The stories I write are fan fiction. That is, they are based on other people's creations. Other people have copyright in their original characters and plots (i.e. episodes). I have copyright in my original characters and plots. somewhere in the middle is that fascinating grey area known as fan fiction. That's the generic disclaimer. Ignore the rest if you want to. Or read on.

Other people's copyright:

Paramount owns the rights to Star Trek and related products.. The characters of Harry Kim, Tom Paris, Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, B'Elanna Torres, and anyone else whose name you recognise, and the Startrek universe, and all things therein, are the intellectual property of Paramount, and various others.

Panzer Davis, Gaumont and Rysher own Highlander and related products. The characters of Richie Ryan, Methos, and Joe Dawson are sadly theirs. Duncan MacLeod they can keep. I don't want him. However, as a paid up member of the Clan Denial and the inventor of the Clones (tm), I can (and have) taken Richie somewhere safe. Of course, 'safe' is such a relative term... The concept of Immortals was Gregory Widen's, and I hope he made a packet.

Joss Whedon and Warner own all things Buff...y, too bad.

Pet Fly and some other guys came up with Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg too, and while I don't have any excuse for snaffling Blair like I do Richie, I'm keeping him anyway. Then again, after Sentinel Too, I'm holding that thought...

Just think of it. My very own little harem...

Not that little...<eg>

Authorial copyright:

While we're on the topic of copyright, please remember that I have put in time (huge amounts of it sometimes) and effort to create this fan fiction.

These are written for the love of it, and for no reward. Please play fair and don't redistribute them anywhere, whether online or off, and particularly not with your name attached!


© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

Pages last updated 18/09/2004.