
2 - Adrift

by Werewindle


Strife leaned against the wall opposite the window in Joxer's room. Technically, it was Strife's 'guest' room but since Strife never had guests and Joxer had been there for nearly three weeks, Strife had begun to think of as Joxer's.

There was something that was bothering Strife and it wasn't the room, more like who was in it. Strife could not figure out why Joxer hadn't woken up. Strife had healed all of Joxer's injuries after he had first brought him here. Physically, there was nothing wrong with Joxer. Even any lingering exhaustion he might of felt should have been taken care of by the healing sleep Strife had put him in that first week. But it had been two weeks since Joxer started sleeping naturally and he had not stirred once.

Strife hated to do this - he really did - but it was time to break out the bronze knuckles. He would have to ask Ace for help. That would mean owing him a favor. By the Styx, he should just take Joxer back and leave him where he found him - that would be a lot easier. But like Unc' always says, he can be a stubborn little shit some times.

The red is gone. No more pain, still I linger here. After a while I moved around a bit, allowed the shadows to draw me out, or, I suppose, in more. Not just darkness any longer. The woolly cocoon I wrapped myself up in has drawn back, leaving another reality. If I stray too far, I can feel it and this starts to fade into the gray of darkness.

But if I float here, just here, this place is more real than anything in that bright world. The smells are richer, the sounds clearer, the colors sharper. The water is cool even as the sun's muted rays are warm. My little raft lazily drifts between stands of reeds. The greens and blues and browns each have a different texture. I rest here, exploring each new find. Listening to sounds; pipes maybe, the wind and down, deep down something like a drum. It pulses through the marsh: thud thud... thud thud... thud thud.

I am content here. I imagine this far away like the marshy edge of a rice patty in Chin. I always wanted to visit there. See the gardens and the people dressed in silks, the colors more vibrant than the browns and grays of my own sturdy cloths of rough woven flax.

Maybe I'll go there someday. Hmmm, what's this? Smudge of deep green I haven't seen. Just there on the back of that leafy shoot. I wonder what it feels like...

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