Part Nineteen: The End
"Mulder," Victor moaned as they came apart from their passionate kiss. He
held Mulder's face between his own warm, slightly shaking hands and looked
searchingly into the agent's eyes. He knew the emotions he saw in them, a
heavy mixture of longing and lust, which was probably reflected in his own
eyes. "I can't believe you're here. I was just thinking right now how much I
wanted to hear your voice again."
"Then it's a good thing I showed up when I did, huh?" Mulder growled
softly before raising his hands to grip Victor's fingers tightly.
Victor leaned back against the locked door and eyed his lover
lasciviously, he wondered what the agent was going to do.
Mulder let go of Victor and using his fingertips solely, he started to
caress his way down Victor's hard, muscled arms, stopping at his lover's wrists
to hold onto them tightly within his own hands. He gave Vic's wrists a firm
squeeze and then capturing the other man's eyes with his own, slowly sank to
his knees.
Victor was breathless with excitement as he watched Mulder fall before
Without breaking eye contact with Victor, Mulder grinned wolfishly and
released the wrists so he could undo the top button of the man's jeans. Mulder
flicked out his pink tongue and scooped up the tiny metal tab. He brought the
captured bit of brass up to his lips and held it firmly between his teeth.
Then he began to pull it down with a deliberate slowness-releasing the small
brass teeth one by one-seductively, increasing the level of anticipation for
his lover.
Victor sighed heavily, squirming slightly when the zipper was finally
opened. Mulder reached up to grip both underwear and denim and started to pull
them down. With every bit of soft white flesh that was exposed, he grazed the
bare spot with his tongue. He pushed the material down slowly until it finally
reached Victor's knees. Mulder batted his eyelashes up at Victor one final
time before settling his gaze from the other man's face to the view of creamy,
smooth skin directly before him. Mulder stared at Victor's large erection and
then inhaled deeply, the dusky scent of his lover. A man whom he had missed
more than he thought possible. Plunging forward, Mulder, in one fluid motion
swallowed Victor down whole from tip to root.
Victor moaned his pleasure at having his hardness engulfed by lips that
were sensously full, not to mention incredibly warm. He raised his hands to
Mulder's head and gripped the short brown hair firmly between his fingers,
trying to urge Mulder to hurryhis rhythm. In return though, Mulder only
grinned to himself while he happily ignored Victor's urgings. He had been
fantasizing about Victor and what he wanted to do to him the time that he was
back in DC. Even on the plane trip here, he had been conjuring up fantasies of
him. Mulder had been slowly building his own anticipation, and he was damn
well going to take his sweet time to make sure his fantasies will be fulfilled.
After a few more minutes of painstakingly slow, deep strokes, Mulder
increased his rhythm slightly. In response Victor accelerated the gyrations of
his hips and moaned loudly, showing just how much delight he was drawing from
the blow-job. And just as Victor thought he was going to cum, Mulder pulled
his mouth away from Victor's throbbing penis without warning.
Victor's eyes popped open wide with surprise, but Mulder only flashed him a
devilish smile. He was by no means finished with his lover, so he wasn't about
to let Victor finish either.
Mulder swallowed down his own index finger deliberately, wetting it
thoroughly. He leaned in again and ran his tongue from the perineum to the
base of Vic's cock before continued sucking Victor, just as he had been doing.
It didn't take long for Mulder to get a good rhythm going again and once he
did, he used his slick finger to probe Victor's sensitive, tight opening.
After taking the time to ready the agent, Mulder sank his finger past his
knuckle to the hilt and searched for the small walnut-sized gland, that when
stimulated properly could drive a man wild with ecstasy. When he found it, he
gave it a few good strokes.
He heard Vic's quick intake of breath and then listened to the man as he
mumbled almost incoherently, "Oh Jesus Christ, yesss."
Mulder knew that Victor would not, could not last much longer so he
brought up his free hand and wrapped it around Victor's weeping cock. Using
hand, mouth and finger in carefully coordinated unison, he deftly brought
Victor over the threshold. He thrashed and moaned as he sent his life's seed
down his lover's throat. Mulder swallowed all that Victor had to offer
When Victor was completely spent, he reached down and pulled Mulder up off
his knees. He hugged the man to his chest tightly. "Oh God, Mulder, I needed
that," Victor murmured directly into Mulder's ear.
Mulder, in return, braced him back just as fiercely. "I can tell," he
replied. Pulling back slightly, he looked Victor in the eyes again. Smiling
lightly, he said, "Surprise. I'm back" and then he chuckled.
Victor blinked and beamed. "And am I ever glad for it too. Actually, I
have to talk to you, but it can wait." He reached down and fondled Mulder's
erection. Mulder hadn't had an orgasm and he was as hard as a chunk of
granite. Victor rubbed his palm lewdly up and down the Armani encased cock.
He raised his eyebrows and grinned wolfishly, as Mulder had done earlier.
"Come to the bedroom, G-man, and I'll really welcome you back."
Victor grasped Mulder's hand and without waiting for an answer, pulled him
in the direction of the bedroom, intent on showing the agent just how happy he
was to see him.

The shrill ringing of the phone pulled Victor out of his late afternoon,
post-coital slumber. He made a blind grab for the phone quickly to prevent it
from sounding again.
"Hello?" Victor croaked. His throat was so dry he could barely get the
words out. In remembering how it got to be so dry, he couldn't help grinning.
He raised some saliva in his mouth and swallowed, before
trying again.
"Hello?" he said, this time more firmly.
"Mansfield? It's me. We've got a situation. Get down here on the
double!" came the Director's voice in a tone that left no room for argument.
Victor looked over his shoulder at Mulder, who was lying awake on his back
staring at the ceiling fan as if mesmerized by its slow hypnotic movements.
With his eyes fixed on Mulder, Vic grinned again before
asking, "What's going on?"
"I'll fill you in when you get here," came the reply. The Director hung up
in the agent's ear, without saying another word. Victor replaced the handset
on its cradle and rolled over to gather up his bedmate so that they were
face-to-face in his arms. Victor squeezed Mulder passionately and then told
him softly, "I gotta go to the office for a few hours. You don't mind do you?"
After he had spoken, Victor, giving into temptation, put his lips to Mulder's
smooth neck and began to nibble on it, noting to himself that Mulder could use
a shave.
"Mmm," cooed Mulder. "No. I've got somewhere I have to be anyway" He
made a small sound of protest when Vic stopped what he was doing to look at
Mulder in surprise.
"Where? I thought this was a... vacation... of sorts." Vic tried not to
sound too disappointed at the thought that Mulder might be here working a case
and that visiting him was just a pit stop.
"Well, officiallyon paper, that isI am on vacation. But the truth is,
in addition too wanting to come to see you, I also got a lead on a...," Mulder
hesitated, not sure of how much he should tell Victor of what he knew. He
decided to skirt the main issue for now. " X-file I've been
interested in."
"Oh." Victor paused then and asked in genuine curiosity, "An
off-the-record X-File? What's it about?"
"I got a tip from an anonymous source that there appears to be a mass
abduction site deep in the heart of Ontario's Algonquin Park," Mulder said
rather happily. He smiled apologetically at Vic and added,"Sorry slugger, I
have an appointment to meet a couple of guides at the provincial park board
here in town."
For a minute Victor thought Mulder was joking about the 'mass abduction
site', but then after giving it more thought, and judging by the serious look
on Mulder's face, he knew that this was no joke. To
Mulder at least.
"When do you have to be there?" Vic sat up and gave his scalp a lazy
scratch. Mulder leaned over and picked up his watch from the night stand to
look at the time. He met Vic's gaze and answered, "In an hour and a half.
Damn. Vic, sorry. I wish I could've caught an earlier flight. But everything
was booked up solid."
Mulder swung his legs over the end of the bed and stood up. Extending his
hands high over his head, he gave his lanky body a much needed stretch.
Vic stood and did the same. With catlike stealth, Victor walked up behind
Mulder, who was still stretching, and grasped the man around the waist. He bit
Fox's earlobe gently and whispered, "Maybe we shouldn't have slept so much."
Victor gave the small lobe another delicate nip and then moved his mouth from
the sexy bit of flesh to work his way down the sensual curve of Mulder's neck.
Peeking over the slightly taller man's shoulder, Vic saw that his soft bites
and kisses were working to arouse his lover.
Mulder patted the backs of the hands that ringed his waist and turned
around while still in Victor's grip, so that they were facing each other.
Mulder kissed Victor deeply on the lips. Before long, he switched
from Victor's mouth to his neck. Victor arched his head to the side, purring
from the sensations he felt. Mulder bit Vic's shoulder hard enough to leave
teeth marks. And while rubbing his erection over Victor's hard cock, Mulder
husked a reply to Victor's 'sleeping' comment, "Maybe we're just getting older,
hmm? We are already in our 30's, Vic; we need more recovery time in between
orgasms." After having said that he bent his head back and continued to kiss
the other side of Vic's neck.
Victor knew that Mulder was just kidding about the 'older remark'. Adding
his own jest to the conversation, Victor murmured, "Not older G-man, just
better... ooh yeah, right there!" Vic interrupted himself when Mulder found
the exact right spot at the top of Vic's shoulder muscle and sucked on it.
After a beat, Vic continued, "We're just getting better..."
Mulder finally pulled away from his merciless teasing of Victor's neck and
shoulder. Kissing Victor deeply once more, he asked, "By the way, who was
that on the phone. Dragon Lady?" Mulder reluctantly severed his embrace with
Victor, and reaching for his hand, pulled him behind himself toward the shower.
"Yeah. I have to go into the office. She claims there's some sort of a
situation. I can drop you off to wherever you're heading on the way there
though," Victor grumbled to Mulder's back as the two of them stepped under the
shower's stream.

Victor drove to the Provincial Park office and pulled over in front of the
building. He glanced around quickly before reaching over and grabbing the back
of Mulder's head to pull the agent into one last, lusty kiss. He released
Mulder's head after a while and ran his fingers through the other man's hair.
Mulder touched his slightly puffy lips with his fingers. He had been
smiling, but then he dropped the smile and gave a Victor serious look. "Vic, in
a few days I'll be back. And then, we need to have a talk. A very serious
one. What I need to tell you may seem crazy, but I'll need you to listen
carefully to what I'm going to say, Victor, and...and I'll need you believe
me..." Mulder trailed off when he saw the look of
confusion on his lover's face.
"Mulder, whatever you have to say, just say it. No matter what, I will
always believe you." After a pause, Victor added, "Trust me" more firmly. He
prayed to God that Mulder wasn't having second thoughts and was trying to back
out of their relationship again.
"Vic...," Mulder started but then stopped and hesitated as he wasn't
quite sure how to tell Victor about all that he knewabout the possibility of
an apocalypse on the horizon due to alien colonization that was almost
inevitable. "There's a war brewing, Vic. A war that will be fought against
creatures the likes of which you and most other human beings have never seen,
let alone imagined. Scully and I are working to put a stop to the war, but I
don't know if we will even make a difference. All we can do is try."
Mulder paused to gauge Victor's reaction. When nothing drastic was
forthcoming, he continued. "Look...I'll explain more when I come back, but for
now please, just...promise me you'll keep an open mind," Mulder implored. He
had also planned on telling Victor about Krycek's visit to him late one night
with the 'tip' he was 'interested' in, but he decided now wasn't the right
I'll tell him when I get back
"All right. Sure, Mulder. Anything you ask." Victor was actually a little
doubtful about Mulder's talk of an impending war brought about by strange
creatures, but since it seemed so important to him, he
decided to try to believe in what he was saying. "I'll keep an open mind." He
"Good, then I'll explain everything on the return visit. Okay?" Mulder
reached over, grabbed Victor and kissed him roughly but briefly. Releasing
him, Mulder opened the truck door and grabbed his gear as he started to step
out. He looked back at Vic, whose lips were set in a straight line of
determination, before leaving the car.
"I only want to keep you safe, spy-guy," he added and then with a lopsided
grin, confessed, "After all...I do love you." And with those words he shut the
door and made his way to the park's office.
Victor watched his lover until he was completely out of sight. Then he
put the truck in drive and pulled out of the park office. As he drove on, he
tried to think about other things, but his mind kept on wandering back to
Mulder's ominous words about an approaching war.

Victor gave Mac a call after dropping Mulder off to see if he wanted a
ride into the Agency, and was surprised to find that neither Mac nor LiAnne had
been called into work. Mac didn't like the sound of it at all. He believed
that if there was a 'situation' like the Director had said, then she would have
called the whole team in. Mac thought it smelled like a set-up and Victor had
to agree.
Once in the truck, Mac immediately set about burying the embarrassing
business of the morning once and for all. He turned to Vic and said, "Look,
Vic, about this morning...I'm really sorry I was such an asshole. Actually, I
was hallucinating about LiAnne...that she was the one who was looking after
me...and...well things just got really mixed up and you know...."
Victor nodded of his head, so Mac continued, "You know, Victor...IóI love
you too, but it's like you said, were like the brothers. Not only that,
you're my partner and I trust you with my life."
Mac stopped there and smiled. He thought that Victor was buying his whole
story. Mac always believed himself to be a good liar, a lifetime spent with
dishonest, unscrupulous, and murderous thieves
had shown him how to be truly great at it.
"I know, Mac," Victor said. "Look, it's okay. I understand. I'm sorry
about this morning too. I shoulda known better than to get all worked up over
the words of a delirious man."
He laughed lightly and shook his head. Even though he knew Mac was lying,
he played along to convince Mac he believed in his tale.
Better to just let things go Victor decided to himself.

Victor pushed open the doors and led the way into the Director's large
office. Mac followed close behind on Victor's heels. Both men stopped in the
room when they saw that as usual, the Director was
nowhere to be found. They plopped themselves down side by side in two of the
three large black leather chairs to wait.
After a moment, the two men heard clicks on the wooden floor behind them,
signaling their boss' arrival. Mac and Vic swung in tandem and came
face-to-face with a very pissed-off looking Director. She narrowed her eyes at
Victor and resumed slowly walking around behind the table, not once taking her
steely glare off of the man. Only after watching the two men squirm in the
uncomfortable silence for several minutes, did she finally speak up, "I thought
I told you to come alone Victor." She ground out, intentionally ignoring Mac.
Victor smiled nervously, glanced at Mac and then said after clearing his
throat, "No, I believe you said that we had a 'situation' and I was to get my
ass down here as soon as possible."
Mac was amazed to see the Director narrow her glare even more. It was
obvious she was completely pissed and Mac could guess why. He and Victor
figured that she had probably discovered the missing blackmail tapes. Both of
them had hoped, however, that it would take her longer than a day to find
The Director, unimpressed with Victor's flippant attitude, looked at Mac
and said to the silent agent, "Get out. You weren't asked to come in. Go home
and put some ice on those black eyes. You look like shit." As an afterthought
she added, "Fighting in the bars again?"
Mac sucked in his bottom lip and chewed on it briefly before saying,
"Victor asked me to come." He shrugged his shoulders as if that should
explain everything. He didn't dare to offer up and explanation as to how he
got his bruises.
The Director looked from Mac to Vic and then back again. "Oh I see," she
said with a smirk playing around her mouth. "It's like that, is it? Victor
asked you to come with him, did he?" her eyebrows rose
with a silent question.
"Like what?" questioned Victor, not liking the implications the Director
was making. "Just what are you suggesting?" His tone was deep and tinged with
"I'm not implying anything, Victor. Why are you so paranoid?" The
Director did not wait for an answer to her question but said instead, "I need
to talk to you. In private. Unless, of course, you want to air out your dirty
laundry in front of Mac." She continued to glare at Victor, making a hmmph
sound when he did not immediately answer.
Wisely Mac chose to be seen and not heard. Victor may not be afraid of
the Director but he sure as hell was. After another round of the staring
contest between Director and agent, Victor blinked and said calmly, "Anything
you have to say you can say in front of Mac. He's my partner. We have no
secrets." Victor was not going to let the Director push him around anymore.
"All right. Fine." The Director shrugged as if it didn't really matter.
"Last night someone broke into my office and stole some...surveillance tapes of
mine. Surveillance footage of you Victor, to be exact. At first I thought it
was random; you know, an agent gone bad, looking for the goods on me and the
other Directors. But I checked around and it seems that I was the only one
whose security was breached. So I say to my self, 'hmmm...'" the Director held
her elbow in one hand and used the finger of the other to tap at her temple,
"...who would want to steal some videotapes with Victor on them? Well the only
conclusion I can come too" The director shook her finger at Vic like
he was a naughty child being reprimanded. "You must've stolen my tapes,
Victor. But now since you've brought your partner along, I see that
this little B&E was probably a tandem effort."
The Director suddenly slammed both of her hands flat on the tabletop in
front of the men, the loud slapping noise made both of the men jump in their
seats. "I want those tapes back Victor, and I want them back right now!" she
bellowed into the agent's face.
Bravely, Victor smiled slyly at the Director and said. "I don't know what
you're talking about. Last night Mac and I were in the bar drinking. That's
how he got the bruises." Vic raised his palm toward Mac, who
simply gave the Director a small half-smile. "We weren't anywhere near the
Agency last night."
The Director wanted to slap the smirk right off of Victor's face, instead
she turned to Mac and said, "Leave us. I want to talk to Vic in private."
Mac, not wanting to tempt fate again, stood and said to Victor, "I'll wait
for you outside, okay?"
Impatient for Mac to leave, the Director snapped, "Yes, Mac, I'm sure it's
okay. Don't worry, I'm not going to shoot him. Or at least I don't think I
am. Would you just go?!"
Mac walked out of the room and nonchalantly Victor watched him go. He
knew that now he was the one who held all the cards. If the Director had had
another set of tapes of Mulder and him, she would not be so anxious to get the
missing ones he had back. Victor figured she had probably meant to copy them
but hadn't gotten around to it yet.
Too bad for her
He thought with satisfaction as he swivelled around in his chair.
The director waited until the door was fully closed behind Mac before
she spoke. "Look Victor, I know it was you who broke in here last night. You
andjudging by the guilty look on his faceMac."
She stabbed her finger in the air toward Victor, "You think you've won,
haven't you? Well you may have won this battle but the war is far from over.
Got it? If I ever find the proof that you were in
here, I'll kill you myself. Capice?"
Then, knowing that she had been defeated on this matter, she swallowed
hard and said more gently, "Well you're free to go Victor. Leave the Agency if
you want. I have nothing to hold you to us now."
Victor stood up suddenly and pushed his chair away with the backs of his
knees. He was angryangry that the director had started this whole thing in
the first place. "No, I won't resign, only because I still believe in what
we're doing here is right. But I swear to God you had better keep the 'eyes
and ears' out of my apartment from now on. You caught me unaware once, but it
won't happen again. Believe me."
Victor took a deep breath, collected himself and then said calmly, "I'll
be in Monday morning bright and early." And in a final display of rebellion,
he puckered his lips and kissed the air, making a smacking noise. "See-ya," he
called as he headed for the door.
Once outside of the office, he found Mac, who was leaning against a post.
Mac immediately straightened and went over to stand beside his partner.
"Everything okay?" he asked.
Victor turned to Mac and gave his partner a beautiful smile. A genuine
smile, the first real one Mac had seen in ages. Victor's green eyes shone from
the flourescent overhead lighting. "Everything's fine, Mac. Just fine." Victor
threw a friendly arm over Mac's shoulder and said, "Let's go get a beer and
celebrate my freedom."
Mac added a cheery, "Yahhh" and then down the hall they went.