Demon Fish
Xander poked the water filled bag sitting on his kitchen counter. "What is it?"
"Fish. See: fins and scales and such." Xander gave Spike a skeptical look. "What?! You said you wanted a pet. Fish are pets. Side‘s, how many blokes you know got a Nei-glae’as fish? Demon pet that is. Exotic like."
"Riiiight. And WHY are you giving me a demon fish?"
"It’s traditional."
"Traditional?" Xander asked, poking the bag again.
"I’m courting you aren’t I?" Xander nodded. "It’s a trinket." At Xander’s raised eyebrow Spike rolled his eyes. "Well I’m not going to bring you flowers like some Nancy-boy and you’d be all prissy if I filled a hope chest with the ears of your enemies."
Xander looked a little green at that suggestion. "Ok, demon fish good - box of ears bad." Xander turned and started digging in the cupboards for a glass bowl, all the while muttering to himself. "Demon fish trinkets, Victorian courting rituals, evil vampire boyfriends - my life is a frickin’ soap opera. *Tune in next week for Children of the Hellmouth when Xander turns into a woman and Spike and Angel switch bodies!*"
"You say something Xan?” Spike asked holding back a smirk. Xander just huffed and plopped down a large funny shaped clear glass bowl and lid on the counter.
"Finally found a use for An’ and Hallie’s house warming gift." Xander tipped the fish into his new home and watched as it floated there. Looking a lot like a seaweed tennis ball. "So... demons consider this thing exotic?"
"Sure. They’re right pretty - once they mature. Doesn’t look like much now of course, but it’s just a baby. Hadn‘t shed its kiddy skin yet."
"Ahhhh” Xander added more water to the fish’s bowl and set the lid on top. He wasn’t sure if the thing could flop out and try to escape but he wasn’t taking any chances.
"Come on Pet, gotta swing by the Slayer’s and pick up little Bit." Spike called from the front door, already sliding his duster on.
"Hey, Spike. Remind me again why we’re taking Dawn with us to the movies? I thought we were going on a date."
"Courting couples must be accompanied on outings by a chaperon."
"I knew it, I’m living in a soap opera. There are people out there right now laughing and plotting next week’s episode."
windles_orbit prompt #18 fish.

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