Nom de Plume
5 - Fingers Have a Mind of Their Own
Xander read through his first attempt at fanfiction. He was kind of excited. He’d never much liked the whole writing thing in school but this was fun. His brow furrowed in thought. He really didn’t have any idea what to do with the plot from here. See, he’d started out with a plot in mind but something seemed to hijack his brain and he found his fingers typing words other then what he’d planed to write.
And now that something was demanding that his feet take him to the Magic Box where the books lived and where there was a Giles to answer questions cause it had another idea and he didn’t want to sound stupid, right? - should someone in the know read it.
Xander thought maybe he was catching Willow’s wannaresearch disease.
“Erm. Hey, Spike? Can I ask you a couple of questions?” Xander came to stand at the bottom of the steps where Spike was lounging. The blond just raised and eyebrow incredulously. “I’d have asked Giles but he’s ...” Xander trailed off looking over his shoulder at where Giles was arguing heatedly with a customer. “So it’s a vampire question - resident vampire.” He bounced on the balls of his feet waiting for Spike to speak.
Spike just looked at the boy, when it became obvious that Xander wasn’t leaving he sat up. “Well that’d depend Whelp. What’s in it for me, hmm?”
Xander just rolled his eyes, “The packet of O-pos in my freezer.”
“Gonna have to do better than that. My services aren’t cheap.” Spike haggled.
“Alright, there could be three packets - but that’s all.” Xander stated firmly.
“Deal.” Spike tromped down the stairs and headed toward the door.
“Hey! Were are you going!” Xander hurried after the vampire.
“Where do you think, Whelp. Not talking until I have my blood.” Xander sighed and headed to his truck where Spike was waiting impatiently. He was starting to get that this-is-a-bad-idea feeling.

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