Vampire Bubble Tea

by Werewindle


This whole chaperon thing was getting out of hand. First, Giles refused to even be in the same room if Spike and Xander's courtship was being discussed, let alone accompany them ever again – he was quite adamant about that, in a very huffy British way. Then Buffy decided that Dawn was just too happy about playing chaperon and therefore Spike must be corrupting her in some as yet unexplained way. Protective older-sister side in full force, Buffy proclaimed she was going to co-chaperon the next date.

Spike had, surprisingly, agreed with little fuss. Xander was worried but figured Buffy could handle herself.

The sisters had shown up a bit early for the night's excursion. They were going to go to a holiday bazaar to see a show, eat their way around the Viking themed food tent, and pick through the wares and crafts on display. Xander was hoping to find a friend for Kale, his little demon fish, who had finally shed his baby-skin. The little guy looked kinda lonely – and blue but that was mostly the scales.

“Whatcha making?” Buffy asked,changing the subject from what type of company Kale might like. The feathered, scaly, six finned thing gave her the creepy-crawlies.

“Vampire Bubble Tea.” Xander replied and presented her a glass, sliding a straw into it with a flourish.

Buffy took a sip and munched on the red pearls mixed in the liquid. “What's the little chewy things?”

“Ticks.” Spike replied with a smirk.

Buffy spit the mouthful she had out.“Are you insane!? Ticks! Ugh.” She moaned, wiping at her tongue with a paper towel.

Xander rolled his eyes at a snickering Dawn. “They're not real ticks, Buffy. They're pomegranate seeds.”He snagged one of the red fruits from the huge basket on the counter and shook it under her nose. “I'm just calling them ticks to go with the drink theme. You know, pomegranate: food of the dead –vampires...” At her confused face he tried another explanation,“It's like when you peel grapes and call them eyeballs for that Halloween game?”

“Whatever, Xander. I'm not drinking anymore though.” She set her glass on the counter and it was immediately snatched up by Dawn. Her own glass, practically licked clean, sat in the sink. The teenager slurped on the straw, draining a quarter of the rescued drink down in one go. She noticed the others staring at her and raised and eyebrow. “What?”

“How can you drink that?” Buffy muttered.

“It's good, I love pomegranate.” As if to prove her point she slurped up another huge swallow, munching the seeds as she left the kitchen.

“Ugh. I change my mind, you two are welcome to Dawn, she is obviously insane already. Just leave me out of your domestic weirdness.” Buffy shuddered and snagged her purse.“I need chocolate.” She muttered and headed determinedly for the front door.


For Nephir who requested Pomegranate (w_oprompt #46)

Bubble tea is a mixture of iced or hot sweetened tea, milk, and often other flavorings. The distinctive characteristics of bubble tea are the black gummy balls made of tapioca called "pearls" that sit at the bottom of the cup.

The original bubble tea consisted of a hot black tea, tapioca pearls, condensed milk and honey. Variations: initially iced versions with a hint of peach or plum flavoring, then more fruit flavors were added until, in some variations, the tea was removed entirely in favor of real fruits.

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