Nom de Plume
2 - Treasures
Xander had been puzzled at first, his search for Red Dwarf turned up some odd listings. Besides that porn sites that turn up no matter WHAT you type, there seemed to be an a lot of fan fiction sites. Curious to what exactly that might be he clicked on a likely link and found a whole slew of stories. Wonderful odd tales about Lister, Rimmer and Cat.
He read a few, and then a few more. He went back to the search page and clicked another link devouring page after page of written gems. One site had other kinds of stories listed. Star Trek and Sentinel and even a lone Harry Potter fic which was twisted and weird and he was never going to look at Dumbledore the same light again.
After that Red Dwarf was quickly abandoned for other shows and movies. He found archives and mailing lists and a Live Journal community or two. Before he knew it the night had come and gone and he went to bed hoping to catch a few hours sleep before his shift. In the morning he hurried through his shower and grabbed a cold pop tart the lure of ‘just a short one’ before work too mush to resist. thirty minutes later he scurried out the door running late.
That night he came home and ate drive thru burgers while reading ‘Career Girl Blues’. He laughed (almost spraying the screen with soda) at some parts and squirmed in his seat at others (surprising after dating Anya). Then Clive did something very naughty in the coat room with Dick Grayson, and it was hot... very hot.
Xander went to bed confused.
Career Girl Blues is by Scribe.

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