One Legend, Two Destinies
Chapter Five: Project Perfection
~~ January 10th, AC 195 – 04:23 hours ~~
“Bring them in here!” Mia yelled from the infirmary doorway.
The escapee had disabled five guards before he collapsed.
Four unconscious bodies were dragged into the makeshift infirmary. Obi hobbled in with Kell.
“Did anyone get the number of that flying chopper?” Obi groaned as he plopped down on a chair.
“He’s been placed in detainment.” Mia answered as she injected painkillers into the unconscious guards.
Obi flinched as Mia finally got to him with her wonder drugs.
Obi blinked before accepting the ice pack and hissing as it touched his tender neck. “Thanks.”
‘Maul’ groaned as he roused. “What the hell was that?!”
Kell chuckled as he replied. “I believe they call that a flying chair.”
‘Maul’ groaned again as he slumped back into the cot. “How the hell did I miss that?” He mumbled.
“Don’t feel too bad, Maul.” Obi replied to the facetious question. “I was the first one down.”
Brow furrowed, ‘Maul’ frowned. “He took you down first? How?”
Chuckling grimly, Obi ground out, “I couldn’t hear him moving. He chopped me at the neck.”
~~ January 10th, AC 195 – 16:20 hours ~~
Dr. J watched as the young man roused. ‘Looks like he’s been in this situation before.’ J chuckled.
The youth opened his eyes without further movement. He appeared to verify he was alone before he tried to move. A muffled, strangled cry came forth as his restraints stopped him. He glared at the restraints and tried to melt the IV with its intensity.
‘Definitely has done this before.’ J verified his own theory as he opened the door to the boy’s locked room.
Intense red eyes fixed the doctor with a withering glare, whose power waned quickly as the boy’s strength gave into the drugs coursing through his veins.
“Such spirit.” J chuckled. “Now. I have a few questions for you. First, who are you?”
The boy ignored him, triggering J’s ire. Swiftly moving to the boy’s side, J grasped the boy’s jaw with his cybernetic claw. “Answer me!”
Again the boy failed to reply. Fired up, J applied pressure.
The boy started struggling and yelled at J in some odd dialect.
Shocked at the foreign tongue, J stopped his assault. Assuring the boy’s rapt attention, J inquired. “You don’t understand me, do you?”
The boy’s eyes continued to cast a wilting glare on the doctor, yet a question lit his eyes. They seemed to channel ‘What are you saying?!’
J grinned, his newest theory affirmed. Pulling a small radio to his lips, J spoke.
“Project Leader to Kamikaze.”
//Kamikaze here//
“I found a potential but there are few complications. I need a cleanup crew.”
//Understood. ETA 3 minutes//
‘Just you wait, child. Soon, all your resistance will be for naught.’ J left the chamber, waiting for his men.
~~ January 10th, AC 195 – 16:22 hours ~~
Taking a deep breath, Mia opened the door to the confinement chamber. Upon the bed, crimson irises screamed out pain, sadness, and anger at the universe as a whole.
Walking quietly to his side, Mia sighed. ‘How to make him understand.’ Slowly, she turned off monitors and disconnected the IV that had been pumping a cocktail of awful drugs into his system.
“Avuge-n kuaru e jia-bo?”
She jumped at the gentle, yet still wary, tone he had spoken in. Turning to face him again, she saw confusion in eyes that seemed more subdues than when she had first entered the room.
“I’m sorry. I cannot understand you.” She apologized. “I hope you understand that I do not intend to harm you.”
Suddenly, he barked in alarm. Confused, Mia was about to ask him ‘what’ when the door behind her slammed shut.
Turning around, Mia saw four men she had never seen before approach. “Who are you? You are not authorized to be here.” She yelled, her fear shaking her voice slightly.
“On the contrary, Ms. Hymm, they are authorized, by me.” Dr. J chuckled from behind the four men.
Growling fiercely, Mia launched herself at the men advancing, but not before hitting her personal panic button. ‘Thank god Kell knows that my paranoia is not completely unfounded.’
Two seconds later, Mia found herself being held still by two of the men accompanying J. “I believe that thank-you’s are in order. If not for you and Mr. Lansing, I would not have the perfect specimen for my new pilot.”
“Pilot?” Mia parroted, confused.
“Why, yes. My pilot must be perfect, otherwise my gundam will be flawed.”
“G-gundam?!” Mia gasped. She had heard rumors, but had never considered them to be true. “But he’s just a child!” She protested.
“All the better. Young minds are easier to mold, manipulate, and master. Such a pity my last potential pilot failed the final exam.” Dr. J grinned at the nauseous look on Mia’s face. “Kaze, start up my project.”
One of the free men advanced on the prone figure. Pulling a syringe from an inner pocket, he swiftly and efficiently injected the unknown formula into Dr. J’s newly acquired guinea pig.
Mia watched as murky brown eyes glazed over before closing. ‘I’m sorry.’ She replied silently to her guilty conscience.
The door opened silently as Mia’s ‘rescue’ party entered the fray. Obi and Maul entered, to drop as tranquilizer darts flew toward them from the only man who had yet to act. Kell, being behind the two esteemed guardsmen, was apprehended by ‘Kaze’.
“Good. Now I have the entire crew here. This makes the cleanup much easier. Thank you once again, Ms. Hymm.” Dr. J once again grinned before he turned to leave the room.
“Kaze, move him to the OR. I want him ready to begin ASAP.”
With that, Mia and Kell were knocked unconscious.

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