4 - Aftermath
Harry groaned his body aching down to the bone, never had a spell left him feeling more drained. Carefully he reached inside himself looking for the spark that was his magic. He found it but it was small and dull compared to its usually blinding radiance. It’s no wonder this spell was rarely preformed.
It was still night but the moon had almost set, he needed to hurry before his absence was noticed. When Harry tried to sit up he found himself unable to move. As his mind and body finally got on the same track he could feel the wait of a body holding him down. “Oh crap” Harry muttered under his breath. He hoped the demon was not too angry, he was pretty sure knocking them both unconscious was not meant to happen.
Wriggling out from under the dead wait Harry propped him self up and examined his guest. In the dim light Harry could see masses of blond hair and a lithe body. Not exactly what he’d imagined the Lighting Bearer to look like. The brunet called softly, not wanting to aggravate the Bearer if his head ached half as much as his did. Getting no response Harry poked at a shoulder and spoke louder. Worried when the figure didn’t even stir Harry reached out and felt for a pulse - he wasn’t even sure the demon would have one... The skin was warm underneath his fingers and the demon’s pulse beat strong. That was good, right? Couldn’t hurt at least.
Harry pulled his foot from where it was trapped and scurried to clean up his things, quickly dispelling the circle and sweeping away any evidence of his night’s work. Picking up his satchel and stuffing the spell remains in the bag a glint caught his eye. Moving causeously around the tree blocking his view Harry saw something standing amists the foliage. Squinting he stepped back and over just as the clouds moved from in front of the moon and the clearing lit up.
“Fuck Me SIDEWAYS” Harry cursed, there shining bright as day knelt a metal goliath. Cautiously he approached the massive figure. Looking somewhat like a strange set of white armor and cold to the touch. “This must be the Lightning Bearer’s.” Harry murmured uneasily. He bit his lip, obviously a magical artifact and probably warded against spells. The thing couldn’t be left as it was - someone was bound to notice it. But Harry was hesitant to cast a shrinking spell on it afraid that he might damage the thing or set off a ward.
Swiftly he cast a see-me-not spell and a general repel as well as a camouflage charm. That should keep people away and hide it from sight. It was the best Harry could do without casting on the armor itself. He turned back to the still demon. He could probably fly them both on his broom if he used a bit of magic to keep the other male from falling off.
Harry settled his satchel around his back and mounted his broom levitating the unconscious form in front of him and binding it to the broom. Harry reached around him and grasp the broom to guide them back to castle. He flicked the invisibility cloak over them twitching it into place as the flew. He’d have to take the demon to his rooms and hide him away. Hopefully he would wake up on his own soon, Harry worried as they raced to Hogworts - this was certainly not how he’d planned the night. He hoped this was just the aftermath of the spell and not something he’d bollixed up.

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