button. The
connection was slow and a good ten rings passed before a woman's
voice finally responded.
"Da, chto eto za, Alexei?" She spoke abruptly.
"Umm, hello." Mac stammered. "Alex said to call this number. He's in
trouble." He attempted in English, hoping she understood.
"Who is this?" The woman demanded, in careful English.
Mac did his best to sound young and harmless. "I'm Mac, Alex and've been seeing each other." No need to lie about that.
"Where is Alex? Why are you using his phone?"
Jeez, didn't this woman have any other tone of voice, and how the
hell did she know what phone he was calling from? "Like I said, umm,
Alex is in trouble, local trouble. He told me to call for help. Can
you, help, I mean? Is there anything you can do?" Mac probed.
There was a gap of silence. "What kind of trouble is he in? Is he
hurt?" The faintest undertone of a Russian accent tinted her words
now she wasn't shouting.
"Alex crossed a local gang and they've got him locked up. What kind
of help can you give? I can't do anything for him."
"Which gang?" The woman asked, no longer harsh. "Is it a money thing
or a personal conflict?"
"I don't know." Mac lied. "I don't know anything. Is there someone
here in Hong Kong I can contact? Who can help him here?" Who would
the bastard have turned to, was the unspoken question.
"Arcadia Boudreau." The woman tested.
"Cady? She's out of it. They turned her." Mac pressed. "He needs help
now. They're going to kill him."
Some unintelligible curses were mumbled at the other end. "Tannie
Chao." The name escaped reluctantly. Fingernails hit keys in another
Mac grinned, that name hadn't come up in any of his hacking.
The Russian woman reeled off a phone number. "Write that down...but
destroy it after you call her. Call Chao. Tell her everything you
know, then forget you ever heard of her... and smash this phone when
you're done."
"I didn't get the number." Mac grabbed a pen.
She repeated it. "Tell Chao that Nicki is calling in a favour. Pay
attention, boy." The woman admonished Mac. "Nicki is calling in a
favour. Nicki's prince needs her help. Got that? Use those exact
words, then tell her everything."
"Got it." Mac's lip curled.
"You tell every scrap you know about Alexei's trouble. You
"Yes, ma'am."
"Then you smash this phone, tuck down, and stay out of it."
"Thank you." Mac said sincerely.
A shuddered breath came through the electronic crackle of the cell
phone. "Is our Alexei hurt?" The chill of the voice fractured.
"They shot at him, but I think he's all right so far, Nicky."
"Olga." She corrected automatically. "Hang up. Call Chao." The frost
was back in the tone. She disconnected before Mac could.
Mac popped Alex's disc, grabbed it and the phone number for Tannie
Chao, and headed out to find Michael.

Alexei had been on the phone with Cady when Tang's interrogator had
begun pounding on her door. Cady had hung up on Alex as soon as she
realised who was crashing into her apartment.
Alexei had been within sight of Petrovich's ship when three cars had
pulled up and disgorged the wreaking crew. The old Captain had
managed to make some kind of deal to save his vessel just as the
Tang's were pouring gasoline over the deck. Alexei was fairly certain
his betrayal figured prominently in the agreement. Petrovich pointing
out Fyodor, Alex's closest friend of the small crew, and having him
hauled away by the locals was a pretty big hint.
At that point Alex decided he'd reached cut and run time. The only
problem was by the time he had retrieved his emergency bundle from
it's hiding place, the airport had gotten rather hostile.
Alexei hadn't managed to even reach the airline counter before two of
Tang's men made their presence know. They had been quite prepared to
conduct a firefight in the crowed terminal until Alex had retreated
faster than they could pursue.
All of this left him a dark dive of a bar, eyeing the payphone. Nicki
and the girls were going to shove his face in it this time, two major
screw-ups in such a short time.
Alexei knocked back the rest of his vodka and headed for the phone.
All of his most important contacts were memorised. Of all of those
numbers, the compound outside of St Petersburg slipped to his fingers
the easiest. He was going to feel strange if Nicki decided to move
her base of operations elsewhere.
It rang for a long time but Alexei had expected that. Olga wouldn't
be happy about seeing a call coming in from a public pay phone.
When she finally picked up, her voice was cautious. "Da."
"Olga, eh-ta Alexei."
"Lexi..." A relieved sigh slid into his ear. Are you all right? Did
they hurt you? She asked, sticking to Russian.
Alex frowned. I'm a little pressured, but yeah, I'm all right. How
do you know I'm in trouble, Olga?
Your boyfriend. Olga hesitated, then dropped into a brittle
recitation. A young man, using your cell phone called her about two
hours ago. He said his name was Mac... that's your lover's name. You
told me about him weeks ago, Lexi.
Alexei hissed out a string of obscenities. He'd left his cell phone
at Mac's apartment without thinking.
He said that you had crossed a local gang and they had you. He said
that you needed help.
I crossed HIS family, the Tangs. Alex leaned his forehead against
the wall. The Tangs are trying to kill me. He's on the other side,
Olga. Alexei didn't shout, he just laid out the facts. He has my
backpack, my phone, and a disc... but it's encoded. And the picture
of Mulder, damn it, Alex thought, thumping his forehead to the cool
of the wall. They've got Petrovich's boat and blockaded the airport.
I'm looking for another way out of here.
Alexei. Olga's voice was subdued. Find a hole and crawl into it. I
gave your boy a name to call for help. If his family gets to her
before I can tell her it's a set-up... if they get something on her,
turn her... You've never seen the kind of hell this could stir up.
I've got to call her. I've got talk to Nicki. Don't go near anyone in
any kind of uniform. Stay out of the light completely. Olga used a
training catch phrase. Call back in four days. That will give me
plenty of time. I have to fix this.
Olga, what...
Go to ground, baby brother! She ordered.
Olga must be upset, Alex decided. She was in complete overprotective
sister persona. Olga hadn't called him a baby since the day before he
left for army training. He'd proved to her wasn't a little boy
anymore over the course of the night.
What about Kallenchuk? I'm in the middle of something expensive with
her. It's big money. He qualified.
It's your call, but keep it low key...back alley, if you decide to
go through with her. Now I've got to go. A hole, baby brother, find
yourself a hole and stay down.
I understand. Alex dropped the phone back into it's cradle. 'Stay
out of the light'. Alexei scowled. That meant no place that might
have a security camera or that a cop might walk into. That meant no
contact with anyone who might know him, even in passing. No night-
clubs, restaurants, or hotels with any amenities. Olga must have
handed over a 'pull out all the stops' emergency contact.
Alexei walked straight out of the bar, shoulder's hunched, collar up
and put on his sunglasses. The first thing was to get to a far less
respectable part of the city and find somewhere to hide out. It was
going to be an uncomfortable, dirty, four days. Maybe Kallenchuk's
office, from what he'd seen on his last visit that was a pretty low-
rent, 'mind your own business' area. Living in an office meant food
would be a pain in the ass, but he was going to be eating out of cans
for the next few days anyway.
On the up side, Cady knew nothing of the salvage company connection.
He'd been careful about that. Odds were the French woman had spilled
everything she had on Alex by now. Of course Petrovich knew nothing
of Kallenchuk either, since it was an information, not a hardware,
All in all, the broker was looking like his best contact while this
stew-pot boiled around him.

"She's a what?" Mac dropped into a chair, staring at his foster
Michael laid the phone he was fiddling with on the desk. "And not
just some grunt soldier either. Major Chao is the only ranking female
the Chinese army has in all of Hong Kong. The woman has incredible
pull the police department, in government, banking..."
Michael was smiling broadly.
"So what do you suppose is her connection to this little bastard? And
more importantly, how can we exploit this interesting connection?"
Mac shook his head. "It's not like we can just pull this one into a
car and haul her off to question. Wow." The lanky thief frowned up at
the ceiling.
"Father is making an appointment with her." Michael's laugh was
abrupt. "An appointment. How civilised."
"In the meantime, what about the Russian?" Mac was painfully careful
to distance his connection with Alex. Michael was not happy with him.
"The contract on him stands. We've locked the city down as tight as
we can. He shows his face, he dies. Simple."
The door opened with no warning tap, only Tang himself would do that.
"The Russian is nowhere to be found." The old man stated calmly. "It
would bother me to discover he is beyond our grasp."
"Nothing is beyond our grasp." Michael boasted.
"Don't be arrogant." Tang warned. "Mac, you are going to have to
think this through. What will he do? You know the Russian. We do
Michael snorted.
Mac swallowed a sharper retort. "Not as well as Li Ann, I think."
"Li Ann...declines to assist in the search." The old man said
stiffly. "Go home Mac. See what more you can extract from that disc
he was so careless to leave behind...and take some time to think."
"When will you see Major Chao?" Michael broke in.
The godfather shook his head at the rude behaviour, but answered.
"Tomorrow evening. We have a private room reserved for a late
dinner." He smiled. "Considering my position and her's...I can hardly
go to the woman's office, or expect her to stop by the manor."
The young men nodded their understanding.
Mac climbed to his feet and left the office without another word.

The telephone roused Mac out of his stupor. He'd been staring at the
computer for hours but the next coding was still eluding his
"Yeah." Mac rubbed his eyes, tucking the phone into the crook of his
"Is she going to be all right?"
Alex's voice cut through his brain and Mac almost dropped the
receiver. "She'll live." He finally responded.
"I am sorry. I just saw the gun, not her. I wasn't expecting you two
to follow."
"You could have killed her."
"Yeah." Alex sighed. "I'm kind of surprised I didn't. I must have
pulled back on the heart shot at the last second. How is she?"
"Sore." Mac pushed back a bit from the desk. "Nothing vital got hit.
Where are you, lover?" He coaxed.
That got a laugh. "Don't play that game on me, baby. You're following
the Family line. You emptied your clip at me."
"Heat of the moment." Mac excused. "I know about you and Li Ann."
A long pause separated the next words. "She told you?" There was a
decidedly suspicious cast to Alex's whisper.
"Meet me Alex. I want to see you."
"Yeah, right, or better yet I'll just shoot myself and save you the
trouble of leaving your apartment."
"Alex, last night..." Mac stalled. Was it only last night? How did
things go to hell so fast? "Last night was incredible, Alex." Mac
murmured. "You make such a sexy whore."
Alex swallowed, loudly.
Gotcha, Mac smiled. "Pick an alley." He ordered sharply. "Then get
your ass there and wait for me."
That provoked a groan from the other end of the line. "Fuck Mac, that
alone was worth the price of the call."
"You want it." It wasn't a question.
"I'm a slut, yeah, but I'm not stupid. No way, no meeting Mac. I just
wanted to check on our girl." Alex laughed. "I told you we'd end up
staring down our guns at each other, I just didn't think it would
happen so fast...spooky, huh?" His voice hitched. "Tell Li Ann I'm
"Alex wait."
"Unless you're into phone sex, baby, we've got nothing else to say to
each other." Alex sounded desolate.
Mac scrambled after anything to keep the other talking, hoping for a
hint of what Alex was up to. "I found the picture hidden in your
"Of course you did." Something inaudible hissed out. "What's your
point, Mac."
Why would Alex be carrying around a man's picture? Mac recognised
that tone of voice and made a leap of reasoning. "Is that your Fox?"
He shot into the dark. "He's not a bad piece of work, for an older
"E"b tvoju mat'...Jesus fucking Christ, Baby. Please don't."
Direct hit. Mac almost crowed. Say something quick, before he hangs
up. "What is he? A civil servant, or maybe some kind of federal
stooge? He's got that look to him."
The laugh was strangled. "A federal stooge...Yeah, that's a good name
for it." Alex's voice was tight. "I don't want to talk about him,
especially not with you."
"Does he know you're sleeping around on him over here?" Mac tested.
"Or did you break up? You trying to go home to him now?"
It started out as a snicker, but that got a full-throated laugh out
of the Russian. "You don't know shit, Mac."
"Should I call him and ask?" Mac yanked himself upright to the
computer desk and pulled up his translation of Alex's address file.
He scanned quickly down the list. It only took a second before he
reeled off Fox Mulder's phone number.
That rated dead silence for almost a minute. Only Alex's breath
proved that he was still one the line.
"Mac, don't understand the situation. This isn't a game."
"Five men are dead and Li Ann is lying in a hospital bed." Mac
crossed. "I'm well aware of how serious this is. Are you?"
"You've found my address list. You unscrambled it." Alex
acknowledged. "But unless you want to bring more trouble down on your
family than you've ever seen before do not contact anyone on
that list...especially Mulder. He's their fucking stalking-horse.
Mac, these people are more dangerous than you can imagine."
"Oh please."
"No, Mac...if you choose not to believe another word I've ever said,
fine, but do not expose yourself to these people."
"Meet with me and I won't call your Fox."
Alex sighed. "I'm not prepared to die to keep YOUR family safe. Do
what you want. I'm out of it." The line went dead.
Mac leaned back wearily. Despite his threats, he wasn't sure dragging
Alex's international contacts into this was a good idea.
The thing that confused him the most was Alex's attitude towards the
man that Mac had assumed was Alex's lover. At least he had assumed
that until this conversation. Stalking horse and federal stooge
weren't exactly terms of endearment.
The clock on the VCR said seven and Mac couldn't remember the last
time he'd eaten. A change of scenery, a bit of food, and a quick
visit to Li Ann would improve his concentration immensely.

The meal was exquisite, but Tang didn't do it justice.
Tannie Chao was a woman about his age, if not a little older. She had
politely and firmly insisted that no business could be discussed
until the bulk of the meal was cleared away and drinks were served.
The woman didn't seem at all uncomfortable about sharing a meal or
light conversation with the head of a crime family. In fact, given
other circumstances, Tang would have enjoyed the refined woman's
She didn't look the part of a military power, with the exception of a
too short, rather stern hairstyle. Tannie wore just a simple grey
pantsuit, not a uniform.
Tang leaned casually back. "About young Mr Dachakov?" He attempted to
discuss the topic of their meeting for the fourth time. "What exactly
is your relationship with the Russian?"
Major Chao smiled, just a little. "It's not exactly my story to tell.
I should mention we are waiting on someone joining us."
"Ah..." Tang took a sip of his drink. "And who might that be?"
"A business associate from my younger days." She hedged.
"I am not accustomed to being kept..."
A rap at the door of the small dining room cut him off. One of their
servers held the door open and a stately blond woman glided into the
Tang rose, as did the Chinese officer.
"Nicola!" Chao gestured to the vacant seat at the table. "I was
afraid you were going to be late."
"Even private jets need landing clearance. I came as quickly as I
could." Nicki turned to the godfather, extending her hand, flat out,
palm down.
He admired the woman as he brushed his mouth across her white-gloved
knuckles. The action seemed the only appropriate greeting for such a
"Mr Tang." Her carefully coifed head inclined slightly, flashing
shards of light off the large diamonds clustered at her ear.
"This is Nicola Romanov. She is here to address your problem with
young Mr Dachakov." Major Chao explained, settling back into her
Tang politely swallowed a chuckle. Calling Aleksandr 'her Prince'
took on interesting overtones in the light of Nicola's last name.
Nicki gracefully arranged herself in the offered chair. "This
misunderstanding over Alexei must be settled before it gets out of
hand." She said calmly. "Is Alex currently in your custody, Mr Tang?"
"Not at this moment." Tang admitted. "But I think your are
underestimating the weight of the situation. As of sitting down to of my men are now dead and one is in the
is my daughter." He took a sip of his wine. "Honour demands the
killer be killed."
Nicki removed her gloves, laying them on the tablecloth. "Things are
a bit more complex than that. My Alexei's actions were all in self-
"This is not a court of law."
"I realise that, however, my Alex is worth considerably more than all
your foot-soldiers put together."
"You dare?"
"This is not an idle boast, sir." Major Chao pacified.
"Alexei is the result of almost thirty years worth of planning,
design and rather exhaustive training." Nicki declared.
Tang shook his head in denial. "The boy isn't even that old."
"Exactly." Major Chao confirmed. "Oddly enough, young Alex was born
not so far from here. I, myself, took him from the doctor's hands in
exchange for another...less lively... new-born."
Tang looked from one woman to the other in confusion.
"I confide in you as a show of trust." Nicki said softly. "Alex was
one of a set of twins, born to a visiting American couple. He was
taken as part of a long term that has undergone a great
many alterations over the years...but..." Her long neck bent a little
to one side. "My point is that my Alexei is an extremely valuable
commodity. I realise that your anger with him is rather profound,
however, my desire to preserve him is more intense. Now, we can
negotiate this situation in good faith or this can turn into
something quite ugly and tragic for all the parties concerned."
If the boy was intended as a Russian mole, then why was he in Hong
Kong selling guns instead of in place, in America? "You bluff." Tang
decided calmly. "I am a powerful man in this country."
"And I, Mr Tang, am a powerful woman in most places on this planet."
A fierce glow lit up her ice blue eyes.
Major Chao's calm voice interrupted once more. "Mr Tang, might I
encourage you to come to some compromise. I, myself, am only the
first gamepiece Miss Romanov is going to play...and at the risk of
boasting, I can do your family a great deal of damage."
"At your own risk." Tang crossed. "This will not sit well with your
superiors, this affiliation with criminals."
"Regardless..." Chao shrugged. "It wouldn't take me long to begin
your destruction, after that I need not be in place any longer."
The cool manner of these women was infuriating and admirable. "What
sort of compromise do you propose?" It couldn't hurt to consider the
Nicki nodded. "You call off your soldiers, cancel the contract on
Alexei, and remove the blockade that keeps him from leaving the
country." Her be-ringed hand forestalled his objection. "In return, I
provide a fair substitute for Alexei's body, suitably
shroud the switch. Alex never returns to Hong Kong, and I pay some
financial compensation for your trouble. Or would you, perhaps,
prefer hardware. Alexei had an ongoing transaction with your family
involving some guns." She smiled, a cold dazzle. "I am being more
than fair considering that you precipitated this little difficulty."
"All of that, and more. He is never to approach Li Ann or Mac, ever
again. Even if they are outside of Hong Kong. He will be dead to them
and I will not be shown up as a liar." Tang countered. "I should ask
for more, after all, your boy started this. I was quite willing to
let him off with a simple verbal warning, but he chose to tamper with
my family. He disregarded my wishes."
"Blame no longer matters." Chao said softly. "Do you agree to the
terms that Nicola is offering?"
Tang glowered, concentrating. "I see no punishment of Dachakov in
this arrangement you are suggesting."
"Trust me." Nicki's voice was glacial. "I will see to his punishment
over the matter of his conduct with your daughter...personally."
The elderly man didn't doubt that, not judging by the sound of her
annoyance. "How and when will you produce a body?" Tang questioned,
implying agreement.
"A local bounty hunter will bring you the body in a few hours. It
will be...on the abused side. You will need to confirm Alex's
identity through fingerprints. It's within your power to make a false
identification." Major Chao provided this information.
"As soon as you have the body you must immediately stop the hunt and
open the boarders." Nicki demanded. "I will not know Alexei's
location until he checks in. I don't want him killed by accident, or
trapped. He may need to move quickly before he has a chance to check
in with my people."
Tang nodded. "Agreed."
"Wonderful." The Major visibly relaxed. "If you will excuse me, I
will set the arrangement into action right now. Feel free to linger
here and work out any details in the other portions of the agreement.
The check has been taken care of." Chao rose. "Nicki." She inclined
her head. "Sir. Goodnight."

Alex ate what passed for a meal while sitting almost on the
windowsill, just a little to one side so he could see out without
being seen.
The can of cold soup stopped the pain in his stomach but was far from
satisfying. Still, it wouldn't do to go out for real food, not after
the last, rather violent encounter with the Tangs a few blocks over.
His supply of ammo was dwindling and the kind of people that he would
have to approach to buy more would most likely turn him over for half
what Tang was offering on his head.
Damn. He was exhausted and his body was achingly stiff. Worse yet, he
was twitchy and his head was pounding from the extended adrenaline
over-dose he'd been living on for these last few days. It was
destroying his focus.
His surveillance of the street outside paid off however. Two figures
approached, then entered the building. If it was Jerry, she was far
too early and had unexpected company with her.
Great, just what he needed, yet another cold bitch sells Alex out.
You'd think I'd know better by now. Alexei tossed the can and spoon
into the trash and pulled out his gun.
Muffled voices sounded in the hallway. One of them was definitely
Alex shot a look over his shoulder, confirming his escape route. At
this point the thought of killing someone had the promise of a
tension release about it, a soothing, sexual allure.
The door crashed open, kicked in by the look of it.
"Pardon my gender type, but after you."
Kallenchuk stumbled into the office, pushed from behind. Alex's gut
turned into a nest of snakes at the sound of that voice.
"Where are the lights?"
Poisoned honey in his ears. Alexei spoke for the first time that day.
"Right here." A shift in position exposed him to Fox Mulder's eyes.
Alex had his gun levelled.
"Krycek." The name came out sounding like a curse. "I thought guns
were against the law here."
"Yeah, know what they say. When guns are outlawed..." God,
Mulder looked so damn good. Alex wanted to throw him on the desk and
tear the man's clothes off.
"Why don't you take that gun and shoot yourself in the head like you
shot my father." Mulder suggested.
Kallenchuk's voice scratched Alex's nerves, nails on a blackboard.
"Great. High noon in Hong Kong."
Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. How could she bring Mulder here, now? This
wasn't the reunion Alex wanted with his Fox, not even close. They
were barking at each other like a pair of stray dogs and it was ALL
HER FAULT. He snarled, his temper in shreds. "Why don't you just shut
up!" Alex just needed time to work past the throbbing in his brain.
He required his wits about him to deal with Mulder. Alex let his
baser instincts deal with her.
Kallenchuk must have been in shock over the difference in Alex since
their last meeting. It was too easy to shove her out the door and
slam it. That's when Alexei registered the cuffs connecting her to
She sounded frightened out there.
"That's no way to treat your business partner." Mulder taunted.
"Especially since she's been moving those secrets you've been selling
so well."
Echoing gunshots kicked Alexei's battered spirit of self-preservation
into overdrive. Alex spared only a fraction of a second to hesitate
over leaving Mulder behind. The consortium wouldn't kill Mulder, and
he doubted it was the Tangs. "Looks like she's your partner now. He
was at the window fast, despite the protests of a body pushed to the

Mac padded into Li Ann's hospital room and settled himself on the
foot of the bed, not quite sure if his lover was awake.
"You've been avoiding me. I was expecting you yesterday." Li Ann
spoke softly, answering the question of her state of awareness. She
was hidden by the darkness, lit only with what illumination filtered
in the window.
Mac knew better than to lie. "Yeah, I guess I have, but it's been a
bit..." He trailed off, not sure how to finish that thought. "Alex is
dead." Mac had to say it aloud, even though he knew they had already
told her.
"Uh huh." She gave him nothing to work with.
"It was someone outside the Family."
"I know." Li Ann's nod was hard to distinguish. "Father told me
yesterday morning, with Michael. I think Michael was disappointed."
She paused, face turned away. "Did you see the body?"
"What was left of it." Mac admitted. "The bullets Deacon used did a
lot of damage. I wouldn't have recognised him. We had to fingerprint
him." It had surprised Mac how intensely his self-hatred had flared,
seeing that beautiful face destroyed by hollow point bullets. He had
expected satisfaction not remorse.
A noise of disgust suggested that Father hadn't told her that detail.
They sat together in silence for a time. Mac didn't know what exactly
to say. Everything that popped into his head was either defensive or
"Tell me you didn't help." Li Ann requested.
"I told you. It was the Deacon, that wacko from the south shore. He
was after the reward. Nothing I did made any difference, not that..."
He could have kicked himself. That wasn't where he wanted this
conversation to go. "Alex called." Mac decided to tell her only at
that moment.
"I don't understand. When?"
"Late the evening he shot you, Alex called me, to find out how you
were. He asked me to tell you he was sorry. He didn't mean to hurt
"I know."
It was too much. Mac slammed his hand down on the hard mattress. "I
just don't get it. If it was just sex I could...but why did you chase
after him that morning? Why do you care now?" Mac ranted. "It's not
like you, this thing you had with him. What the hell did you see in
Li Ann whispered. Mac had to strain to hear her.
"I I saw me. I saw about five years." She heaved a
sigh. "He was so calculating, so was almost frightening,
but there was something underneath, at least I want to believe there
was. I don't want to end up like that. I needed to find more in him,
some...humanity, a capacity for feelings that...I don't know." Li Ann
stalled out, grasping for words. "He was a different person with me,
than he was with you Mac." She excused, meeting his worried gaze. "I
just needed to see if there was something deeper in Alex, maybe then
I wouldn't be so worried about how you and I are going to turn out."
"But he wasn't like us, not even close, Li Ann. We do what we do for
the Family." Mac argued.
It made her laugh. "But so did he, Mac. That's just it." She sounded
on the edge of tears. "I found out things. I know more about him than
you do. I met one of his sisters." Li Ann divulged. "Alex and I
talked, not as much as I wanted, but a little. I'd like to think he
confided some things in me. It's just..." She turned towards the side
of the bed Mac was sitting on. "I don't know what I feel...felt for
him. It doesn't matter now anyway, but he was my lover, and wouldn't have been right to help hunt him. It would come
back to gnaw on us later, at least I hope it would have...otherwise
what kind of people are we?"
"He hurt you." Mac fell back into what he was sure of.
"Not on purpose." She crossed. "Besides, don't you think he's paid
for it now? If you couldn't forgive him least you should
try to now."
Mac frowned at the floor. "I don't want to talk about him, ever
again. Can we decide on that? Please?"
"Fine, I won't speak of him again." Li Ann promised in an icy tone.
"Not unless you say his name first, not unless you ask. How's that?"
"Thank you." Mac almost snapped, but he forced himself to settle.
"Have the doctors given you a check out date yet?"
"No, not yet." It was awkward, but Li Ann had to believe that a bit
of time would smooth the sharp edges between them once more. "Father
has a job for us in Amsterdam." She confided. "The three of us."
Mac's smile cut the darkness. "Hey, we're the team." His enthusiasm
was perhaps a bit forced, but reassuring, nonetheless.
"Yeah, we're the team." Li Ann crooked her finger. "Come sit with me,
love. I've missed you."
That's all for Hong Kong
It's milk and cookies time.
Translations for my pathetic attempts at other languages....
Non! N'touché pas la femme French No! Don't touch the woman
C'est bon French That's good
bolshoe spasibo Russian thank you very much
ebat'-kopat' Russian (sort of) Oh shit!
Chto eto za piz'dyulina? Russian What the fuck is it?
Ni khuya Russian No way!
e"b tvoju mat' Russian fuck you! (approximately)
Eh-ta Alexei Russian it's Alexei
Khueplet! Russian Dickweed (approximately)
ubl'yudok Russian bastard
petuh Russian a male who's used a as female, typically in army or jail
Da, chto eto za? Russian Yeah, what is it?
e"b tvoju mat' Russian fuck you!
A Gathering of Scoundrels II: Re-establish Contact