It Started With a Potions Master
3 - In the Works
We're gonna get Sev! Mwahahahahahaha
Smarmy bastard is finally gonna get a little back for years of torment. Draco and I will enjoy this immensely, so will Sev ... eventually.
After Dumbledore dismissed us Dra’ and I made some plans. People thought we were bad separately; wait till they see what we got together.
So while Dra’ is going to go see some Ravenclaw about a potion and some research I’m going to go see Quat. The kitten with claws from Hufflepuff.
Kid’s got ESP or some such. Total bondage freak. Happens to own one Trowa Barton, Mr. Calm and Serenity himself.
Quat is gonna help us out, see Draco and I don’t want to start anything if we aren’t sure Sev is willing.
Oh we’ll still torture him, just won't do anything else. If he is, then Quat is gonna send him some nice little dreams to help him along. Get Sev real frustrated. Be a blast to watch.
Ok so the ‘Puffles’ dorm should be here ...
“Gaaahhhh ... Fuck! Quat, warn a guy huh?” Last thing I need to see is a naked Goyle in a pink collar. God! Thought Justin had better taste than that.
The Slytherin Sex God will be ours!
Oh yes in a few days the man who has starred in half of Hogwarts nightly dreams will be mine! ... and Harry’s.
Harry is setting up a present for Snapey and I’m doing a little research with the Scholar. ’Fei has more brains than Granger and the sense not to flaunt it.
Too bad Heero and Duo don’t share, ’Fei would be fun to play with. I’m not stupid though, I saw what Duo did to that Relena for making a pass at Heero. *Shudders* Not worth two months in the Infirmary. Can you imagine having Heero and Duo after your blood? They’re possessive and psychotic.
Anyway, first we’re making sure that we can’t get into any legal trouble for playing with Severus, that’s one thing that Harry and I agree on. Once Severus is ours, we don’t want to let him go for any reason.
After we make sure there won’t be any firing or expelling in our future, ’Fei and I are going to look up a good aphrodisiac/stamina potion. Want the good old boy to be able to keep up with us.
Harry and I don’t intend to let him out of bed for a few days at least.
Don’t give me that look you wouldn’t let him out either. *Grumbles* Blasted fan girls anyway.
Now which bloody study room is Fei in ...
Nope empty ... that's the twins ... Granger and Flitwick ...
*blink blink*
That is wrong on so many levels.
“Yeah Fei, I’m fine. Just don’t look in study room three, trust me.”
Ok so I'm a little Slash happy. I blame it on my dirty minded muse.
1x2x5 is an old favorite of ours ^__^
We don't apologize for the HG/Flitwick squick, so there!

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