One Legend, Two Destinies
Chapter Two: The King's Arrival
~~ January 4th, AC 195 -- 11:00 hours ~~
"This is a beautiful day for a picnic! Don't you think so Kell?" Mia Hymm asked her boyfriend and coworker, Kell Lansing.
"Uh-huh." He nodded in agreement, as he spread the white picnic blanket on the floor of the forest clearing. "Amazing how much an artificial sun can feel so real."
Mia laid out the food as Kell became comfortable, stretching out and leaning his back against a spruce tree. "Never thought I would be coming to L1. I think that its amazing what they did to this space colony." Mia spoke joyously.
"What's that?" Kell asked.
"Potato salad." Mia answered, surprised he had asked. He did make it.
"No. Not that. That!" Kell said as he directed Mia's head in the northward, pointing at a strange column of light.
"I. . I don't know." Mia answered, brow furrowed with confusion and curiosity. "Perhaps we ought to check it out?" She stated, more than asked. Mia started walking north, accelerating as a bad feeling coursed through her.
"Mia! Wait!" Kell yelled after his girlfriend, knowing his attempts were fruitless. Growling in frustration, Kell picked up his radio and ran after Mia, hoping that she was still safe.
Mia trudged onward, coming to the base of a large tree. She gasped when she saw a young man lying on the ground, wearing a red tunic and khakis pants, obviously custom made, with a heavy royal blue cloak that looked to be straight out of Medieval times wrapped around him.
Mia slowly approached him, not knowing what to do. "Are you okay?" She called, trying to get a response. She came closer, tapping on his shoulder, again asking, "Are you okay?" Again, no response. She looked down his body, searching for signs as to the reason for his unconscious state.
"Mia?" Kell approached her, looking as white as a ghost. "What happened?"
"I have no idea." Mia said, as she took the boy's vital signs. "God, his breathing is really shallow, and labored too. His pulse is a little weak, but still going strong. Kell?" She asked absent-mindedly.
"Yes Mia?" He answered, worried about the young man.
"Could you call the lab, and tell them to get ready to receive a patient?"
"Why? Couldn't we just take him to a hospital?"
"It would take too long!" she growled, her short red hair threatening to stand on end due to her anger. "His legs are broken, Kell, and I'm fairly sure that his ribs are bruised, if not fractured. Besides, aren't you curious as to how he ended up out here, on private land, with these injuries?" She answered.
"I guess you're right." He swallowed as he turned on the radio. "Lansing to REBECOLL. Lansing to REBECOLL. Are you receiving?" Mia walked at a brisk pace back to the picnic spot.
An ancient voice crackled over the radio. //This is Dr. J. What do you want?//
"Hymm and I have found a young man on facility grounds. He is injured and in need of immediate medical attention. Could we bring him in?"
Radio static followed. Just as Kell was about to repeat himself, Dr. J came back. //Lab 8 will be available when you arrive. What type of injuries?//
Mia had just returned with the picnic blanket, shredding it to bind the strong bark she had stripped from nearby trees, to splint the boy's legs.
"His legs are broken, and possible rib fractures."
//We'll be ready. J out.// The radio clicked off.
"Kell, could you head back to the jeep and pick up the stretcher?" Mia asked as Kell re-holstered the radio to his belt.
"You still have a stretcher in your jeep?" Kell looked at Mia incredulously.
"I forgot to remove it after the small flu outbreak last month." Mia replied a bit sheepishly as she started a splint on the boy's left leg. "Now go. I'll stay here."
Kell nodded and turned back toward the jeep, running there with much haste.
Kell returned to find Mia nearly finished with the splits.
"Where do you want this?" Kell asked, as he held the stretcher in his hands.
"Lay it as close and as parallel you can to him." Mia pointed to the ground beside the raven haired boy as she retook his vitals.
Kell complied.
"Damn it." Mia muttered.
At Kell's curious look, she replied grimly. "His vitals are dropping."
"Now help me roll him onto the stretcher." Mia ordered.
Kell moved towards the boy and removed the cloak clasped about his neck. Kell moved the cloak to the side then placed his right hand on the boy's neck and his left hand on his left arm, grabbing both the arm and torso, gently. Mia carefully took hold of the boy's legs.
"On three, roll him onto the stretcher. One. Two. Three."
Wine red eyes flashed open momentarily as Van was finally laid upon the stretcher. A low moan of pain slipped past Van's lips as he shifted slightly to warm up before falling unconscious again.
Mia and Kell gasped as they saw his eyes open slightly before he shifted and slipped away again. "Kell."
"I know. I've never seen eyes like his before."
"Kell. He's shivering. Get his cloak." Mia ordered as she inspected Van's ribs. "Good. They're still intact." Mia murmured as she pulled his shirt back down.
Kell took the blue cloak and gently wrapped it around Van's torso. "Ready, Mia?"
Mia nodded as she lifted up the end of the stretcher that Van's legs were laying upon.
Kell and Mia carefully made their way back to jeep with their human cargo.
A/N: REBECOLL is the Researchers for the Betterment of Colony Life Labs. Kell called the L1 lab. The name of the main company funding the lab is REBEL, Researchers for the Betterment of Life. ~_^

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