It Started With a Potions Master
9 - Detention - part 3
Minerva left Albus’ office and hurried down to the Potions classroom. Once she reached the entrance to the lower levels shifted into her cat form and took the stairs at a leap. She reached the dungeons in record time.
Minerva changed back and straitened her robes and hair before striding regally to Severus’ classroom. She knocked perfunctorily and entered without waiting for a reply. She was speaking before the door even closed behind her.
“Malfoy, Potter, that is enough. Put away your cleaning supplies and get dressed properly.” The boys looked at her in shock and didn’t move. “NOW!” Harry and Draco scurried to obey, the Headmistress was in a mood and they didn’t want to draw her wrath.
Minerva stepped closer to Severus’ desk and looked down at the Potion Master hands on her hips. “I am surprised at you Severus. Letting those children get so out of hand. One would think you are enjoying their antics.”
Snape’s slack mouth closed with a snap. He groaned like a dieing beast and dropped his head into his hands. The Headmistress raised an eyebrow at the sight. Perhaps there was something wrong with the younger man. “Are you unwell, Severus?” He shook his head no then yes.
“You and I will be having a talk later Severus. I’ll also take the boys’ detention tomorrow. They obviously need a refresher on etiquette.” Minerva turned to Draco and Harry who were waiting by the door to be dismissed. “My office tomorrow night at eight, and bring parchment you’ll be doing lines to start.” The boys nodded and scurried off.
“Really, Severus if you were feeling unwell you should have gone to Poppy. I know you’re not particularly fond of her bedside manner but that is no excuse.” Minerva shook her finger at him. “Now get some rest and see Poppy in the morning, or else.” She gave him one last stern look before leaving.
She held back a smirk until she was in the hallway. She had a good idea what was really wrong with her younger colleague and it wasn’t a cold. No, this was the perfect opportunity for a spot if revenge. Malfoy and Potter would make perfect accomplices. Minerva hummed as she climbed up the stairs out of the lower levels, plots turning in her mind.

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