Nom de Plume
6 - A Talk
Spike sat down at the kitchen table with his first mug of blood, savoring the rare treat. “So, whelp, what do you want to know?”
Xander grabbed a soda from the fridge and took the seat across from the vampire. “When a childe is made are there any... rituals or ceremonial things that the Sire does? I mean, I get how a childe is made and even how the difference between say a childe and a fledge, but is there like... Clan traditions or something?” Xander rolled the cold can between his hands as he waited for Spike to answer. He could tell his question surprised the vampire by the way the blond’s eyebrow arched slightly and the lack of snark.
“Sometimes,” Spike answered eventually. “Depends on the Clan, depends on the vampire.”
“And...?” Xander prodded.
“Why do you want to know, Whelp? Gonna ask the Poof to Sire you? Don’t think he’s really on the market for male companionship at the mo’, Peaches’ panting after that cheerleader last I saw.”
Xander huffed and bit back the automatic response, he wanted Spike’s knowledge and the vampire would close up quicker then a mouse trap when annoyed. “I’m not aiming to join the undead brigade, just curious really.”
Spike shook his head, “Don’t believe you.”
“Doesn’t matter what you believe bleach-boy.” Xander retorted.
Spike finished off his blood. “Come on now, Pet. Tell me what you’re really up to and I’ll answer all your vampire questions.”
“You’re getting blood for answers, or are you trying to tell me you’d rather have some info then nummy O-pos?”
The vampire looked like he was considering the choice thoroughly, before shrugging. “No reason I can’t have both.”
Xander felt like thumping his head on the table. He almost wished he’d never heard of fanfiction.... but no then he’d be without it’s consuming goodness. “Fine. It’s for a - a project I’m working on. Not a scoobie project!” He added hastily at Spike’s narrow eyed look. “Just something I’m working on.”
“R-ight Well that explains fuck-all.” Spike got up and poured himself another mug, tossed the empty bag and slid a second into the microwave. He sat down across from Xander again and leaned back in his chair negligently. “Gonna have to do better then that Harris.”
“No. The deal was you answer my questions, and I ply you with blood. No where in there was any mention of ME answering anything,” Xander glared at his guest. “Rituals? Be more specific this time.”

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