Anthony (TheGoodNasedo)
as Max/Michael
Jazz as Tess/Liz
Kathy (D101NYC) as Mrs.
Tina (Ashbaby) as Isabel
Let's introduce you to the cast. From l to r is Jazz (Tess/Liz), Kathy (Mrs. Evans), Anthony (Max/Michael) and Tina (Isabel, in the middle). We're going to be your tour guides of Covina, home of the TV show, Roswell!
Tess, Michael and Isabel burning the symbol in front of the library in "Blind Date" Where is Max? Well....we couldn't get Anthony to clone himself so....:) And no, Tess is not actually in this scene...but she is in this alternate universe!
"You're my dreamgirl, Liz!"
Okay, so Liz doesn't actually climb the lampost but I wanted to prove that I could do it.
From "Blind Date"
Tess got fed up on Max ignoring her and decided to hit the road to find a man who believes action speaks louder than words! (This is the bus depot where Kyle gets off the bus in "Ask Not")
The UFO Center is where Max works. Max discusses his money problems with Mrs. Evans, his mother and Liz outside the Center.
Tess decides to go inside the UFO Center and visit Max, who for some odd reason, seems to be thinking about "mud".
Due to cutbacks in production, we could not afford to buy a jeep for this scene.
Here's Max and Liz in the jeep in "Sexual Healing". Though I think Max thinks he's in England or something, he's driving the jeep on the right!
Here's an outtake of the bench scene in "Toy House". Kathy can't seem to control her excitement of being an actress on a hit TV show! :)
The scene from "Toy House" renacted. Okay, so we couldn't afford buying a Toy House either! But a water bottle comes close!
Tess taking a break on the bench.Max and Tess pose by Bob, the jeep. The very one we couldn't afford in the "Sexual Healing" scene!
Liz goes home after a long day of dealing with Max, Isabel, Tess and Michael. It's tough being the only dork who enjoys science in the gang!
"Ready? And Action!"
Max and Liz meet in front of the Congresswoman's office in "Skin and Bones" We did this scene before it aired, we had no idea how it was going to be played out!
Tess, Isabel and Max thanks you for joining us in this Alternate Universe, where nothing is what it seems!Want more adventures? Check out Part Two of Roswell: The Alternate Universe!
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