Title: The Gweatest Wuv Of All
Author: TLC
Rating: NC-17. There's no sex in here, we just don't think children should be exposed to this kind of thing. I mean, het? Ewww! And, of course we're very worried about the effect of non-standard utilisation of cutlery, pitchforks and refried beans on impressionable minds.
Pairing: Well, d’uh! The only one that really matters, the one twue pairing. Sam is just too cool for anyone else, and Joney-babe just *rools*!
Category: Twue wuv
Date: 9th March, 2002
Disclaimer: Not ours. To be honest we wouldn’t want Juda... uh, Jonas. Although... if he *was* ours we could *legally* do stuff like this to him ;) But we know how much you guys all love him, and we couldn't take him away from you. No, really...
Notes: Dedicated to the true and pure love between our two favourite SG characters.
Summary: Twuv wuv conquers all
Warnings: We're sorry, but we have to warn you that this is a DEATH STORY! If you can't bear the thought of this, then bail now! We *can* promise you that twue wuv conquers all, though. I think it's a really moving story, showing how much real love can do for us all. I'd suggest a box-of-hankies (allergy season and all) sized warning. But we'll bring him back in the sequel! (or is that a promise too far...)
Jack O’Neill grumbled as he picked his way through the sandwiches that had been put out in the mess. Cheese and tomato? Boring. Egg and cress? Yuck. Curried anchovy? Bore thinking about. Fried Haddock and chocolate? Yup, that was the one. He had just leaned over to grab his prize when the most godawful din and a girly scream came from behind him. Whirling around ready to face whatever adversary might be there, he was pleasantly surprised to find it was only the newest member of SG-1, lying on the floor in apparent agony and bleeding from several major wounds to his body, most of which seemed to have been caused by the cutlery lying around him, on him, and imbedded into him.
"Jonas!" the blonde Major standing next to O’Neill shrieked as she dropped the mushroom and apple bagel she’d been holding.
"Carter, get back!” He reached out and grabbed Carter’s arm, absently noting how various members of the SGC hurriedly picked up the offending silverware and quickly wiped their fingerprints off them.
"But Colonel, he's dying!"
"And you want I should do what?"
"We've gotta save him!"
But Sam’s reply was cut off by the arrival of Janet Fraiser, followed by two nurses dragging several pieces of equipment on a gurney. She started to bound into action, yelling instructions to her team... and then she noticed who it was who was injured. “Oh, it’s just him. Guys, you may as well head back. I’ll be there in a minute, I just want to watch this.”
"Sam..." The voice was faint and trembling, but it cut through the terrible din, the clatter of tableware and the howl of sirens, the tall man brought low, lying, dying, bruised and battered, torn and brutalised by the cruel, cruel implements of death...
"But, Colonel, I *wuv* him!"
"Really?" Colonel O'Neill stared thoughtfully at Jonas. "That explains a lot," he added regarding the pitchfork, refried beans and the green glowing goo from planet P3X-372 that was trying to hump Jonas's thigh with an air of faint satisfaction. Jack looked again at the man who lay dying and reconsidered his opinion. The man wasn't tall. Ya know, he couldn't be much more than 5’4... in heels. O'Neill considered Jonas in heels, and started looking for alcohol. That or a barf bag. There was only one man he had ever been willing to consider in heels... He took another glance at Jonas, expiring, slowly and painfully on the floor. There were times when he just *knew* the universe liked him.
"Sam!" Jonas whispered hoarsely, again. Carter rushed to his side, unhindered by her commanding officer.
"Oh, Jonas!"
"I wanted to say something - but you knew, how vewwy, *vewwy* attached I am to you?"
"Samantha..." the dying man gasped out
She picked up his damp and clammy hand and cradled it lovingly against her breast. She'd pick up the other bits later, but this one was, as it were, handy.
"Oh, Jonas," a single crystalline tear rolled down Carter's cheek. "I should have said something..." her voice trailed off, broken by grief. "But I was too afraid! I was a fool!"
"Sam, I wanted... to tell you how much -- how very much... I admired and respected you, as an officer, as my superior in intellect and character..." he coughed, weakly. "But more than that, as a *woman*, Sam," fresh tears flooded her eyes and trickled in mascara'd lines down her apple-blossom fresh complexion, "I love you--" he turned imploring eyes on her, "I'm sorry - you never knew, I never meant to say anything, but--"
"You know, for a dyin' guy, you sure can talk," muttered Jack
"Colonel!" Sam hissed at her commanding officer, daggers coming from her eyes before she turned back to Jonas, her heart clenching at the sight of him. She placed a trembling finger on his bluing lips. "Shhh, I know." She turned her shattered visage to Dr Fraiser, "Is there anything..?"
"Nope," replied Janet quickly. "Absolutely nothing. Nada, zip, not a thing. Although, I can make him more uncomfor- er, comfortable," she offered as an afterthought, picking up a syringe with the largest, bluntest needle Sam had ever seen.
"Sam--" Jonas voice broke, and as she leaned in closer, ignoring the scent of anchovy and onion bagel, his favourite breakfast. She'd laid in a store of them, just for him, and it suddenly stabbed her to the heart that he would never eat them... "Oh, Sam, I'm already seeing angels." He weakly lifted a hand to her cheek. He groaned, then his eyes rolled back in his head, and he murmured feebly, almost beyond hearing, "It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done. It is a far far better place I go to than I have ever known.”
Rolling his eyes, Jack tragically and completely accidentally stood on the respirator cable. Honest. Bells and alarms went off everywhere, but no one moved, honouring the moment of sacrifice. "Just go already," he muttered almost silently.
"Sir, *sir*!" Sam hissed, but it was too late, and Jonas' hand slipped easily, softly from hers. The softness of the air broken by the continuous beep of the EKG machine, and the keening wail of Samantha Carter, mourning her lost, one true wuv.
The trickle of tears became a flood, and she flung herself, distraught, howling her pain to the uncaring halls and corridors of the cold, military establishment that had been her chosen life, across her beloved one's breast. "No!" She sobbed helplessly, hopelessly, forlorn and lost, bereft of every good thing, clutching at the dear, dear, red shirt. Broken, grief stricken and desperate, she longed only to join him, to never again be separated! Suddenly, Sam gasped! It was he! Stood before her, gilded in the purest of white light, stretching out his hand in loving welcome.
With nary a thought for her grieving comrades, she shrugged off the weary burden of mortality, and stepped eagerly forth, into the light, into the long awaited moment of forever.
This then, was eternity.
"Right, now that's done anyone for a beer?" asked Jack, clapping his hands together and rubbing them.
"Yep, I'm up for one," nodded Daniel, stepping out of the shadows.
"Danny! You descended again then?"
Daniel shrugged. "What can I say. Unlimited knowledge and the universe at my fingertips, or a beer with you, Jack. It was no contest."
Jack just grinned, and followed Daniel out into the night.