It Started With a Smile
7 ~ Locked In
[Harry's POV]
I feel like shit.
What the HELL did I do last night? All I can remember is flashes of corn silk hair, quick-silver eyes and Quidditch roughened hands.
*drool* What a dream!
nnnnhh I need a shower.
"Oomph" Is that a hand?
OK, Ok, calm down. Just, lift the blanket and, see who it is.
*Snuffle* "mmmm H'ry? Come 'ere."
"Squeak Draco! Lego! Lighten up man, I can't breathe."
"Draco ... Draco ... DRACO!"
"Wha' ? Shit!"
Oh yeah, Real Verbal before his morning cup. "So I guess that you don't know how we ended up naked, on the floor, in the ... Potions classroom."
"Potions? Shit!"
"Yeah, you already said that. Come on lets get dressed and out of here" Before I jump you. Yes clothes. Clothes, good. Nude Draco, bad. Mmmm Bad Draco ... No! No. Get out of the Dungeons first, then fantasize.
"Ah hah! ... Ripped."
Oops! I must have got a little carried away earlier. That shirt isn't even fit for rags. My bad! Guess he'll have to remain bare-chested. Not that that's a bad thing. . .
[Draco's POV]
Mmmm ... warm.
When did I get heated pillows?
that talk,
and sound like Harry?
"Wha' ?"
*Blink Blink *
Naked, on the floor. "Shit"
Ok I totally missed something. Oooh, but Debauched is a good look for him. I could wake up like this more often.
Yeah next time a bed might be nice ... Where? "Potions? Shit!"
"Shirt, Shirt, Shirt ... Ah hah! ... Ripped." Well hell! I liked that shirt.
How sad Harry is dressed.
"After we graduate I am so taking you somewhere that I can keep you naked all day long lovely."
He blushes so well.
"Alright then, lets get out of here."
*jingle jerk shake*
"Bugger Snape locked us in."
*Thud Thud Thud*
Where the hell is that man!?!
"Are you cold lovely? Come here, I'll keep you warm."
Let Snape take his time, I think we can find something to do.

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