One Legend, Two Destinies
Upgrading the Soldier
“Let me go!” Van screamed as he struggled against his captors. Thick metal cuffs lined with cloth were fastened around his wrists, upper arms, thighs, and ankles. The black wrappings that had previously been covering his arms and legs had been removed, along with his pants. The strange open-backed tunic was back again, making the skin on Van’s back to crawl at the chill of the metal chair-back. Growling in frustration at the helplessness of his situation, Van snapped his teeth at the encroaching hands.
Another white-coated female growled out orders as her patience waned. ‘What did they do with the other woman? They’ll be sorry if she’s been harmed. I may not have known her, but she was nice to me.’
“It cannot be that hard to control such a weak boy.” The female doctor growled at the frightened guards.
“Ma’am, he bucks around too much. We must constantly change our holds to keep him in check.” One brave guard spoke up.
“Fine.” She scowled. “Cowards.” Walking towards her newest patient, she swiftly injected a mild sedative into his arm.
“Get your hands off me!” Van commanded as the female grabbed his arm. Van tensed as a needle was thrust into his arm. 'More drugs? Why am I getting more drugs? This doesn't make any sense!'
The cowering guards returned when Van could no longer hold his head up. "No." Van couldn't help but moan, piteously. More white coated people, obviously assistants to the commanding female, entered and placed round stick pads attached to long wires strategically about Van's person.
Incessant beeping filled the air. 'Where is that coming from? Why does it seem so familiar?' Van thought, dazedly, before something unmistakably cold, thick, and metallic touched his brow. More metal ran down before his ears before locking together beneath his jaw.
“Save your struggles, boy.” The female doctor sneered. “These may be your last independent actions.”
A soft glare was sent her way by wine colored eyes.
“Let’s move!” She shouted, leaving the room.
//Memory block, active. Now planting artificial memories.//
//Transfer complete.//
Kell, Mia, Obi, and Maul watched as the young surgeon dispassionately “installed” the behavior modification chip at the base of the soon-to-be-super-soldier’s skull.
//Locking restraints. Reviving subject.//
Red eyes flickered open before focusing blankly on the surgeon.
//Do you know where you are?//
An emotionless monotone voice answered. //Dr. J’s training facility.//
//Do you remember what happened?//
//I failed to remain within set mission parameters and by violating the boundaries, I have sustained damage that could otherwise be avoided.//
“You are not at fault, soldier.” Dr. J spoke over the comm. “I failed you by not preparing you properly for your mission. The good doctor there is here to help me rectify my error. Are you ready to proceed with the upgrade, soldier?”
//Yes, sir.//
“You may proceed.” Once again, the “patient” became unconscious and the upgrade began.
“You sick bastard.” Mia spat.
J turned around, still smirking. “Why am I a bastard? What says that this was not the young man’s destiny?”
“If it were destiny, he wouldn’t need an ‘upgrade’ as you so eloquently put it.” Mia spat.
“What do you plan to do with us?” Obi glared. Maul glared as well.
“I’m setting you free.” J sneered.
“What’s the catch?” Maul questioned, warily.
“Who knew the guards here were intelligent?” J chuckled. “You all have three choices: you cooperate in my employ, thus remaining in custody of my soldier; I have you killed, but I rather not do that as you all are useful; or, you undergo the same treatment as wonder boy down there.” J gestured towards the observation window overlooking the operating room.
The room remained uncomfortably silent. “Perhaps I should leave you an hour to decide.” J suggested as he began to exit the room.
“Wait!” Mia sighed heavily. J turned and looked at her curiously. Meeting his eyes, Mia sighed again. “We’ll cooperate.”
Eying the rest of the room, J asked, “Do you all agree with Ms. Hymm’s decision?” Reluctant nods were issued by the remaining captives. “Good. Then I—“
“BUT!” Mia interrupted. “Know this: we’re doing this for the boy, and the boy ALONE. Capiché?”
“Perfectly.” J frowned.

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