Wardrobe for a Wizard
Chapter 2: A Minor Recovery and a Meal
Luckily for Harry, the only people present to watch as he unloaded his stomach were the Patil twins. Still panting for breath and trying to adjust to the bright lights coming from overhead, Harry felt two pairs of hands softly tugging on his arms. Sensing no ill will at the gentle touch, Harry allowed them to pull him up and guide him to the side.
Now seated but still shaky, Harry gradually calmed as one of his companions knelt down in front of him, holding his hands together and squeezing them gently, while the other stood behind him, slowly rubbing the small of his back. As breath became less urgent, Harry started to hear the soft-spoken, and appropriately panicked, words that were being directed at him.
"Harry? You're scaring us! Please talk to us!" That must have been Parvati.
"C'mon Harry. We did not realize you were claustrophobic. If we had, we would have taken you to a medi-witch." Padma, definitely: big words and reasonable as a Ravenclaw. Unfortunately, my dear, that is not the entire problem.
"I've never told anyone," Harry croaked out. "Not even Ron and Hermione."
The hands holding his moved, one to his knee, the other to his chin. Slowly, Harry looked up into concerned sienna orbs. He blinked and shook his head before gazing once more upon the now sharp visage of Parvati. She smiled at the mildly shocked look on his face.
"Hey." She whispered. "Feeling any better?" Harry shrugged as his body was still on the verge of upheaval. "Seeing any better?" The voice adopted a teasing lilt that made Harry's lips curve upward slightly.
Two hands were presented to the seated hero, making him blink. Confused, Harry placed his hands into each one and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. Still slightly woozy, Harry couldn't help but ask, "Where are we going?"
Ever the logical one, Padma happily replied. "First, we are going to go to the loo and get you cleaned up. Then, we are going to The Darjeeling [1], to expand your palate."
Expand my palate? Why would they . . ? WAIT A MO'! The loo?
One severely embarrassing side-trip into the girls' loo-which was not one of the single stool variety-later, the trio arrive at The Darjeeling for a much needed relaxant before the heavy shopping could commence. A bit red in the face and blinking at the intensity of light in general, Harry was guided to a semi-secluded table and sat in one of the most comfortable chairs he had ever had the pleasure of sitting in. With ruthless efficiency, indubitably born of many past visits, the twins ordered food for themselves and their male counterpart.
Finally adjusting to the acutely enhanced sense brought by their visit to that thrice-damned telephone booth, Harry looked about the room they now occupied. Despite the obviously Indian cuisine, the place was quaintly modern muggle in style. An orange shade of red colored the columns and fringe, while a pastel yellow bordering on beige dominated the outer walls. A golden elephant sat in a central area, dividing the main dining hall in two. A single Indian rose rested on each table.
The young Indian waitress returned shortly after Harry's visual inspection concluded, carrying a tray laden with three drinks and a small platter of some kind of miniature deep fried goodies. He must have looked apprehensive as Parvati took mercy on him.
"It is called samosa. Most of the time it is potato stuffed, but we thought that you might enjoy a blend. Chicken, minced lamb, and vegetable. And this," she said, indicating the drink that had been set before him, "is mango lassi. It is a yogurt smoothie."
Still uncertain as to how he was to behave, Harry pulled the drink closer and took a tentative sip. The tangy taste of the concoction took him by surprise. It was just shy of pure bliss! Another sip, and Harry was stuck, hook, line, and sinker. Curious as to what else the twins had seen fit to introduce him to, Harry snagged one of the miniature treats that laid near the center of the table. One quick nip identified it as vegetable, and not animal. Another, slightly larger, nip had him comparing the delight to egg rolls that Harry had once had at a party the Dursleys had hosted. The samosa was richer in flavor and had that much loved, family recipe taste.
"Okay, point me to the animal ones." Harry grinned wryly. Pleased to see the open attitude, Padma pointed out the different sections of the platter as Parvati had failed to do so earlier. The three laughed as they continued to empty the platter, the twins making sure Harry did not indulge to excess.
As the platter became bare, the waitress from before appeared, this time with another tray of delights. The platter was cleared, and all three were handed their own portions. As soon as the waitress retreated into the rear of the building, Padma took the opportunity to introduce the newest dish.
1: The Darjeeling is a real Indian restaurant in the London area. However, despite finding this information, I have never been to England or an Indian restaurant, so please do not flame me for inaccuracies. I found the place on a website, and it had good reviews.

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