It Started With a Smile
6 ~ Why Sev is the Master
I decided on Grand Entrance #7, one of my more imposing for today, after all it is a special occasion.
That's right fear me for I hold your lives in my hand. Mwahaha
"Today we are making a relatively simple Protection Potion; even Longbottom can't mess this up. Do not think you will be allowed to slack off. Today's potion will be the base for the one you will be doing next week. With a stronger, longer lasting effect that you will be testing. So unless you wish to spend the day in the infirmary, I suggest you get it right.
The lavender is hanging by the sink. Begin!"
Good. Now I just have to wait for the right time to add the cardamom. It will turn this innocent potion into a wickedly powerful Eros potion.
For once I'm grateful that Potter has learned some proficiency at potions. This would not work otherwise.
Perfect. Draco has just dropped in the beetles' eyes. "Excellent work, Mr. Malfoy." Such a clouded mind, I smile as my eyes capture Draco's long enough to drop in the cardamom.
One down, one to go.
"Pitiful, Mr. Weasley." No regrets there, hasn't a single intelligent bone in his body.
"Miss Granger." I nod toward the one student that refuses to fail.
Now for the challenge.
"What color is that potion supposed to be before you add the lavender, Mr. Potter?"
"Olive, I believe." He answered.
"Are you sure? Check your text." Look away, look away, look away. Yes.
"It says olive, sir." He replied quickly.
"Good. Astounding that your measly mind could remember such a crucial matter."
Ten minutes later the potions were brewed and cooling.
"Now that you have all finished this simple potion, I must require all of you to test your potion." Oh-ho, that fish out of water look is good on Weasley. "What are you waiting for?"
Grudgingly, all of them ladled the lilac potion into a vial and proceeded to drink the concoction.
Yes. The Potter boy and Draco look a little dizzy, a telltale sign that it worked. Before I could finish class, Minerva interrupted. "May I talk with you, Severus?"
"Of course." Drat that woman.
"Have you talked to Mr. Malfoy about his behavior?" She asked.
Oh how I wish I could roll my eyes at her naivety. "No need to worry yourself over Potter. Draco will not be of any further trouble." In a manner of speaking.
"Yes, well see that he isn't."
Minerva needs to get out more; old crone has been here so long she is starting to collect dust.
Ah yes, the sound of panicked astonishment. Potion must have kicked in, such a lovely sound.
Back to the chaos... I mean class. "Minerva if you would let me ... excuse ... just" A bony elbow strategically placed is a very effective weapon.
"What, What! You act like you've never seen..." Ok maybe they haven't seen THAT. Better put up a concealing charm, wouldn't want to corrupt the poor Gryffindorks. Though the Slytherins seem to be enjoying the show. . .
"Well Albus I don't see what the fuss is about, they are of age.
I don't know how the could have both mistakenly made an Eros potion. My guess it that some one put the cardamom in their caldrons as a prank."
Yes, a nice glass of brandy to celebrate a victory over the 'senior' staff.
Ah and Minerva's embarrassment. Such a lovely thing. A memory to be cherished, brought out, and thrown in her face when she gets that stick stuck too far up her ass.
*thud thud thud*
Hmmmm, Potion wore off. I should probably let the lovebirds out.
After I finish my drink.
Lavender: Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace
Cardamom: Lust, Love
This how we chose the ingredients for the potions.

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