1 - Shadow Savior
Joxer struggled to pull himself up grabbing a hold of a broken crate. He pushed off from his knees almost falling before gaining his feet. Joxer leaned against the wall panting shallowly from the exertion. He managed to make it three steps before passing out. When he fell, his hand came to rest in a niche made by a crack in the wall. Bloodied fingers curled against a crude statue made by a child’s hands.
"How in the world do you get yourself into these things Joxer? Most mortals would have given up quite long ago. Gone off to live as a hermit. Settled down with a wench, sired some whelps. You just flash that goofy grin, get up and do it again. If you didn’t cause such wonderful calamity just walking I wouldn’t even bother. Must be going soft.
Strife smiled trying to look innocent as he turned to face Ares. "Yah, Unc'?"
"Explain to me why you are carrying a dead body through my Halls?" Ares demanded crossing his arms with an exasperated look.
"’s not dead, just mostly dead." Strife pointed out in the vain hope that Ares would be satisfied and get back to what ever he had been doing before.
"Unnnhuh" Ares didn’t move he just raised an eyebrow and waited.
"I found him, I’m gonna heal him up. *pause* You won’t even know he’s here, I promise."
Shaking his head the god of war turned to leave, "Just don’t forget that job in Crete." He called over his shoulder.
It’s dark in here where the shadows have crept to meet, hiding from the burning light. This dark place, this cool, safe place; nothing can hurt here. A place in my memory that I do not remember until I’m here. The padded darkness deep in my own soul.
When I was little, I would retreat to this place. Here I could not feel the pain from scrapes or bruises. Here I was not clumsy or awkward, or lonely. I had adventures here. The good guy always won, the horizon so close you could almost touch it or forever just off your bow. Here I could not hear the harsh words thrown at me. The painful names, aching disappointments became little more than a bad dream.
Here I was beloved, the shadows kept me company. Soothing the hurts of the outside world, whispering words of love. They held me when I needed to cry, ran with me when I needed to run. Healed my soul and kept my secrets.
As I grew older, there were fewer adventures with shadowy companions. Less time spent wrapped in comfort, drifting on the sound of a reedy lullaby. But no matter how long I stayed away, when I need them the most, they are here. Time and again I have left them, stepped out into the bright light and muted color of the real world. Never have they deserted me. Even now, especially now, at my lowest point, they surround me.
I can sense my body somewhere outside this place in the bright world. If I concentrate on my limbs, the pain causes streaks of red to cut across the dark. I don’t want to go back. I want to stay here and listen to the reedy sighing song. Let the other world wait, here I am beloved. Maybe I won’t go back just stay here till I slip away, soul into shadow.
But that can wait too, now there is the song. My lullaby and shadowed comfort.

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