It Started With a Potions Master
6 - Taking Care of Business
Curses! Why must all the potions in my store relocate when I need them? Veritaserum, Skele-Gro, Polyjuice, Draught of Living Death, Pepper-Up, Liquid Denial.
Finally! Why would I place Liquid Denial with Pepper-up? It should be near the Veritaserum because it's milky white, not marble gray. Nevermind. Just get on with the dose, Severus.
Ugh! I need to do something about that flavor. Salty lemonade is disgusting!
Now for the charm.
Alright. Now I'm ready.
Charm detectors, activated. Can’t have them casting spells and making things easier.
Dirty cauldrons, check. Tried and true methods of torture-hem detention-are always useful in a pinch.
Potion splattered ceiling, check. Of course, new methods are always fun to test out. And who better to test than Potter and his newly corrupted, Malfoy. Always did enjoy those groaning in pain.
Odd smell, che--wait a second!
What is that scent? Where is it coming from? And, groaning in pain? Why would I even think that? Pull yourself together, Severus! You have students coming, and they’re the best of the worst.
"Professor Snape?" Asian accent. Male. Possibly the carrier of that scent.
"Yes, Mr. Chang?" Good at potions. Ravenclaw. With a potion at hand. And a great body to boot.
"I was wondering if you could inspect this potion I brewed. I want to be certain it brewed properly."
So very straight forward. I wonder who he goes for? Probably beyond straight. Heard he had been married.
Back to the potion. I wonder what it is. "Certainly." Further investigation would be prudent in this matter. Let’s see. Chocolate in color. Cinnamon scented. Watery viscosity. Hmm. "Casso Salax, if I'm not mistaken. And of a very high purity."
"Then it was brewed properly."
What would he want with Casso Salax?
"I need to dissuade a tiresome interloper."
Huh? He's smirking! Why the hell is he smirking?!
"You wanted to know what I wanted Casso Salax for, ne? And now you're wondering how I knew that."
How the hell does he do that?! "Tell me."
"A . . . friend of mine tends to communicate mainly through facial expressions. I had to learn how to decipher them."
Friend, huh? Wonder what kind.
"Hate to run, Professor, but I have something to deliver."
"Think nothing of it."
Gah! What is it about Casso Salax that I should remember?
. . .
. . .
Deliver what?
. . .
*Wet Dreams.* Where did that come from?
. . .
"Professor? We're here for our detention."
Potter and Malfoy are here. I wonder how sexy their groans will sound. . .Oh. SHIT.
How very fortunate for me that in our search for a way to ... un-inhibit Professor Snape, the potion turns out to be beneficial to me as well. Casso Salax: destroy, annul, and make void any and all lustful or lecherous thoughts, actions or deeds. An overdose decimates the person’s libido completely. In fact, for a time, until the potion leaves their system, what they once found most appealing revolts them. The mere sight of them brings physical pain.
Of course an extreme overdose sends the person into a coma. *shrugs* Minor side effect.
Good! Snape is ‘preparing’ for tonight's detention. Though-to the trained eye-it looks more like nervous fidgeting. Time to start, I still have business to attend to before curfew.
Brilliant mind for potions. Really. Almost feel sorry for him. Malfoy and Potter will undoubtedly drive him to the brink with their plan. Of course this could all be avoided if he would just give in gracefully. *Smirk* Not that his pride will let him. And we would miss the entertainment. He deserves it, though.Yelling at my lovers, more than once. Duo can't help it he is very tactile. Though only with us. I must remember to punish them, however. *Sniff* Very negligent of them to put on an exhibition while I'm absent. Not that I would have joined in, but they know how I loved to watch them.
Now where was I? Ah, yes. Snape. Needs to work on his control. Pathetic really. I could read him quite easily; then again I am skilled at it. Being lovers with Heero demands it. He is taciturn, rarely vocalizing more than a few grunts or a sparing hnn; so Duo and I have both become experts at reading facial expressions. Not that we don’t have ways of making him talkative, just not ones we want to share.
Now on to the next mission. That hell bitch Relena! Onna disgraces herself. She has been warned off by both Heero and Duo; repeatedly. Still, she has the audacity to continue to pursue my lovers. I won’t stand for it any longer. I’ll take care of the problem forever tonight. After all, it would be a shame to waste a perfectly good Casso Salax potion. *Snicker*
“Is it done?” Hmm, that’s my soldier. Always ready to take action when needed.
"Yes. Quatre’s little favor has been fulfilled.” Evil chuckles ripped through the air from my beloved Shinigami, stepping forth from the shadows.
“Can we play now?” I couldn’t resist the smirk as I watched the purple fire fanning within his eyes.
“Of course. You two get started. I’ll be there shortly. I have to get something.” Wouldn’t want to ruin a good surprise.

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