Wardrobe for a Wizard
Chapter 3: Enter the Spy
The prestigious Lord Lucius Malfoy sighed as another uneventful morning drew to a close at the Office of Governmental Reform. The Office, as it was most often referred to, adhered to strict clandestine policies and procedures. Luckily, these policies and procedures were the only things that saved Lucius from an untimely death or an indeterminate stay in Azkaban.
As a field operative for The Office, Lucius' assignment was to infiltrate the ranks of the Death Eaters and determine if their motivations were justified, and, if so, work with them to ratify the government to accommodate their demands. Unfortunately, cutting out of the group was not an option for the wealthy patriarch as entrance into the highest level was the only way to ascertain the motives of the leader. So embroiled into the ranks and struggling to stay his tongue and remain standing at the end, Lucius failed to notice his wife's fascination with her sister's activities.
Lucius thanked all the celestial bodies daily that Narcissa was killed while on one of Bella's crazed side trips into the frozen Alps where a giant crushed her petite form as he was headed home to his beloved cave. Some may have viewed such thoughts as callous, but Lucius was overjoyed that his dear dead wife had not been present for the final brutal bloody battle.
In a display of profoundly Gryffindor heroicism, the Gryffindor Golden Boy had cast a severing charm that split the Dark Lord's wand in two before stabbing an antiquated and overly ornamental sword through the largely underdeveloped heart that lay within the Dark Lord's left breast. A silent explosion of red tinted ash spewed forth as the Dark Lord gaped at the teenager-turned-man before him as he slipped to his knees. Blood red eyes rolled back into the pale skinned skull before the limp form slumped heavily onto the war-torn battlefield. Chaos erupted upon his demise. Bellatrix, in a fit of pure, unadulterated insanity, wailed and screeched as she ran to her master's side, slaying all who stood in-between, whether they be ally or enemy.
As Lucius watched the extremely distasteful display of his sister-in-law, his eyes slid aside to espy the Man-Who-Conquered-Him. Those haunted emerald eyes were concentrated on the point where the blade had entered the body before him. Short, quick breaths and quaveringly limp arms were the only signs that the hero was not a wax doll on display in a museum. The high-pitched screech that issued in the following moment was the only signal before the non-wax doll was bodily slammed backward.
No one knew which spell hit her first, or which one was cast by whom, but Lucius was fairly confident that the Reducto that landed, as the Expelliarmus threw her into the air, was his.
Thankfully, the rest of the Ministry lapdogs arrived shortly thereafter to suppress the renewed uprising from the factions of the Dark Lord. Lucius sighed once more. At least the epilogue had been written to the gruesome war of good versus evil in this era.
"Hey, Lucius!" One of the less experienced members that lingered about The Office in this new lifetime drew Lucius from his dance down memory lane. "Aren't you going to head out to lunch?"

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