One Legend, Two Destinies
Chapter One: The Chase
~~Green 1 GU, 4th Moon~~
'Damn it!' Van scolded himself, as he ran through the woods bordering the territory once known as Zaibach. 'I can't believe I let them sneak up on me!' His royal blue cloak flapped slightly as it kept the chill predawn winter air away from his body.
"Dragon's dross!" Van cursed, as he noted his current predicament. Here he was, being pursued by Zaibach bandits, completely unarmed! He had left his sword and crossbow back at the campsite.
A thundering sound permeated the woods, reaching Van's ears. 'Horses?! Just great! I hope they didn't try to mount Star Blaze!' In Van's mind a black war horse, speckled with white on its flanks, galloped off toward Fanelia, taking Van's sword and crossbow with him.
Van leapt into the air, jumping over a high root. He gasped as another came into view. "No!" His legs slipped out behind him, snagging on the root he had just vaulted over.
As gravity kicked in, Van fell forward, slamming into the second root with his torso, a sickening crunch coming from his legs. Stars danced in front of Van's eyes, as the air was forced from his lungs, his ribs heavily bruised. 'Is this the end?' Van queried, in his pain-dazed mind. A harsh chuckle escaped Van's lips. 'I survive the Destiny War and I die by the hands of the same people I defeated. How ironic.' Any further conscious thought was ripped away as Van slipped away into the darkness contained within his mind.
A/N: Dross is another word for shit, in case you were wondering. Please feel free to inform me of any mistakes on my part.
A/N 2: GU is the dynasty known as Gaea United. The date reads as "Green of the First Year of Gaea United, 4th Moon." The Earth Equivalent is January 4th.

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