3 - Visit From Ace
Ace was troubled. As a god of healing, it shouldn’t have been difficult to fix whatever ailment Strife’s little human was suffering from. The work of mere moments to send a healing wash of energy over him, through him. But it wasn’t.
At first glance there seemed nothing wrong with the man, he just lay there in a peaceful sleep. A little malnourished in the past perhaps, but not now, nothing even to suggest his recent healing. It was quite unusual for a mortal to sleep so. The length of time and the lack of movement suggested a coma, but a scan had disproven that idea. He wasn’t in a coma, natural or not, just ... sleeping.
In fact the only odd thing that his numerous and varied scans had picked up was that he appeared to be dreaming in deep sleep instead of REM, which quite frankly shouldn’t be possible for a human. Ace sank into the chair next to Joxer’s bed and sighed in frustration. Of course Strife’s human would have to be difficult.
There was something odd going on here. Either Strife wasn’t telling him everything or the mortal was more than he seemed. This would of course require research, not how he really wanted to spend his night. Visions of his lover laid out on their bed, draped over his desk and stepping out of the bath slick and wet swirled through his mind.
Strife owed him big for this.
Joxer felt odd. He trembled as tingling waves washed over him. It wasn’t a painful sensation just not a wholly pleasant one. The feeling passed, only to start anew moments later. He shifted restlessly unable to avoid the tingling waves. Around him the shadows pressed closer trying to sooth him, protect him.
Joxer whimpered as this time as the waves sank deeper pulling at him. He didn’t want to go, wasn’t ready for the bright world. He wrapped the shadows tighter around himself trying to burrow deeper into their embrace. The shadow hummed a low lullaby as it tried to take his mind off the intruding presence.
Finally they stopped and Joxer relaxed. The shadows pulled him into a game racing down a grassy hillside. Reeds playing an accompaniment to Joxer’s singing, troubling invasion forgotten.

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