It Started With a Potions Master
Detention part 2
Severus tried to ignore the boys and keep his mind on the essays he was trying to grade. He was thankful that the voice, part of his subconscious or whatever it was, had fallen silent again. He would have to ponder the thought that he was finally cracking at a later time. It had been known to happen to operatives, the stress of living a double life for so long having finally caught up with him.
Or maybe it was having to deal with brats like these two. Severus looked up at the young men toiling away. Oh dear Merlin. Severus wanted to yell, he really did, but words had abandoned him. Potter was once more scrubbing atop the ladder, shirt still damp and clingy. But now Malfoy, the little bastard, had shed his robes as well leaving him clad in sinfully tight jeans and a- a tanktop? Some cropped, sleeveless affair that was certainly against the dress code.
Severus barely held back a whimper, cursing Albus to the depths of hell. It was going to be a really, really long month.
Minerva rode the moving stairs to the Headmaster’s office intending to see if Albus had some free time to spend with her. She’d caught two seventh years smoking the night before and had them grading the younger years’ assignments as their detention. As a result she’d been finished much earlier then usual.
Minerva stepped into the outer office and heard Albus giggling. She huffed softly. What was that man up to now? Minerva headed for the little sitting room she knew Albus favored. There was her man but what was he... A large mirror came into view showing, not the rooms reflection but Severus over seeing Harry and Malfoy’s detention.
“Albus! Are you spying on Severus?” Minerva bustled further into the room, lips thinned in agitation.
“Min! What are- I didn’t hear you come in dear.”
“Too busy laughing at your manipulations no doubt.” Albus looked a bit sheepish but his eyes were twinkling too much to deny the claim. Minerva tsked, her attention was caught by the sight of Malfoy removing his outer robe.
Her eyes narrowed at Severus’ reaction when he noticed. Oh this was just too good. A shifting from where Albus was sitting broke her train of thought.
“This has gone on quite long enough. Those boys are still playing their games and Severus obviously can’t control them. I’m going to go give them a talking to. Now turn this off, and when I get back you better be finished with your paperwork.” She gave the headmaster a stern look before turning on her heel to leave.
“Spoil all my fun.” Albus muttered.
“I heard that!” Minerva called over her shoulder.

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