It Started With a Smile
5 ~ Staff Intervention
Bloody Albus, and his tea anyway.
It has been a long day and I want to relax and get back to my scheming. Minerva truly needs to be set down a few pegs. The woman is entirely too sure of herself. Asked me if I had noticed the "odd" behavior between Potter and Draco. Then she ask what I intended to do about Draco's behavior. Really! From what I have seen, Potter has been giving as good as he gets.
Surely she could not be as daft as to believe that innocent virgin act Potter puts on.
Dried out old cunt then tells me that of course it was Draco's fault because "Perfect Potter" wouldn't carry on like that, being a good Gryffindor he would wait till after school to pursue such activities.
So I'm scheming. It is almost the end of the year and those two are still just playing with each other. Dancing around with out going anywhere. Not that it hasn't been fun to watch.
Draco shocking Potter in class, doing his blitzkrieg attacks.
Potter and his little exhibitionistic displays.
Oh, and the bloody desserts! I swear! They had the whole student body panting after them. The house elves will never serve strawberries and chocolate again! Nearly started a riot between the two of them. Had to send that wretched Relena to the hospital wing, weak heart or some such. Serves her right, trying to become involved in their games. Reminds me of her retched displays involving that Maxwell boy and Heero.
Enough of that. Back to the dilemma, as Minerva so eloquently put it.
Ah! I know! Where's that book?!
Fifteen minutes and forty potion books later. . .
Ah ha! Perfect! Quill? Check. Ink? Check. Paper, paper, whose got the paper?
Yes. Hold on you nasty sixth years, potions class just got a little more Slytherin.

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