It Started With a Potions Master
5 - Willpower
Poppy needs burn slave, [God I hate Albus]
Liquid sleep, [Bloody bastard]
Pepper-up, [Damn twinkling fool]
Fever reducer, [Meddling old man]
Anti-inflammatory, [Administer a month of damn detentions.]
Electrolyte restoratives, [With Malfoy and Potter!]
Anti-nausea potion, [Bloody well trying to kill me!]
And, of course, hangover cure.
[They aren’t old enough for alcohol.
And that includes the Headmaster and his lady.
I know half of it goes to them anyway.
Should know when they have gone too far.
They are older than I am, after all.]
God! Do you know how hard it is to think when a pair of smirks hatches butterflies in your stomach?
Can’t even eat dinner in peace. Potter is sitting, SITTING, on Malfoy’s lap! The other staff just looks on indulgently like they aren’t putting on an indecent display.
Just finish dinner and tell them when their bloody detention is and leave. Don’t look at them, that’s what they want. Go down to the dungeons and try to calm down.
... Make sure there is a good supply of scotch for after the ordeal.
Perhaps even a little for before . . .
NO! That would NOT be conducive to my further health. Potions, potions, what do I have in my cupboards that would help?
Lucid Dreams? No, no. Tonight maybe . . .
NO! Get a hold of yourself Severus! This is not playtime! This. Is. Not. The. Time. To. Fantasize.
Take a deep breath and think! What will keep you from getting tangled in THEIR web?
Liquid Denial! That’s it! That’ll do the tri- . . . maybe not. Hmm . . . with the focusious charm will work sufficiently. Yes. Liquid Denial and focusious will do quite nicely. Now, on to other affairs, what are my “wards” up to now?
AHH! Curse those house elves and their delectable desserts! If it isn’t chocolate and strawberry, it’s cherry cheesecake! One spoon overloaded with cherry covered cheesecake enters one mouth then is sensuously dragged out between strawberry lips only to be placed into the other’s perfectly sculpted lips. But its not just Malfoy and Potter, but also Yuy and Maxwell. Why? Why must they all torture me so?
Get up Severus! Just tell them when they are to show for detention and then you can leave.
To think, at some point in time I *liked* to travel to my house’s table to converse with young Malfoy. Don’t look, just speak. “Malfoy, Potter! Detention tonight, 7. Don’t be late!”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Professor.” Malfoy answered, somewhat hoarse.
“Of course not, Professor Snape.” Potter purred and hissed at the same time. How *does* he pull that off?
Now leave the room. Leave the room.
“Yuy, Maxwell! Get a room.” I could not resist upon exiting.
“Still working on that, Snapey!” Damn that Maxwell and his cheek!
Round two begins with Harry and Draco using a very familiar tactic. And it looks like Heero and Duo have decided to do so in tandem. And down goes young Miss Peacecraft. I guess double doses are a bit detrimental for her poor heart.
“Fillius, please help Miss Peacecraft to Poppy’s care.”
“Of course, Minerva.”
Hmm, Severus said that he had talked to Mr. Malfoy about his behavior. Poor Harry, being subjected to the whims of that Slytherin.
Of course, those two just might be able to put Severus in his place. Upstart. Hmm . . . let’s see where this leads.
I must be sure to help. There are a few rules that haven’t ever been printed in the library archives about teacher/staff relations that just might work to their advantage. Have to make sure that ALL the school rules are followed to the letter.
What’s that? That odd, yet sweet Hufflepuff is . . . cackling? What is his name? Quatre Winner? Wonder what he find so amusing?

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