7k, ??/??, NC17
Summary: early morning musings turn to something more
All I Want For Christmas
12k, Chris/Vin, PG13
Summary: Christmas story, Santa fulfills a promise
The Night Before Christmas (C/V slash version)
Vin Tanner, The Thick-Cocked Texan
Will You Read What Ive Slashed?
8k, Chris/Vin, NC17
Summary: Christmas Carols Revisited
The Pack
7k, Chris/Vin, Ezra/Buck, G (will eventually be NC17)
Summary: beginning of a new AU
Yesterdays Hero
16k, Chris/Vin, R, Warning: death fic
Summary: Chris POV; What happened to Yesterdays Heroes
Southern Exposure
22k, Chris/Vin, E, NC17
Summary: Just a little secret voyeurism among friends.
Riding Out The Storm
3k, Chris/Vin, NC17
Summary: Answer to a Wet and Naked 150 word challenge.
Unbridled Passion
3k, ?/?, G
Summary: A humorous little bit with a surprise pairing.
Read em And Weep
**Mistresses of Malarkey Magnificent Ficlet Award Winner** - Best Adult Vignette 2003
9k, Ezra/Vin, PG13
Summary: A near tragedy brings Vin and Ezra closer.
Secrets From the Past
15k, Chris/Vin, NC17
Summary: Chris has a secret that he hasnt shared with Vin.
Haunted Heart
**Mistresses of Malarkey Wild Hearts Award Winner** - Best Adult - Slash 2002
7k, Chris/Vin, NC17, Warning: death fic, Kleenx alert
Summary: Halloween story, Chris has a ghostly lover.
By My Side
6k, Ezra/Vin, ATF AU, NC17, Warning: death fic, Kleenx alert
Summary: Halloween story, when a bust goes horribly wrong, can their love see them through?
Meeting at Midnight
20k, Ezra/Vin, NC17
Summary: Ezra and Vin enjoy a midnight rendezvous in the pond.
Meeting at Midnight 2: Ezras Turn
20k, Ezra/Vin, NC17
Summary: Ezra and Vins rendezvous at the pond continues.