It Started With a Smile
2 ~ The Plan
Having decided on turning Draco into mush I needed a plan. I finished my homework early, much to Herm's delight and Ron's dismay, so I could have the sixth year's room to myself for a while. This, after all, would be a rather delicate operation and require quite a bit of concentration. My plan has to be simple. I don't want Draco to be suspicious too early, just curious and confused.
Hmm, now how to go about it. I lay down on my bed to think. I know what drives me wild, and have seen a few girls, and guys, try to seduce Draco; some of which had succeeded. Now all I have to do is mix and match moves until I have an approach that fits my own style.
As I run down to the Great Hall for breakfast I go over my plan one more time.
Step one: ignore Draco.
Tough, I know, but it has to be done.
Step two: flirt a bit with Seamus at breakfast, make sure Draco can see.
Step three: take Trowa from Ravenclaw up on his offer to teach me Tai Chi.
Step four: time it so Draco has to pass by on the way to Quidditch practice, have shirt off
Step five: ignore Draco
Step six: bump into Draco accidentally on purpose at every chance.
Step seven: ... Well, I haven't got that far yet but depending on how today goes tomorrow will take care of itself.
I get to the Gryffindor table and snag a seat between Seamus and Ron. Seamus usually tries flirting with someone at breakfast on Saturdays to make Dean jealous enough to drag him off and shag him till dinner. He doesn't let me down this morning and starts in almost before I take my first bite.
Hell yeah! This is fun. Dean doesn't seem too upset, he just sends indulgent looks at Seamus when he isn't looking and calmly eats his breakfast. Draco, on the other hand, according to Ron, is starting to scowl at me. I can't resist; I look up as Ron gestures at Draco. His face is a cross between shock and anger. I catch his eye and shrug at Ron, turning my attention back to Seamus.
Slytherin practice starts an hour after lunch. I got Trowa to agree to start teaching me Tai Chi; we start in a minute. It's half an hour before Draco has to be at practice; plenty of time to work up a sweat, and have an excuse to go shirtless.
All right gotta get the evil grin off my face before Tro shows up. Deep breath. Deep breath. Ok lets hit it.
Wow! Trowa was right, this Tai Chi is very calming. Just what I need, I'll be calm and collected, and drive Draco up the wall at the same time. Mwahahahahaha! As Draco walks onto the field I shutter my eyes a bit so I can look at him without his knowing.
Draco stops, and stares at me for a moment. He gets this leer on his face and moves as if to start in our direction. Ha! Snagged by one of his teammates before he can even take a step. This Payback thing is the fun.
"Hmm, Tro? ... Nothing really." Heh heh heh. Note to self: Gotta remember to keep the smirking to a minimum.

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