It Started With a Smile
1 ~ This Means War
I close my eyes and everything plunges into darkness. Lips brush against mine, soft and unhurried. A hand slowly travels up my arm and back down in a teasing caress. I try to deepen this kiss but you evade my lips with a soft chuckle. We stand there, lips brushing in little more than butterfly kisses; the only other contact your hand on my arm.
I want to feel your lips more firmly beneath mine; ache for the sensation of your body pressed against mine. I moan, unable to articulate my desire any other way. You know what I'm asking, yet you still deny me. Taking pleasure in my frustration.
You start to pull back, dropping your hand from my arm. I capture your wrist with seeker's speed, holding you in place. My eyes blink open and I moan your name: half in reproach, half in plea "Draco?" You just smile and turn away pulling at your arm. I let you go.
You're halfway down the hall and still I haven't moved. You stop and half turn around. I look up, hoping you'll come back. Instead you just smirk "see ya 'round Potter."
I pick up my book bag, as it had fallen during our encounter. I headed back through the crowded halls in the direction of the Gryffindor dorm. Ron and Hermione are sitting at a table in the corner when I arrive. I hurry past them and up to the sixth year boys' room. I need to think.
I put my bag on the bed and grab an over shirt from my trunk. The last few days have left me feeling ... twitchy; the only time I feel halfway normal is when I’m walking the grounds. It gives me the privacy to examine all the changes in our relationship (is that the right word?).
Your sudden change in attitude is puzzling; mine, I understand. Even if I hadn't admitted to myself long ago that I am attracted to the bad boy type, you in particular, one would have to be made of stone not to be affected by your advances.
The cool breeze ruffles my already unruly hair as I step outside. I try to think back to where this had all started. Years of spiteful words and mocking sneers flit through my mind. There had been no warning just that smile.
That smile! I shiver now just thinking about it. That was the first time I had ever seen you smile in anything other than contempt, and it was aimed right at me.
We had been paired up in Potions, much to my dismay. You spent the whole time acting like an insufferable git. We finished the potion with out too much fuss when, wonder of all wonders, Snape complemented us on a flawless Sleeping Drought. Then you turned and smiled at me. My heart melted.
I didn't know it then, but that was the first move in what I can now see, days later, as a campaign to drive me half mad; that, or seduce the stuffing out of me. Either way, it was working.
Growling to myself, I worried the situation over. Minutes passed before inspiration struck. I grinned a little manically as the idea formed in my mind. How does that American Muggle saying go "Payback's a bitch"? I snickered softly to myself as I headed back to the Gryffindor dorm to form a plan of attack. My step had a bit of an added bounce to it. This was going to be fun.
After all; if I was going to spend my days as a quivering mass of hormones, so could Draco.

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