5 - Awake
Zechs groaned, he hurt every where. It felt like he’d been in three hour battle in Tallgeese and then zapped repeatedly with a cattle prod. His nerves had that scorched feel from too many volts in quick secession. Carefully he cracked open one eye and looked around cautiously. Well he certainly wasn’t in a hospital, the walls weren’t white enough and it lacked the usual florescent lighting.
In fact the light didn’t seem to be coming from lamps at all. He blinked both eyes into focus and peered at the candles on the bedside stand. How odd. Zechs took a deep breath and worked on sitting up. His muscles protested but he was eventually sitting on the side of the bed. The room reminded him of the few castles he‘d stayed in. Dark tapestries covered gray stone walls and screens blocked off the rest of the room.
Barefoot and missing his jacket but otherwise still dressed Zechs decided to explore the room beyond. Shuffling past the screen toes curling into the plush rugs on the floor Zechs made his way over to a comfortable looking green couch. He leaned on the back, legs still a bit unsteady, as he took in his surroundings.
He must have hit his head. There was no other explanation for the floating candles - especially not ones that flew over to hover above you. The fireplace had an honest to god caldron hung over the blaze bubbling merrily away.
Zechs had just stepped away from the couch to continue exploring when he heard a door open behind him. He turned to see a slender dark haired boy enter the room. Wide green eyes ran assessing over him even as he moved forward speaking.
“Are you well? I don’t think you hit your head - I imagine inter-dimensional travel is taxing on it’s own. Are you hungry? Cause I can call something up- Do demons even eat anyway?” Zechs blinked at the boy. Demons? Inter-dimensional travel? Oh god. He really had hit his head. That or the boy was delusional.
The youth blushed at Zechs’ bewildered look. “Sorry. I’m Harry Potter,” he offered his hand to shake. “You’re in Hogworts Castle - School for Witch Craft and Wizardry.” They shook and Harry took the blonde by the elbow and lead him around the sofa, giving him a gentle push into it before seating himself on the adjacent chair.
Harry smiled at his guest. “I’m kind of rambling I know but I took and extra dose of pepper-up and I’m rather wired. What do you like to be called? Lighting Bearer is rather formal.”
“Lighting Baron.” Zechs corrected absently trying to take in the boy’s chatter.
“Pardon?” Harry stopped mid breath.
“It’s Lighting Baron, not bearer - and I prefer to be called Zechs.” He relaxed back into the cushions glad to be off his feet even if it was an odd conversation. “Also, last I checked I’m human, not demon.”
“So you’re NOT the Lightening Bearer?” The brunet asked. Zechs shook his head. “Well shit. I don’t suppose you own a mammoth set of white armor then?” Harry joked, hand going to rub at his temple, the vein there was starting to throb.
Zechs raised and eyebrow, “With a red plume - like on a roman style helmet?” The boy nodded, brow furrowed. “That’s mine. How exactly did I come to be here? I haven’t seen outside but I can guess that we’re on earth and not one of the space colonies, correct?”
Harry let out an explosive puff of air and collapsed back into the chair. “A botched spell. I was trying to summon the Lightning Bearer - a demon from another dimension. Something happened and I got you instead. Yes, we are on Earth. And there are no space colonies here. Muggles are a long way off from that and wizards have never felt the need...”
“Fuck. I am really sorry. I don’t even know where the ritual could have gone off, or - unfortunately, how to send you back.” Harry looked sincere and Zechs was starting to get the feeling that he might have fallen down the rabbit hole. If Potter really wasn’t delusional and they were in another dimension. Zechs pondered what that might mean.
Well at least he wouldn’t have to attend Reree’s party.

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