It Started With a Potions Master
2 - Drinks and Confrontations
Let’s see Severus try to talk his way out of this! The boy thought I wouldn’t know what he was up to. Really! I’m the Headmaster, the walls bloody well talk to me!
Hmmm, the mint tea he likes, the lemon drops he despises, irritatingly cheerful outfit. All set.
Now I can sit back and watch Severus squirm and rant in comfort. Never have figured out why he protests so much. He knows he can’t refuse me. Not that I’m complaining, it is amusing to see him throw a tantrum worthy of a three year old.
Ah, irritated grumbling, stomping in the stairwell, right on time.
Ah! The owl has arrived. Good. Another victory over the students, another good excuse for a snifter of brandy.
Carefully detach the wax seal, pull letter out, unfold. Raise snifter in anticipation, pour brandy over head.
What in blue blazes!?!
To Severus Snape:
At the request of two guilty pupils, you have been assigned for the administration of a month of detentions on the part of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. Attached are available times for said students to serve detention.
Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster
WHY! Why must these vermin thwart me? All the other students are perfectly willing to accept detention from other professors, but them?
They’re up to something. I know it. But what?
Wait, there’s a post-script. . .
P.S. ALL detentions must be served/administered simultaneously.
Oh no. This is not happening. I WON’T let those brats pull this. It must be a prank. That’s it, a prank!
Must make a trip to see that MAN whose eyes are always twinkling too much to be healthy. Not to mention the cat hair.
First, grab cloak.
Well at least the students still cower when I storm through the halls. I was sure I was losing my touch. Good. But this is still bad. Potter and Malfoy (I refuse to call him Draco until this fiasco has been cleared up) seem to have developed an immunity. Must I pull out Intimidation Tactics by John Galt? Apparently, a quick revision wouldn’t hurt.
Why must Albus have his office in the hardest corridor to reach? I swear he chose it for that specific reason: to make it impossible to file a complaint. Another left, walk backwards to the third door on the right, open the door with the left-uppermost handle with a push, walk through steel maiden on other end of passage, storm up to the gargoyle that guards HIS office.
“Pussy Paws!” Where he got that password is beyond me. To think, him and Minerva. . .
NO! Not that! Not right now. I have to confront this arse shortly and do not need those images.
Deep breathe, Severus.
Now I’m ready.
Stomping up those annoying escalating steps before banging through that useless door gave me much satisfaction.
“What is the meaning of this!?!” I cried as I slammed the letter onto that mahogany desk.
“Good evening, Severus. Would you like a lemon drop?” Again with those blasted candies! Why does he act as if he was the first one to speak?!
“No. What is the meaning of that?” Anger boiling in my veins as I gestured furiously at that LETTER.
“Oh. That” He doesn’t even look at it. He acts as if I was supposed to come storming in. Wait. I always do. “Sit down, Severus.”
Grumbling and groaning, I grudgingly complied.
“Tea?” The nerve. And wearing that infernal maroon and neon blue smiley faced number that he has the audacity to call a robe.
“But it’s mint.” Those puppy dogs and his regally manipulative personality can be deadly. I swear they’re at least poisonous. I’d bet a thousand galleons he could use that look to make Fudge’s heart stop beating.
“Now Severus, I know that you hadn’t planned on this to happen—“ understatement of the century—“but I do intend to accommodate the requests of the students, no matter how vile their actions of late have been.”
“Alright. I’ll do it.” How does he manage to do this to me? I come storming in and now I’m submitting? Don’t worry Albus, I have your number and you will get your just desserts soon.
Two sips of tea and I’m headed for the door. No need to remain in this office any longer than necessary. I refuse to be finagled into another Lockhart type of activity.
“Oh Severus. Brandy looks good on you.”
Grayswandir here!
Hope you loved the chapter. In case you’re wondering, the password “Pussy Paws” is a drink name. You can find the recipe at And yes, those were hints of Albus/Minerva.

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