Nom de Plume
1 - Bored
Xander had new obsession.
His friends didn’t notice it at first, too preoccupied with their own lives to notice such a subtle change. In fact it wasn’t until Willow saw him in Office Max buying crates and hanging files that they began to wonder.
~ A few months before ~
Xander was bored. Bored stiff. Bored out of his gourd. Bored to tears. BORED.
Anya had flounced off to where-ever-the-hell to start a new life. One where she could ‘Make lots of money and find many men to give her orgasms.’ Spike said it sounded like she ‘Bloody well wanted to work in a brothel.’ Xander had to hide a smirk at that.
Xander supposed there was an up-side, Anya had left the TV. More like it wouldn’t fit in her car, but none the less. Unfortunately for Xander there was nothing on to help relieve his boredom. So after what had to be the twentieth pass through the channels, he clicked the TV off and threw the remote down in disgust. Slouching down on the couch he scanned the room for SOMETHING to do. He skipped over the board-games, alighted briefly on the stereo eyes already tracking toward the shelf of movies when Xander’s attention was caught by the computer, tucked away in the corner.
He had never much used it, Anya had gotten it to do inventory spreadsheets and other profit margin-y things on. Yet another thing that wouldn’t fit in her car with the MANY suitcases and boxes of clothes. He could play around on the internet for awhile. See if the fifth season of Red Dwarf was out on DVD yet...

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