
I guess this is kind of like a postscript. If I seem a bit awkward, or disjointed, or it doesn't seem quite right, well, that's cos that's how I feel. I mean, hell, I used to sleep with Tom. It's really weird to be finishing up for him in his diary. He made Harry put all his stuff in first, and said I could read the lot. Harry went the most fascinating puce. I didn't know he could achieve that kind of skin tone.

Then Harry said something about Sandrine's - first time around, and Tom went pink around the ears. Funny really, how much more open they both are now. They really are happy. Like, they called me. I was stuck in a hotel, courtesy of Starfleet, while they decided what to do with me. So Harry calls. It would be Harry, Tom never thinks of things like that. besides, even if it was only a fling he hates confrontations. Maybe he was right, I would have made things hard for him, but not to Harry. I'd have to beat myself up. By the looks of it I'd have to stand in line - Harry does a pretty good job of beating himself up, and Tom probably's felt like decking him a time or two - and I know what you're going to think when you read that you two, and I didn't mean it that way. Much <eg>.

Anyway, I'm way off track here. Harry called, he asked how I was, and how everyone else was, and how the ship was, and I said 'Cut the crap Starfleet, what do you want?'

His eyes lifted to meet mine, and -- I'm shaking my head now, while I'm writing. I've not got the words for that expression. I never knew Harry was unhappy on Voyager till I saw his face that morning, and he looked like his soul felt light. My jaw dropped, but he ignored it. That's how happy he was. Anyway, they asked me to write this because neither of them can remember what happened. The vids okay, but they want a little more. Anyway, I'm getting this all out of order. Back to that call they made me.

"B'Elanna, I want to ask you for a favour," he asks me, looking like he's going to explode from mischief, or happiness, or both.

"What is it?" I don't manage friendly very well, I know.

"I'm getting married. I was wondering if you'd like to come be my best man - Klingon."

Confused I nodded, and then frowned. "Harry, that's great news." I was glad he'd found someone had missed him back here. Libby must be an amazing person. Already I was thinking of ways to avoid speaking to her - of course I'd go, but - -and then the penny dropped. "Why aren't you getting Tom to do that? did you two have another fight?" I wished I hadn't said that, and bit my lip before I could mess up any more. I'm not as dumb as I make out. But I couldn't help saying it. And he grinned at me.

"It's more traditional to have someone other than the person you're going to marry."

"Woah. Hold it Starfleet. Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He tugged Tom Paris into the line of the call screen, and I didn't have to ask again. Damn but I've never seen Paris look shy before. Kind of cute, 'course, Harry does shy as well, but more of that later. Are you two blushing again? I hope so <eg>

So there's the two of them, Harry sitting on a chair, Tom kneeling beside him, both staring speechlessly at me. "when did this happen?" I demanded.

"Um, just yesterday."

"Why didn't you call me sooner?"

"We were celebrating, B'Elanna." Paris said with that angle to his jaw that says 'wanna make something of it?'

"Sounds fun. Why didn't you call me earlier?" I said brightly, giving them my best toothy grin, and they both turned that dark shade again. This could be a lot of fun. And then I remembered the Speeches. Oh yeah.

"I don't like the way her eyes just lit up." Harry said, nervously.

"When's the wedding? I'll need some time to prepare."

"We were just going to find the Mairie's office at the weekend, and do . . .it. . . . then?" Tom slowed and came to a halt as I shook my head.

"No way. No way Paris. How's everyone going to get there in that time? And most of us are still over at Starfleet HQ. No, you need to leave it til," I calculated hastily, "Call it six weeks."

"Six weeks!!" they both choked.

"Yeah - you can't hurry these things."

"Oh yes you can," Tom growled. "I've waited too damn long already."

But Harry was looking at him, and his glare wavered and vanished. Harry could replace warp cores if he keeps that expression on his face. Luckily for my knees, he only ever waves it at Tom, and Tom dissolves every time. I know, cos I flew over that afternoon, and watched as Tom was persuaded into having a Starfleet ceremony, into inviting the entire crew (by dint of Harry looking horribly disappointed every time a name was missed off the list), wearing full dress uniform, and having a big party afterwards.

It was only when Harry cautiously suggested inviting his father that Tom balked.


"Tom, you don't have to speak to him."

"No." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm not having it spoiled, love."

And Harry gave in without a murmur. I was surprised, and I guess it showed. A little while later Harry came to talk to me while Tom was on the link to the Delaneys.

"How's the speech going?" he smiled at me. I wish you wouldn't do that Starfleet. Respectable married men have no business being gorgeous.

"Fine. I thought I'd mention the story behind the real reason you got your pips, Lieutenant."

"You wouldn't?"

"I would."

"Oh well, I guess it was only a matter of time. Besides, if it's the bar brawl I thought everyone knew it."

"Not the bit about why you weren't there when the fight started, and just how you had that three toed golkian lirad so conveniently to hand. I found out some amazing facts about the lirad, do you know, it secretes this solution that - -"

"Oh, really?" said Harry, all innocence.

"You're getting better at lying already," I replied admiringly. "What will you be like after a few years of being with him I shudder to think." I teased, then paused. They'd both stopped dead at my words, and were looking at each other. I could see them thinking <years,> and their faces were so open and loving I was embarrassed, and had to look away. They moved towards each other, not a word said, and were kissing like it was the last chance they had - or the first after a drought. Then they were holding each other, utterly unconscious of me, Tom whispering, "Ever and ever," and Harry murmuring "Love you, love you." over and over.

I had to go find something for my eyes. They'd gotten unaccountably itchy, and I had to keep rubbing them.

Anyway, I met Har's mother a few days later. She is so sweet - adores the kid, and was desperate that he be happy. She kept asking me what this Tom boy was like. It's difficult to describe him without sounding like the man's a real jerk. There's a reason for that <ig> But I liked her, and I wanted her to be happy, so I made him out to be a real nice guy, sweet, loving, I guess that's true, really Tom. I'm sorry. Like I said, I don't do friendly too well.

And then we're two hours before the ceremony, and the Captain is going to marry them, and everything's ready, and Tom's climbing the walls.

"He doesn't know what he's doing."

"I seduced him."

"He'll regret it."

"Maybe he wanted Libby really."

At this point I couldn't help it. I hit him. In the chest so it wouldn't interfere with anything later ;) As he sat on the carpeted floor, wheezing bewilderedly at me I went over and sat next to him.

"Who proposed to whom?"

"He did."

Not terribly coherent, but it served. "And has he shown any sign of wanting out?"

"No but--"

"I've had trouble separating the two of you for just fourteen hours, never mind for a lifetime. Are you having second thoughts?"

"No," a small voice." But what if he doesn't--"


"Having trouble dear?" Harry's mother put her head around the door.

"Nerves," I said succinctly. She grinned. I've never seen such a sweet face look so wicked as at that moment.

"The perfect couple."

"Both of them?"

"Both of them."

"You see, I said he didn't really want to marry me!" Our eyes met over Tom's wail, and we couldn't help howling with laughter.

Then there's the transports, Harry with his parents, me with Tom, and I ask him quietly, if he's happy.

His eyes are wide and puzzled, a man in the presence of a good fortune he doesn't understand. "Happy," he stops short and laughs, "happy's one word for it. He's going to be mine, and no one will ever take him away from me again. And I still don't believe it. It's too like a fairy story, and I'm waiting for the wicked witch to notice us or something."

So I lean across the seat to him, and kiss him, just once, just lightly. "Believe it. I've never seen either of you so happy."

The gateway, and everything falls away when they see each other, both in those ridiculous dress uniforms, and it isn't ridiculous at all. Tom smiles shyly at Harry, and Harry blazes back.

And then the three of us are walking into the chapel, and it's crammed. Not just Voyager, but Voyager's families and friends too. I stand back a step, and the words are said, and rings exchanged, and I can feel my throat choking up as they look at each other and promise, before God and this company here present to love, honour and cherish, forever, come what may, each the other. They mean it. Every word has meaning, and I can see Paris tearing up, and Harry's hand just reaches up and brushes the tear away. The rings, a blessing, and that's it, and they kiss, and when they separate each is looking at the other like he's never seen him before, and it's love at first sight.

Janeway's smiling like she'll break a facial muscle, she hugs them, and pandemonium breaks loose, I grab them both off her and kiss them both, and then it's Harry's parents, and Libby and Simon, and Ayalla and Jenny, and the Doc, and everyone, surging forward, wanting to congratulate them.

They have only eyes for each other, and I can't help looking, even though I feel like a voyeur. When they're apart they talk politely to whoever has cornered them, but their replies get slower, and their eyes wander through the crowds till they find the other, and they can pay attention again. They scan the room in moments, and everytime the other turns to look back at him, as if he can feel the glance.

I talk to some of the crew. It's surprising how many are going back - not to Voyager, but to other ships. The Fleet has suffered in the wars with the Jem Hadar, the Cardassians. They need experienced crew - and we've got that in spades. Even I've been made an offer I can't refuse - R&D for Starfleet, name my salary, clean record, immediate full commission. Carey's coming with me, we're a pretty good team now, and he asked me if I'd mind. I even ran into my old professor the other week, and he bought me a drink.

Tom and Harry aren't coming back. Tom turned down the commission when he thought Harry was out of his reach, and now Harry won't stay without him. I don't know what they'll do, but I know one thing. They'll be the happiest people I know wherever I go and whoever I meet.

I love you both. Good luck.

© Temaris 1998.

Page last updated 18/09/2004.