It Started With a Smile
3 ~ The Flip Side
I have come to the frightening conclusion that my mind is on holiday. You might not be surprised to note that I am being lead around by my dick.
You know how sometimes if you push away a thought for long enough, it will push back? This was one of those ideas, and it pushed back hard enough to rattle my teeth and introduce my ass to the ground.
I didn’t mean for it to happen, really. I had found myself hiding a smile at his antics, staring at that body any chance I could get, then I screwed up. It’s just that I had wanted to do it for so long. I couldn’t help myself! I smiled at him. He just stood there, in shock, face flushed until Granger caught his attention.
Since then it seems that every time I get in the same room with Harry, I flirt with him. It’s like my mind goes out for lunch and leaves my body on auto pilot, except its stuck in Seduce Mode. It didn’t stop there either, it just keeps escalating. I flirt non-stop; smacking his butt when I pass by like some lecher. Oh, and the kissing.
I started coming up behind him and whispering hello in his ear, then brushing a kiss on his cheek and move away. Nothing threatening right? Wrong. It scared the hell out of me the first time I realized what I’d done.
Now I’ve gone and done the dumbest thing yet.
I quit being surprised by my actions a few weeks ago, but this shocked me. I mean what in the world ever possessed me to try and devour him like that?
It started out innocently enough, no really, we were talking in the hall. Ok, so Harry was talking and I was leering. It’s not my fault he is fucking gorgeous. He must have asked me something at that point because he stopped his chattering and stood there peering at me from underneath long lashes and biting his bottom lip uncertainly.
For a man in my mental state, and by that I mean lust crazed, it was like waving a red flag. I jumped him. It wasn’t quite snogging; it was teasing, possessive, ... hot! So I stood there in a deserted hall, nibbling on his lips, drawing my hand up and down his arm.
It left me aching for more, but I didn’t want to scare Harry away. I backed off before I could push him to the ground and take him right there. He looked at me so temptingly, moaning my name in that sensual voice. I ran away.
Man! I need a cold shower.
“Yuck!” Sticky sheets again. These dreams are really getting out of hand. This one started out with me as a sultan watching my harem boys dance. Here’s where it gets weird; they take off their veils and they all look like Harry! Imagine a dozen Harrys: caressing; kissing; and licking you. Erotic doesn’t even cover it!
Well Hell. Now I need *another* cold shower.
Breakfast. Another chance to watch Harry. There he is, right between Weasley and Finnigan.
What in HELL does he think he is doing; flirting with that slut Seamus? Harry is MINE, damn it! Does he not know what he is doing to me? How can Dean sit there and watch them? That little- oh ho ho. He knows! That smeg head! He looked right at me and went back to flirting with Finnigan. Fine you want to play, Harry? Then we’ll play.
I’m calm. I'm collected. And I will not rip Seamus a new one! Even though I really, really want to. OK. So this morning Harry was getting a little payback for that whole "leaving-him-in-the-hall" thing. I can handle that. I planned on making him mine sooner or later anyway. So it will be sooner rather than later. No big deal. Oh Bloody Hell! I gotta go to practice; guess planning will just have to wait.
Nice day for Quidditch. Looks like a lot of people are taking advantage of the sun. Big surprise Trowa is out practicing his, whatever, martial arts. Well now, he’s got a student, wonder who? Oh my God! ... Is that ... Without his ... *leers* Must Have! Must Have NOW!
"Out of my way ... Let go!" Drat! Foiled again. Just you wait my pretty, just you wait. I’ll get you yet.

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