Tiger Prize
Once again Xander and Spike were out on a date - accompanied of course by their chaperone Dawn. This time they were attending the state fair. They'd been there for a couple of hours. They'd ridden some of the rides, eaten lots of fair food and were now wandering around checking out the games and venders.
Dawn tugged on Spike's sleeve, "Look!" The teenager was pointing to a small purple stuffed lion on display as a prize at one of the game booths. "Win me that, pleeease?" Dawn begged the vampire.
Spike snorted, "I'm on a date with Xan - I don't have to win you anything, Bit."
"You can win one for him too." Dawn waved away the protest. "That way he'd have a memento of your date to the fair. Right Xander?"
Xander smirked as Spike rolled his eyes, "Sure. But I want ... that one." Xander pointed to a huge tiger, barely holding back a giggle at Spike’s grimace. The tiger was almost four feet long, black with acid green stripes and a gray underbelly. Xander batted his lashes, "Win it for me?"
"I thought you'd gotten over your addiction to neon, Pet?"
"Oh no, Spike. I just hide well." Xander replied in a grave voice. "I'm a functioning neonholic."
Written for windles_orbit prompt #31 Tiger

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