3 - Spell is Cast
Harry pulled his invisibility cloak more securely around him and continued around the rim of the lake, flying low to the ground. Now that it was time he was quite nervous about doing this spell, it is very different form the stuff taught at Hogworts. The practice of Magic had changed over the millennia, what was once common place- the knowledge of even the lowest level practitioner- was no longer so; traditions laid aside for newer conveniences. The spell preparation had been vague, added as a parenthetical after thought. Surprisingly Hogworts had very little reference to the actual workings of old spell rituals and there is a great disparity in what information there is.
Harry was glad that the rest of the spell was more detailed and that Slytherin had annotated it as well as keeping several pages on the magical theory related to the ritual. The spell needed to be done outside as the moon reached its zenith in the sky. His favorite thinking spot was perfect - surrounded on three sides by forest the other rising to a ridge above the lake but the center was wide and flat, the area forming an eerily perfect circle. Reaching the far side of the lake he landed and took off his cloak.
He moved to center of the clearing and empty his satchel of supplies before stuffing his cloak inside and setting it and his broom against a tree out of his way but easily reached. Briskly he started setting up for the spell. First he walked a spiral starting in the center and moving out counter-clockwise carrying a burning smudge stick of vervain, lavender and turmeric (for purification), Arabic gum (to cleanse negative vibes) and honesty leaves (to repel monsters).
Picking up Gryffindor’s sword he began to cast the circle. Drawing the physical boundary with the blade. He traced the circle with water, salt and flame in turn. Completing the last circuit Harry stepped back and took a deep breath commanding, “As I will, so mote it be.” He smiled pleased to see the faint blue glow illuminating the circle. Time to call the corners.
Harry placed a large green candle at the East and lit it. Standing tall he raised his arms to the sky, “Hail to the Watchtower of the East. Guardians of Earth, empowering strength, ruled by Gaia. I bid thee join me and grant your protection to my circle.” He lowered his arms and bowed before moving on.
South and a red candle is lit. “Hail to the Watchtower of the South. Guardians of Fire, empowering courage, ruled by Angi. I bid thee join me and grant your protection to my circle.” As Harry bent forward to bow he could feel cold drops of rain hit the back of his neck and run down his shirt. Looking up at the sky he saw a distant flash of lightning reflect off the roiling clouds and the rain began falling heavier. Hearing the hiss of a drop hitting the liquid wax beginning to pool on the candle at his feet Harry flicked his hand out and turned the still glowing circle into a shimmering dome. Assured that the rain couldn’t interfere with the spell Harry picked up another candle and resumed the ritual.
West and a blue candle is lit. “Hail to the Watchtower of the West. Guardians of Water, empowering inner wisdom, ruled by Morrigan. I bid thee join me and grant your protection to my circle.” He bows before moving to pick up the last candle.
North and a yellow candle is lit. “Hail to the Watchtower of the North. Guardians of Air, empowering faith, ruled by Shu. I bid thee join me and grant your protection to my circle.” Once more Harry bows showing his gratitude and respect ending this part of the ritual.
Harry grabbed a large potion bottle, lightly swirling the contents. He had spent many days mixing and burning, crushing and stirring to create something very near a summoning potion. He un-stoppered the bottle and used the ashy granules to ’draw’ the required spell runes. In the lab they had been a pale green under the rising moon they seemed to shine, sparkling like ground gems.
When he finished Harry sat cross-legged surrounded by runes. Softly he began to chant the spell. “Enu’way Haato -” The language was melodic if unfamiliar. “Surree hia -” It had taken hours of practice to before he could say the spell the whole way through with out mistake or his voice falling. “Noll ei’haul -” The spell it self was a test of endurance, said steadily it takes and hour to complete. “O’roo zee la - ”
Harry blocked out everything clearing his mind from distraction and soon lost himself in the rhythmic chanting of the spell. Outside the circle things were not so calm. The thunder grew louder and the lightning flashed closer. The winds picked up howling through the trees and the rain pelted faster, whipped by the winds.
Oblivious Harry carried on, intent on finishing what he started. As he spoke the last line of the spell lighting struck the dome shattering it. The sudden drain of the spell and the backlash of the lighting hit Harry at the same time and he passed out cold just as a body dropped from the sky.
The spell is made up, I based the circle casting and calling the corners on the actual pagan rituals.
Shu: Egyptian - Air, Winds (most notably the personification of the North winds)
Gaia: Greek - Earth Goddess (Mother Earth)
Morrigan: Pan-Celtic - Goddess of rivers, lakes, and fresh water. (Also War Goddess, etc)
Angi: Hindu- Fire God (is three forms; fire on earth, lightning and the sun.)

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