7 - Talk
Ace grimaced at the sight of Joxer’s father knocking the eight year old in the temple with the butt of his sword. The man had made it on to the healer’s short list of people he’d gladly eviscerate. Ace watched closely as Joxer’s birth mother sent for a healer and spent the night watching over her son. Yeah the woman was too self absorbed to be a fit mother but she showed some caring; which was the only thing saving her from him visiting her in Hade’s realm.
Days passed in the mirror and Joxer did not rise. Leaning forward in excitement Ace rewound to the blow and watched again this time screening Joxer’s vitals and how he slept. At first all was normal but like now Joxer drifted into dreams while still in deep sleep.
Something triggered the scans and a violet light gathered over Joxer’s brow. Ace bit his lip eyes tracing the light as it grew and swirled around cocooning the boy’s body - this was Joxer’s gift, his power manifesting. Weak and not like anything he had ever seen. If asked Ace would have sworn that Joxer possessed no godly powers - that his gifts had been non-existent or bound. He had been born the year Hera decreed that all demi-god’s powers would be bound at the moment of their birth unless formally recognized by the pantheon.
It was truly amazing that Joxer could show this much ability. Ace quickly muddled any trace of who he’d been watching and flashed out of the Hall. He needed to see if either Jett or Jayce could access their powers. Oh! Track down Psyche as well, if they could see into Joxer’s mind maybe they would find a way to wake him up.
Strife drew Psyche into to the room leading her to Joxer’s bed. She was shocked by the sense of familiarity, he reminded her of Strife. She squeezed the god’s hand, giving silent support to her lover. It would be a hard thing to see your child - one you had so recently found - lying ill.
They sat on low couch near the bed and watched the son sleep as Strife told her what he knew about Joxer. He talked for hours sharing memories and making plans for the future when he’d be able to have his whole family, safe and together.
Ares was glad that he had learned restraint over the millennia, it would hardly do to truss one’s sister up and leave her in a disused closet. Athena was, as predicted, going nuts trying to figure out what Ares was doing with his troops so close to Athens. Unfortunately she was also making a nuisance of her self, a whining, bitchy nuisance.
There was an tingle at the back of his mind, like he was forgetting something. He’d checked on Xena earlier and the sensation had flared as it had when he’d woken that morning and seen Joxer sleeping in his arms. He knew there was something going on, that some one, some how had messed with his family.
Ace was concentrating on Joxer’s life but Ares had a hunch that part of the puzzle was to be found around the time that Joxer first met Xena. He could remember quite clearly marking Joxer at seventeen as one of his favored. Ares had been attracted to him and thought the young man had potential to become an ideal companion but was to young. So Ares marked him for protection and watched over him waiting for the Joxer to grow in to his potential.
It was just a few short years after that that Ares quit keeping close track of him. Joxer soon ran into Xena and Ares‘ attention turned from him. There was no way Ares would have given up on Joxer after spending so long waiting for him. Especially since he was still attracted to the man.
That is where Ares would start his search the moment he marked Joxer. But instead of just watching Joxer’s life he’d watch his as well.
Joxer and his friend sat in comfortable shade and chatted. They talked about all the places Joxer had traveled and where they’d like to go, about old friends and for once they talked about the future. Not just what they’d like to do in a few minutes but a true future outside this place.
The thing they talked about the most was what shape his friend would take out side. Here he could be anything, human or animal, but out there would be different. Bewildered at the choice and not a little overwhelmed he’d asked for help. The two went through every character from imagination, anything he had ever been or anything they had a wanted to see.
Now exhausted they listened to the reeds play snuggled together murmuring snatches of conversation. They had not decided on a shape but were teasingly arguing over the dozen or so choices they’d culled it down to.
I am playing with Joxer’s age a bit here. On the show (I think) he was in his mid-late twenties at the time he met Xena. For my fic he will be about twenty.

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