6 - Contented Blue
After Ares revelation that he had been under some kind of malicious influence Ace was even more determined to find out what the hell was going on. They had decided to keep all of this quiet. Ace promised not to mention what his new project was to anyone, Ares and Strife were going to raise some havoc on Earth and around Olympus to draw attention away. They of course shielded the Joxer’s room against anyone finding him or being able to enter it.
Ace yawned jaw cracking loudly in the hall. Little Joxer and his brothers were now age seven and as amusing it was to watch them play it gave him no clues to Joxer’s sleep. To tired to continue with out a least a nap Ace changed the setting on the mirror, pulling up three random lives so that anyone coming along couldn’t tell whom he’d been interested in. He flashed out of the hall and to his temple looking forward to spending a few hours sleeping wrapped in his lover’s arms.
Strife slipped into Cupid’s temple trying to keep his excitement down lest there be visitors. Strolling through the rooms he found no one but Psyche standing at a shelf in the central room browsing through scrolls. Strife grabbed her from behind and picked her up, swing them in a circle. Laughing at her squeak of surprise that melted into giggles.
“Strife! What is up? You’re unusually jovial.” Psyche asked looking into the twinkling blue eyes of her lover. She ran her fingers through the mane of black hair, giving a little shake when he only grinned wider at her.
Strife pulled Psyche down for a smacking kiss. He dotted her jaw with wet nips of his lips to her ear. Strife whispered the news mouth brushing the shell of her ear. Psyche blinked in surprise eyes going wide in shock she nodded her head in agreement to the need for secrecy even here because of the little bundle that thud “Stwife Daddy!” seemed to always seemed to know when the dark god was about.
“Hey there munchkin, how’s things?” Strife threw the little winged goddling up, up toward the ceiling and catching the squealing bundle. It was a game they played every evening.
“I’s good. We pway paintses but Mummy won’t lets me on the walls.” Bliss pouted at this “But I’s NO like white walls Stwife!” The toddler stated, sure that his ‘Stwife Daddy’ would fix the problem.
Struggling not to laugh Strife settled the goddling on his hip and started off toward Bliss’s room. “So what color do you think they should be munchy? Green, orange... Speckled?” he asked in a serious tone.
“No! Silly. BLUE, see?” Bliss pointed to a cobalt blue vase. “Ok Bliss, you sure? Can’t change it for a year once it’s changed.” Strife warned, not wanting to be plagued by demands to change the color all the time. Strife was all for spoiling the kid but he didn’t want to raise a true brat.
Strife tossed Bliss on to his bed and looked at the room. He changed the walls to a bright clear blue that darkened at the top and over the ceiling. Speckling the ceiling with stars that would glow at night, giving the room a pale light better then any torch or candle. He changed the bedding to crisp pale blues. He grinned at the pleased laughter from Bliss.
Strife had missed this with the triplets but he’d be damned if he was going to miss anything else. He sighed in pleasure at the feel of Cupid’s strong arms wrap around his waist. Settling back against his lover Strife looked forward to having all his boys here.
Ares gave the final order to his general near Athens for night maneuvers in the surrounding towns. He didn’t want any raids just training and skirmishes. Stuff that would set Athena on her ear trying to figure out what the hell he’s up to. He’d already nudged a few roaming bandits to cross paths with Herc and blondie. As well as having Strife cook something up to keep them occupied for the next day or two.
One more thing on his list tonight but that could wait. Ares flashed to his temple on Olympus and checked on Joxer. The man lay peaceful just as he had when he last checked and the time before that. Ares sat next to Joxer sinking on to the bed with a weary sigh.
Quietly he look at the sleeping form, the pale skin hidden by a thin sheet was so inviting. He lost his self for long minutes running his fingers through dark hair and tracing over the arch of collarbone from one shoulder to the other. Regretfully Ares pulled back and got up flashing from the room.
Ares appeared not far from his daughter’s camp, masking his presence even before he materialized. It didn’t always work up close but at a distance he could observe undetected. He hadn’t decided weather or not he wanted to confront them yet but he needed to know what had caused Joxer to leave their company and if there was any godly forces meddling about.
The atmosphere around the camp fire was strained. Fuming on one side and icy on the other. “Come on Xena, isn’t your sword sharp enough yet?” Pleaded the bard petulantly.
“No.” Came the stilted reply as Xena continued her running the wet-stone methodically over her blade.
“But it’s been DAYS Xena, don’t you want to-”
“No.” Rang clear and sharp stopping Gabby mid sentence. The dark hair warrior glared at her companion before returning her gaze to the sword across her legs.
“I don’t understand what you’re so upset about.” The blonde whined, crossing her arms in a huff. “It’s not my fault we can’t find Joxer. He’s probably gone to visit his family in Corinth.” She muttered.
Xena raised her eyebrow incredulously “In all the time we have known him has Joxer ever ‘gone home to visit’? Gods! Gabby, that’s the last place he’d go. To visit Jett or Jayce maybe but not back to his folks place.” She shook her head in disbelief. There were times she was amazed at how self absorbed the bard could be.
Checking the edge on her blade Xena was finally satisfied and sheathed the sword. Gabby moved as if to join her on the other side of the fire, Xena stared her down and finished smoothing out her bedroll.
“I don’t get why you’re so mad at me.” Gabby yelled frustrated. “It’s just fucking Joxer, he’ll find his way back like a lost damn dog. I mean we can barely turn around with out running in to him half the time. If you are so worried about him why did you send him away? Huh? It’s not like you can stand him either.” She raved arms waving violently about.
Xena just stood there waiting for the blonde to finish her tirade. When the bard wound down she stated to speak in a cold precise voice, “That is bull shit. Joxer has been our friend for years. Yeah he can be a bit much at times but I have never wished him harm. And I sent him away because YOU,” She pointed at Gabby angrily “were beating him unconscious. I thought Joxer would wait for us in the next town and we could catch up to him after you cooled off.”
Xena took a deep breath and let it out slowly trying to clam herself down. “I think we should...” She pinched the bridge of her nose, “The road branches off not to far from here, leading to Athens. Why don’t you go to that festival you’ve been talking about and I’ll meet up with you there in a few weeks? I’ll head up this way and stop in at Meg’s then loop back around.” Xena looked over at Gabby begging the bard silently not to fight about this.
Gabby sulked for a few moments. The festival in Athens was supposed to be great, and if Xena wasn’t going to put out there really wasn’t any reason for her to trek all the way to Meg’s and back around. “Fine but I don’t have enough money to stay in Athens for more then a day.” She looked pointedly at Xena.
The brunet nearly growled but managed to restrain her self digging out a little pouch of money and tossing it to the bard. She curled her lip at Gabby’s pleased smirk. Xena lay down and closed her eyes, listening to the blonde settle down for the night not relaxing until she heard the familiar snores.
Ares smirked at the bard as his daughter told her off; pleased when Xena suggested the annoying blonde to travel on with out her. He always thought his girl could do better. Still he was raging over the news that Joxer had been so badly treated by someone he called a friend. He had nearly fried her on the spot, having to quickly reabsorb a fire ball before Xena could sense it. Gabby’s behavior might be deplorable but there was no godly influence just her own nasty personality coming through.
Ares had mixed feelings over Xena’s motives, on one hand he was relieved that she truly cared for Joxer. It lessened the guilt over his absence in attention to Joxer for so long. On the other she had allowed to bitch to hurt him. Ares rub his hands over his head too tired to puzzle out his feeling on the matter. He was glad to see that she bore no marks of meddling either. One less factor to worry about.
Ares took himself home with out the usual flashy display, once again ending up in Joxer’s room. This time as he gazed down at the dreaming form Ares could not resist the temptation. He waved away his leathers changing them for a pair of soft cotton pants and slipped in to bed next to Joxer. He gathered the man to him, planning holding him for just a little while before going to his own room to sleep.
But the even breathing and the warm weight of him lulled Ares and he fell asleep nuzzling soft hair surrounded by Joxer’s earthy sent.
Joxer felt so at peace, surrounded by love. He lay with his head pillowed on his friends chest basking in the sunlight. And out there was his protector, the presence that watched over him and touched him so gently. He smiled and wiggled closer to his companion. Content.

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