Spice of Life Series
Jimmy's Been a Bad Boy
Jimmy had been a very bad boy.
He knew he had been cause Daddy Simon used THAT voice. The one that was equal parts disappointment and anger. No excuse, no amount of pleading would sway Daddy when he used that voice.
“I am really disappointed in you Jimmy. You wreaked your truck this morning and could have been seriously hurt.” Simon took off his sweater and started rolling up the sleeves of his button down. “What have I told you about your reckless behavior?”
Jimmy hung his head. “My safety is worth more then catching the bad guy,” he mumbled.
“That’s right. It seems you can remember that at least.” The older man seated himself in a large armless brown leather chair. “Now strip.” Simon ordered. Jimmy undressed quickly. He carefully folded each item and placed it on top if his shoes. When he finished Daddy Simon beckoned him closer.
“Over my lap, Brat.” Jimmy settled himself across his Daddy’s legs but couldn‘t stop from wriggling. The rough fabric of the older man’s trousers scratched his sensitive skin. Simon placed a hand high on Jimmy’s back to stop his squirming. “Be still or I’ll add to your punishment.” When the pale man body stilled Simon pressed firmly on Jimmy’s back and smacked his upraised ass.
His hand left a pink mark on the left cheek. “Count them Brat. Thirty, three for each minute I had to wait to find out if you had been hurt. And ten more with the paddle, so next time you’ll think before pulling a stunt like that.”
Simon felt Jimmy nod his head where it was tucked between his calf and the arm the younger man had wrapped around it to keep himself steady. Simon didn’t bother warming up with light taps, they weren’t playing - Jimmy was being punished.
Simon peppered both cheeks and the tops of Jimmy’s thighs with hard swift swats as he listened to the wavering voice count. By the end of the thirty spanks his ass was bright red and Jimmy had started to cry. Simon gently rubbed his hand over Jimmy from just above the swell of his ass to the backs of his knees. The skin was warmer where he’d been spanked and Simon enjoyed the visual contrast of his dark hand against not only the reddened area but also the creamy pale of Jimmy’s winter tan.
When Jimmy had calmed down from sobs to sniffles Simon pulled the smaller man up and sat him in his lap. “I love you Jimmy. I wouldn’t be this upset if I didn’t care so much, Baby. It would devastate me to loose you. And today... Back-up was right behind you and they had the only exit from the shipping yard blocked off. There was no reason for you to risk yourself like that.
I know that sometimes you have to lay your life out on the line, but there were other options this time. You need to learn to let other people help you, Baby. For me, please?” Simon held Jimmy tight to him.
“Yes, Daddy. I’ll try to do better.” Jimmy clutched his Daddy’s shirt and buried his face against the older man’s neck.
“I know you will, Baby.” Simon pushed Jimmy back enough that he could see teary blue eyes. “Ready for the last ones?” Jimmy swallowed and wiped his eyes but nodded in agreement. Simon helped him lay back down across his lap and reached for the paddle he’d laid out on the low table to his right.
Once more he pressed down firmly on Jimmy’s back to keep the younger man from bucking and getting hit in the wrong spot. Simon didn‘t bother having Jimmy count this time. The paddle smacked against Jimmy’s ass turning it a darker shade of red. The younger man would have to sit gingerly for the next few days. But the reminder would do him good.
When all ten swats had been administered Simon traded the paddle for the jar of soothing cream. Blair made this special for the Sentinel. It was wicked - to anybody else the cream would feel slightly cool but to a Sentinel ... At first touch the cream stings and tightens the skin, seconds later the air hits and it feels cool as ice.
Pleasure and pain in perfect balance.
Jimmy writhed from the conflicting sensations. Simon just used his free hand to hold Jimmy around his waist so he wouldn’t fall; he was enjoying the younger man’s movements too much to stop them. When he had the abused area thoroughly covered and the cream gently massaged in Simon let his hand drift across the rest of the skin laid out like a feast on his lap.
His left hand came up to wrap around Jimmy’s hip. His right danced up the long back, using just his fingertips to draw circles and figure eights. He followed the curve of the pale neck and sunk his fingers into the short cropped hair. Simon barely restrained himself from twisting that dark hair around his fingers and pulling.
They sat there for a few minutes while Jimmy calmed down from his punishment. When clever fingers made their way down the seam of Simon’s pants to his bare feet Simon knew Jimmy was ready for the next part of the night. Punishments were always followed by an affirmation that you were loved. Sometimes that meant pampering or cuddles but that wasn’t what was needed tonight. Tonight they needed to connect again, Simon needed to prove to himself that his Baby was whole and unhurt.
He slid a hand under Jimmy’s shoulder and urged him up. “Sit up Baby.” Jimmy started to sit with his back to Simon’s front but the older man stopped him. He was turned to straddle Simon’s legs, face to face. Jimmy nuzzled his face into his Daddy’s shoulder, he sighed as he felt strong arms wrap around his back.
Simon let his hands ghost up and down Jimmy’s back, each time dipping further down until he was caressing the recently reddened cheeks. Jimmy brushed a kiss under Simon’s ear before drawing the lobe into his mouth. Simon moaned and flexed his hands where they held Jimmy’s bottom. The sudden tight grip caused the younger man to buck and his cock to harden from half-mast.
Simon used his hold on Jimmy to urge the other man to rock his hips, enjoying the flex of muscles over his trapped cock. Jimmy’s dick rubbed over his stomach leaving damp trails on his shirt, turning the thin material translucent. Simon loved to have sex dressed while his lovers were naked; it was one of his numerous kinks.
As pleasurable as the necking and the semi-naked frontage was Simon had other plans. He tipped his head back so Jimmy could nibble at the other side of his neck and stealthily reached down for the jar of cream. He scooped out a generous dollop. Using his other hand to pull Jimmy’s firm cheeks apart Simon rolled his fingers together covering two with the cream.
He brushed his thumb over Jimmy’s tight pucker and heard the younger man sigh as he relaxed his body. Not bothering to tease Simon pressed firmly in with his forefinger until it sank to second knuckle. Simon chuckled as the heat sudden cool registered to the Sentinel.
“Daddy!” Jimmy gasped. He practically vibrated with the need to move but his mind couldn’t decide if it wanted further on to that tormenting finger or away. He couldn’t decide before the finger moved sliding out. Jimmy whimpered and Daddy murmured soothing words in his ears. The finger returned twisting and thrusting before leaving again. “More, Daddy.” Jimmy pled arching his back and grinding his erection into the older man’s abs.
Simon obliged him sinking two fingers back into the tight channel. Jimmy’s breathy moans and sinful movements stole his patience and Simon hurried to prepare his Baby Boy. When he had Jimmy as stretched as he was going to get Simon urged the younger man up slightly, just enough to quickly undo his pants and pull out his cock. He guided Jimmy down, closing his eyes at the exquisite sensation of being taken in, surrounded by rippling heat.
Simon held Jimmy’s hips holding the younger man still, while he moved in tiny, shallow, rolling thrusts. Jimmy’s head dropped back and he made the most delicious needy whine. He wanted his Daddy to move and the barely there thrusts were only serving to drive his hunger higher.
But Simon wasn’t unaffected, the pace was soon too much for him to maintain. He released Jimmy’s hips, hands going to grip the younger man’s firm ass. “Ride me Baby,” he urged. Freed from restraint Jimmy set a quick and brutal pace. He rose up until just the head of his Daddy’s cock rested inside him and then let gravity pull him down, slamming them together over and over.
Neither could last long and Simon soon felt himself being pulled over the edge. He slid a hand into Jimmy’s hair and pulled his head back. Just as he came he bit down on Jimmy’s neck, marking his Baby. Jimmy gasped shouting Simon’s name as he came from the duel sensation of his Daddy’s bite and come inside him.
The pair sat slumped on the chair panting, arms wrapped tightly around each other. After a few minutes Simon stirred and nudged Jimmy. “Up you get, Baby. Let’s go lay on the bed.”
“Don’t wanna. Comfy.” Jimmy whined.
Simon laughed at the sleepy reply. “You’ll be more comfortable on the bed, I promise.” Jimmy pouted but got up. He wouldn’t, however, release his hold on the older man. They shuffled their way to the bed and Simon coaxed Jimmy into lying down, he had to snag grabby hands from his shirt twice before he could move away. “I’ll be right back, Baby.”
Simon returned from the bathroom with a bowl of warm lightly scented water and a washcloth. He cleaned Jimmy up, gently washing his stomach and between his legs where some of Simon’s release had leaked out. The older man gave himself a cursory wipe and sat the cloth and basin on the floor just under the bed to be taken care of later. He made quick work of undressing, impatient to join his Baby.
He climbed in and his head barely touched the pillow before Jimmy was wrapped around him again. Simon just settled the younger man more comfortably against him and sighed contentedly. Soon the pair were sound asleep.
Nearly two hours later a car pulled into the drive and a young man exited. Noticing that none of the inside lights were on despite it being dark out the man moved quietly not wanting to disturb the no doubt sleeping pair.
He slowly let his backpack drop to the floor and toed off his shoes. He hung his coat on a hook by the door and ever so gently set his keys into the basket below. Stepping lightly the curly haired man made his way to the back bedroom. He paused in the doorway entranced by the sight of the two men sleeping snuggled together.
They were a play in light and dark. Both men tall, broad, and sleek skinned but one pale as cream and the other a rich coffee. A part of his mind swore that if they curled into a ball they’d make a perfect yin-yang symbol.
Smiling at the thought he started shedding his layers, dropping them beside the door. Nude the man made his way to the bed. He stood at the foot gazing down at the pair. Jim’s ass had fading marks from a fresh paddling. He didn’t have that kink but knew that his lovers sometimes needed the release it allowed them. That’s why he’d stayed so late at the U even though he’d wanted to rush home and make sure Jim was unharmed.
But now Blair was home and he wasn’t going to go easy on Jim, recent punishment or not. Blair kneeled on the bed, he shifted Jim’s left leg to drape farther over Simon - opening the man up to his questing fingers. Blair slid a finger into Jim’s entrance, making sure that his lover was slick. Jim made a soft keening sound and snuggled closer to Simon but did not wake.
Blair pushed on Jim’s hip, coaxing the man to lie more fully on top of their dark love. When he had Jim just where he wanted him Blair moved over the sleeping pair. He positioned him self and with one quick thrust buried his cock inside Jim.
His sudden entrance finally woke the Sentinel and he tensed before recognizing Blair’s scent. “Oh, God. Blair.” Jim shuddered as his lover’s cock drug over his prostate. Blair’s pace was almost brutal, his thrusts quick and deep.
Simon blinked his eyes, thinking for a moment that he was still dreaming but the sound of Jim’s ragged moan assured him he was not. Blair was thrusting frantically inside Jim, all the while keeping up a stream of babble. Half formed sentences telling them how much he loved them, how worried he was, his joy at seeing them safe.
Simon reached up and cupped his hand over Blair’s cheek. Blair’s unfocused gaze turned to him and Simon leaned up awkwardly kissing the curly haired man over the writhing Jim. He lay back drinking in the sight of his lovers mating. His hands roaming over both pale bodies, it was at moments like this that Simon could not believe his great fortune.
He could see that Blair was close, his arms shaking from the strain. His youngest lover kissed along Jim’s shoulder and bit the older man’s neck, his mark exactly mirroring the location of Simon’s.
Blair let himself drop on to Jim’s back, knowing that Simon could hold their weight, at least for the moment. Jim groaned and started to reach for his leaking erection, intent on finishing himself off. Blair grabbed his wrist, “No.” He gently slid apart from Jim and moved to lie to one side of Simon. He looked at the Sentinel over the dark chest. “Not until morning.” Jim bit his lip but nodded his ascent.
This was Blair’s punishment for him. In the morning he would be forgiven and no more would be said about the incident. Jim settled against Simon and twined his fingers with Blair’s on the older man’s chest. He smiled to him self; his lover’s always knew just how to take care of him.
Writen for LadyTygerEyes as a get well fic.

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